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Post pictures of your rides
Published 01/03/2008 @ 14:07:25, By antp
Indeed... why did I said that
They had the C2 in 3-door only and C3 in 5-door only, then the C3 pluriel, already enough models I guess.
Other models (Saxo, or the few Peugeot/Renault equivalents) usually existed in both 3-door and 5-door.

Other models (Saxo, or the few Peugeot/Renault equivalents) usually existed in both 3-door and 5-door.
Post pictures of your rides
Published 01/03/2008 @ 16:13:38, By CarChasesFanatic
Yes you got confused then hehe

Post pictures of your rides
Published 01/03/2008 @ 22:59:41, By ingo
I'm still unable to mount the pic over here, but thnks to Antoine, one is possible:
Post pictures of your rides
Published 11/03/2008 @ 15:06:04, By ahight
ahight will like the VW Bug and Bus ...
I like the Accord with pop-up head lamps ...
I never get tired of those.
I like the Accord with pop-up head lamps ...

I finally ordered parts to fix my bus. Hopefully after replacing a bunch of things mine will be on the road again!!!

My mom had that same year Accord. She was sitting at a light with my nephew in a car seat and then all of a sudden flames shot out from under the hood. She still bought another Accord after that.
Latest Edition: 11/03/2008 @ 15:10:40
Post pictures of your rides
Published 03/04/2008 @ 00:33:31, By ja9ae
Daily driver Renault Clio III, but I don't have an actual pic so stock image:
Not so daily driver, Westfield SEiW (currently a bit ill)
And newest arrival, DT125RSM on which I can be seen 50-pence-ing it around the lanes of rural England.

Not so daily driver, Westfield SEiW (currently a bit ill)

And newest arrival, DT125RSM on which I can be seen 50-pence-ing it around the lanes of rural England.

Post pictures of your rides
Published 26/06/2008 @ 05:15:44, By 440 mopar
I have a '67 Chrysler Newport Custom, '73 Chrysler New Yorker, 80 Dodge Mirada and a '82 Olds Ninety-Eight.
The '67 is really my dad's car but we both work on it and shared the cost of restoring it. It's a 4 door hardtop with a 440 in it. It was originally pale yellow with a black top and a 383. We bought it was the 440 already in it (383 MIA) and a crappy green paintjob so we painted a gold color. It still needs some work but looks OK as is, might be getting painted again this summer and some interior work.
The '73 I bought last fall, the body is in great shape with no rust only problem is there is no engine/trans in it. The guy I bought it from owns 7 other '64-'68 Chryslers and pulled it as a spare. The car came with a 440 and I'm still trying to find one, may have to go with a 383 if I can't find one. I took these pics the day I bought it, the missing letters and hubcaps were in the trunk so it looks a little better than this now.
The 80 Mirada I've had for a few years, it was originally white a slant six, but I built a mild (330hp or so) 360 and 727 for it. Also has 8 3/4 rear end from a '68 Satellite with 3.91 gears and possibly a 4 speed swap in the near future.
And finally the Olds is has been my daily driver for the last few years (including winters) so that has taken it's toll on her, it looks great from 20 feet away but get up close and you can see the rusties, plus the frame is getting soft in the rear. When I'm finished doing the front end rebuild on my Mirada, that will be the driver again and the olds will be put out of service unfortunately. I love the car but it needs a lot of work, a local guy is restoring a green '83 Ninety-Eight and he is going to buy it for parts I think.
The '67 is really my dad's car but we both work on it and shared the cost of restoring it. It's a 4 door hardtop with a 440 in it. It was originally pale yellow with a black top and a 383. We bought it was the 440 already in it (383 MIA) and a crappy green paintjob so we painted a gold color. It still needs some work but looks OK as is, might be getting painted again this summer and some interior work.

The '73 I bought last fall, the body is in great shape with no rust only problem is there is no engine/trans in it. The guy I bought it from owns 7 other '64-'68 Chryslers and pulled it as a spare. The car came with a 440 and I'm still trying to find one, may have to go with a 383 if I can't find one. I took these pics the day I bought it, the missing letters and hubcaps were in the trunk so it looks a little better than this now.

The 80 Mirada I've had for a few years, it was originally white a slant six, but I built a mild (330hp or so) 360 and 727 for it. Also has 8 3/4 rear end from a '68 Satellite with 3.91 gears and possibly a 4 speed swap in the near future.

And finally the Olds is has been my daily driver for the last few years (including winters) so that has taken it's toll on her, it looks great from 20 feet away but get up close and you can see the rusties, plus the frame is getting soft in the rear. When I'm finished doing the front end rebuild on my Mirada, that will be the driver again and the olds will be put out of service unfortunately. I love the car but it needs a lot of work, a local guy is restoring a green '83 Ninety-Eight and he is going to buy it for parts I think.

