Misc » Poll: Car Magazines
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 07/08/2007 @ 10:38:56, By MBSL65fan
I only know of four magazines. I do not pay a lot of attention to other ones, but I subscribe to MOTOR TREND and Automobile. Also I'm sorry if none of the european magazines are in this poll, but you can name some. My favorite is MOTOR TREND.

Poll: Car Magazines
Published 07/08/2007 @ 11:35:41, By Raul1983
Of American car magazines my favorite is Car and Driver. European magazines I read are: Auto, Motor und Sport, Quattroruote, Tekniikan Maailma, Tuulilasi, Moottori, AutoBild and Gente Motori.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 07/08/2007 @ 16:03:27, By wrenchhead
The only auto magazine I read regularly is "Auto Restorer". Its a nuts and bolts mag without advertising and other fluff.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 07/08/2007 @ 16:40:35, By antp
The only one that I read from times to times is "Le moniteur de l'automobile" (most known/serious one in Belgium I think) when my father buys it.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 08/08/2007 @ 00:11:10, By Neptune
I am subscribed to Four Wheeler Magazine. Naturally, I like the magazine because I go Off-Road on a regular basis. They have everything under the sun for Off-Road enthusiasts. Their lasted issue includes the article 10 Best Buys In Four-Wheel Drives and they include the Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, Hummer H2, Nissan Xterra with the Off-Road package, and various others. They also offer tip and tricks for the avid Off-Roader and I have found that some of there advice has come in handy.
Here is a link to Four Wheeler Magazine’s site:
Latest Edition: 21/12/2007 @ 00:52:33

Here is a link to Four Wheeler Magazine’s site:
Latest Edition: 21/12/2007 @ 00:52:33
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 08/08/2007 @ 02:08:36, By MBSL65fan
My step father subscribes to "OFF ROAD ADVENTURES". I've read them but I'm not a big truck fan. btw enjoy your camping trip. Bring back some pictures.

Poll: Car Magazines
Published 16/08/2007 @ 04:25:15, By qwerty_86
I prefer Car & Driver and Motor Trend. Sometimes Popular Mechanics have good car articles.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 17/08/2007 @ 03:07:42, By 97fordf1
i like car and driver ocasionaly but i read "hemings muscle machines" religously
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 17/08/2007 @ 06:56:09, By badlymad
I am partial to Car, the British auto magazine which always has great photos and stories about the exotic brands. I also like Intersection, which focuses on car culture.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 18/08/2007 @ 00:14:03, By Meat Loaf
I am not subscribed to any of them, but when I go to Stop & Shop or some gas station, I check out the car section and grab one that sounds interesting. I mostly have Motor Trend issues, so I voted for them.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 17/12/2007 @ 00:20:37, By Buc84
Hot Rod,Car Craft,Cars & Parts,Hemmings,Muscle Car Review & one more I forget the name of right now...but it's older 'collectible' cars,too?? (Left out "Journey with Olds",which the Oldsmobile Club of America magazine...."members only")
Latest Edition: 17/12/2007 @ 00:24:43
Latest Edition: 17/12/2007 @ 00:24:43
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 17/12/2007 @ 00:27:02, By CarChasesFanatic
I am subscribed to a magazine called Tráfico (Traffic) which talks about that, the traffic, the deaths, the new safety sistems, the alcohol well you know every thing that goes arround driving and its risks etc, but when i want to read about cars i buy a Spanish magazine called MArca Motor, its the one i prefere the most since every page talks about something motro-related, unlike others that has pages and pages full of boring car information but in the sense of second hand car dealierships etc.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 17/12/2007 @ 08:22:09, By bravada
Is it me, or is this pool quite "globally insensitive"?
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 17/12/2007 @ 09:59:58, By CrazyCars
Each month i get Top Gear Magazine
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 17/12/2007 @ 11:22:16, By 58_Roadmaster
Hemmings Classic Car
Collectible Automobile
Motor Trend Classic (sensing a theme here?)
also the Buick Bugle for Buick Club of America members
Collectible Automobile
Motor Trend Classic (sensing a theme here?)
also the Buick Bugle for Buick Club of America members
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 17/12/2007 @ 11:24:41, By 58_Roadmaster
I am subscribed to a magazine called Tráfico (Traffic) which talks about that
Sounds very interesting CCF! If only I could read Spanish! I would like a career in transportation planning and development.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 17/12/2007 @ 14:31:53, By walter.
I really like Auto Oggi, Al Volante, Cambio (italian-only magazines), Auto Motor und Sport and Evo. But my favourite is Audi Magazine (

Poll: Car Magazines
Published 18/12/2007 @ 09:46:16, By 02Silverado4x4
Motor Trend all the way.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 20/12/2007 @ 15:56:52, By ahight
I only would subscribe to any of the above if I got the mailer for cheap subscriptions. I used to subscribe to EuroTuner but got bored with it. Now the only magazine I get is HouseBeautiful and Architectural Digest which were free from the MyCokeRewards site.
Poll: Car Magazines
Published 20/12/2007 @ 19:13:18, By CarChasesFanatic
Sounds very interesting CCF! If only I could read Spanish! I would like a career in transportation planning and development.
Hehe, its quite interesting actually this magazine.