Cars & Movies » Can anybody identify this movie???
Can anybody identify this movie???
Published 16/01/2006 @ 20:40:30, By DIEHARD
There is a Ford Taunus and a Citroën GSA in it and it is probally Danish.....
Latest Edition: 16/01/2006 @ 20:49:38
Latest Edition: 16/01/2006 @ 20:49:38
Can anybody identify this movie???
Published 27/01/2006 @ 02:11:45, By user-.html
I always wonder why in movies the attacked driver never slams the brakes and thus gets behind the attacking car...
Can anybody identify this movie???
Published 31/10/2006 @ 16:23:39, By DIEHARD
Still nobody to identify this?

Can anybody identify this movie???
Published 21/11/2006 @ 00:40:57, By BigMatt
Hi all cars fans
my very 1st post and a very vague question... the film must be 70's/80's i remeber my dad recording it for me 17years ago+. loads of cars (sorry i cant remeber any models) the things that stick in my mind are as follows.. theres a yellow (sports car) that drives along a desert road with some famous classic type music in background gettting faster n faster to the music and then blows up!? i think towards the end theres a bit where a 'good and a bad guy' are chasing, on of them (green car) somehow gets his keys or something trapped under the brake pedal & of cause crashes (maybe even falls?) Sorry for the lack of memories only its really, really bugging me. any help or knowledge would be appreciated in tracking this film down! ty Matt
my very 1st post and a very vague question... the film must be 70's/80's i remeber my dad recording it for me 17years ago+. loads of cars (sorry i cant remeber any models) the things that stick in my mind are as follows.. theres a yellow (sports car) that drives along a desert road with some famous classic type music in background gettting faster n faster to the music and then blows up!? i think towards the end theres a bit where a 'good and a bad guy' are chasing, on of them (green car) somehow gets his keys or something trapped under the brake pedal & of cause crashes (maybe even falls?) Sorry for the lack of memories only its really, really bugging me. any help or knowledge would be appreciated in tracking this film down! ty Matt
Can anybody identify this movie???
Published 22/11/2006 @ 02:32:29, By stronghold
...theres a yellow (sports car) that drives along a desert road with some famous classic type music in background gettting faster n faster to the music and then blows up!?
this sounds like the De Tomaso scene in:-
(Not set on a desert road though?)
Also the end scene features the 'Green' Ford Mustang Vs. the 'black' Dodge Charger (sounds like your 'good vs. bad' memory!)
Latest Edition: 22/11/2006 @ 02:34:53
Can anybody identify this movie???
Published 22/11/2006 @ 09:20:16, By BigMatt
This has to be it ! Thanks very much for your time, i bet the films a load of Pap now, childhood memories eh !!