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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 15/08/2007 @ 17:37:18, By badlymad
Besides his love of Tempos, another thing Explorer4x4 can be noted for was his great support for putting 'adult' films on the site.

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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 15/08/2007 @ 20:11:14, By dmoss his passion for that crappy old car is a bit understandable

In that way I picture him as being somewhat like Arnie Cunningham, the main human character from "Christine" (1983)
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 15/08/2007 @ 23:38:28, By Neptune
Besides his love of Tempos, another thing Explorer4x4 can be noted for was his great support for putting 'adult' films on the site.

He was and still is way too young to be watching those types of movies. That’s partially what is wrong with this world today, everyone is so obsessed with sex. :ohwell:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 15/08/2007 @ 23:48:18, By antp
What's funny is that few months before he was shocked by pictures showing boobs :grin:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 16/08/2007 @ 02:02:05, By G-MANN

He was and still is way too young to be watching those types of movies. That’s partially what is wrong with this world today, everyone is so obsessed with sex. :ohwell:

Oh come on, he's exactly the right age to be getting interested in that kind of stuff (well really most people seem to start getting interested at about 11 or 12, or younger), except his parents probably wouldn't allow to him to watch porn. :lol: There's nothing wrong with 14-year-olds being obsessed with sex, it's perfectly natural, raging hormones and all.

At first I thought those racy pictures on certain parts of this site offended his "values", but yes, he soon seemed to change his mind. :ddr555: I remember one time sixcyl posted some pictures some other people didn't agree with, everyone else was like "take them down!" and he was like "no, keep them!"

Latest Edition: 16/08/2007 @ 02:45:04
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 16/08/2007 @ 02:46:20, By G-MANN

In that way I picture him as being somewhat like Arnie Cunningham, the main human character from "Christine" (1983)

I'll have to watch that film.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 16/08/2007 @ 03:27:21, By dmoss
What's funny is that few months before he was shocked by pictures showing boobs :grin:

While we're on the subject, are there any guidelines for what type of images are not to be posted in the comments sections, or is it pretty much 'anything goes'? I am not personally offended by boobs hanging out :kneu_court: or a guy with his face cut off :slash: or a bunch of silly stuffed trolls or whatever :chatimg1: it just seems that these are not really relevant. Am I wrong to have the opinion that the pictures posted should in some way have something to do with the cars in the movie?

Latest Edition: 16/08/2007 @ 03:31:47
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 16/08/2007 @ 03:49:31, By MBSL65fan
everyone is so obsessed with sex. :ohwell:

Hey, no man can help it. :ddr555:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 16/08/2007 @ 10:28:56, By antp
Am I wrong to have the opinion that the pictures posted should in some way have something to do with the cars in the movie?

Big discussion actually. Like always, it is ok while there is no excess. Having some pictures about other movie contents than the cars is not bad, as discussions about the movie itself are welcome. Sometimes having actors (actresses :whistle: ) pictures is nice. If someone starts to put pictures of all actors, it is too much. But where should we put the limit? But that's another debate. Currently there are discussions between admins (partially about that), when that will be finished we'll see with the other members what they think too.

Latest Edition: 16/08/2007 @ 10:30:12
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 17/08/2007 @ 06:59:03, By badlymad
A comment from Explorer4X4 on IGCD, in response to G-MANN's question about his banning:

Annoyed and, as of late, angry. I saw that topic made (four pages long) on the IMCDb Forums, and you would have thought I was a murderer who had killed a dozen people. I know I deserved getting banned, but I do think that the way people seem to think I was Satan incarnate is a bit much.

Latest Edition: 17/08/2007 @ 07:00:43
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 17/08/2007 @ 21:28:14, By G-MANN
At least he realises that he deserved to be banned. The thing is now he probably doesn't want to come back after what we've just said about him. Maybe if he'd sincerely apologized and promised to behave better he might have been allowed back (although that would have been completely up to antp), but instead he just tried to sneak back in a none-too-subtle way. At least for him he is still free to look at the pictures on this site, but he no longer has a voice here. Someone else will have to provide information about the Tempos. Aside from the teasing he received (which he totally brought upon himself), hopefully he will learn something from his time as a member here and maybe it'll help him grow up a bit. He's only 14, he's got a LOT of growing up to do, but he will.

Latest Edition: 17/08/2007 @ 21:41:12
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 17/08/2007 @ 21:51:08, By MBSL65fan
Also, after how many times he has been banned, he now knows he has to stop.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 18/08/2007 @ 00:22:36, By crossroads
This is concerning the comments made earlier about RockerBJ and Explorer 4x4 both getting banned from the site and both being teenagers from America. I myself am a 16 year old who lives in America, I'm nowhere near as bad as those other two am I?
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 18/08/2007 @ 02:03:19, By wickey
nope, you are not :wink:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 18/08/2007 @ 19:37:30, By MBSL65fan
I'm nowhere near as bad as those other two am I?

I don't think you are. :wink:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 18/08/2007 @ 20:51:51, By dmoss
A comment from Explorer4X4 on IGCD, in response to G-MANN's question about his banning:

In all fairness, all of the messages in the 4 pages of this thread have not been entirely just about him. There have been several non-Explorer4X4 offshoots, and I don't recall anyone comparing him to the devil. Maybe I shouldn't have opened this can of worms.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 18/08/2007 @ 21:25:11, By crossroads
K thanks!!
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 28/09/2007 @ 23:45:54, By G-MANN
If anyone ever feels like looking back at some of his comments, go to his profile page here: d18f5c1125

Since he's been banned, you can't click on his name to see his profile page which leads to the list of all his comments.

Now that he's gone and he's no longer a pain that we have to live with, some of his comments are quite hilarious to read. I'm suprised he made so many comments, over 50 pages worth. I joined this site about the same time as him, and I have 75 pages of comments, but then I've made pictures for well over 100 films on this site, he only did 4. And it's been six months since he was banned, I've probably posted a lot more comments in that time.

Latest Edition: 28/09/2007 @ 23:48:35
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 29/09/2007 @ 00:29:53, By MBSL65fan
Right now, if my profile wasn't deleated in July I would have about 21 pages.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 29/09/2007 @ 16:57:04, By crazyforcars12
look at his profile, he really had a grudge against asian people.

"I have a deep, true and very powerful hatred of Asia (Japan and Korea mainly), Asian people (borderline racism) and most of all, Toyota. I dislike Hyundai, Kia, Honda and Nissan, but I tolerate them as every day pests. But Toyota, f*cking hell, they take the cake"

Latest Edition: 17/11/2007 @ 17:01:33
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 12/10/2007 @ 01:07:45, By MBSL65fan
Now if Explorer4x4 comes back, this article should be deleated.
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