Post pictures of your rides
Published 26/06/2008 @ 10:17:05, By taxiguy
Oh, so you currently own all of them! Wasn't expecting that, I thought you just owned one at a time in the past
How lucky of you, I hope to someday have a similar collection, it's lovely
The Chryslers are simply wonderful
I just love the '73 New Yorker's "fusalage" styling, it's so sleek
Too bad it doesn't have an engine, though
But it's still nice to look at
That's interesting with what you've done with the Mirada there, never thought that was the kind of car someone would mod like that, but it's pretty sharp
Sad about the Olds, I can imagine it's a wonderful car to ride in, so smooth with comfy plush seats. A nice cruiser. Too bad it's gonna be stripped for parts
Latest Edition: 26/06/2008 @ 10:17:38

How lucky of you, I hope to someday have a similar collection, it's lovely

The Chryslers are simply wonderful

I just love the '73 New Yorker's "fusalage" styling, it's so sleek

But it's still nice to look at

That's interesting with what you've done with the Mirada there, never thought that was the kind of car someone would mod like that, but it's pretty sharp

Sad about the Olds, I can imagine it's a wonderful car to ride in, so smooth with comfy plush seats. A nice cruiser. Too bad it's gonna be stripped for parts

Latest Edition: 26/06/2008 @ 10:17:38
Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 12:34:52, By CarChasesFanatic
How can anyone have so many cars?! are they cheap to keep in the States or what? in every american family there always seem to be more than a car per family, it definetly has to be much less expensive than in Europe!
Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 17:09:32, By Germaneon
Sure, compare the prices in the U.S. market with the prices in Germany (Spain resp.) and you immediately feel heartache!
P.S.: Gallery of my current cars
Latest Edition: 27/06/2008 @ 17:10:56
P.S.: Gallery of my current cars
Latest Edition: 27/06/2008 @ 17:10:56
Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 20:37:34, By taxiguy
How can anyone have so many cars?! are they cheap to keep in the States or what? in every american family there always seem to be more than a car per family, it definetly has to be much less expensive than in Europe!
Did you say "a" car per family, as in one?

My family has seven cars by the way (in case you don't already know)

Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 20:48:25, By CarChasesFanatic
How that would work? very easy, just as it does, i see its never been the case there but here you may find two cars at most for the average type of family... its quite expensive to buy a car and then to keep it, you know inurance and all that..., ill talk for Spain in this case but trust me that unless in a family both the father and the mother work so they need obviously two differents cars youll only see one per family, well there can be cases in where family with money can get two cars, one for long travels and another one as a daily driver ok, but honestly, two is the average nunmber in here, well, i wont count when you have other cars as hobbies, my aunt and uncle have four in total, but two of them are classics while the other two are one each.
And yes i do know you have seven cars how can i not by now?
yet seven are too many, specially in your case in where most of them are on bad shape and two of them wont work
Latest Edition: 27/06/2008 @ 20:49:11
And yes i do know you have seven cars how can i not by now?

Latest Edition: 27/06/2008 @ 20:49:11
Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 21:25:52, By taxiguy
Yes, well we finally have the Beetle running again (I actually drove it a little, but of course it's a stick so I was kind of bad
And, we are currently looking at a 1982 Corolla Station Wagon and a 1991 Camry Sedan that we might buy to replace either my mom's '92 Corolla or my dad's crappy old '86 Camry. The good part is they're both automatics so my brother and I can drive them. We currently have only two automatics (the nice '88 Camry and the crappy '92 Corolla) but my brother and I both hate the Corolla so we fight over who gets the Camry, so we definitely need more automatics.
Also, the only two cars that can go on the highway now are the Honda and the Corolla. But even if you go over about 73 mph with the Corolla the car shakes very badly because the tires are out of alignment, plus it's hard to handle because it has a bad rear suspension.
So really the Honda's the only one that can go on the highway nicely, except it's a stick so I can't drive it
The '88 Camry is a really nice car except you can't go on the highway because you shouldn't go above 60 mph since something in transmission is loose and it shakes very badly and will eventually shake itself apart and the transmission will be toast
But my dad might be getting a new trans for it since it really is a nice car and is worth fixing, unlike some of our other junk heaps

And, we are currently looking at a 1982 Corolla Station Wagon and a 1991 Camry Sedan that we might buy to replace either my mom's '92 Corolla or my dad's crappy old '86 Camry. The good part is they're both automatics so my brother and I can drive them. We currently have only two automatics (the nice '88 Camry and the crappy '92 Corolla) but my brother and I both hate the Corolla so we fight over who gets the Camry, so we definitely need more automatics.
Also, the only two cars that can go on the highway now are the Honda and the Corolla. But even if you go over about 73 mph with the Corolla the car shakes very badly because the tires are out of alignment, plus it's hard to handle because it has a bad rear suspension.
So really the Honda's the only one that can go on the highway nicely, except it's a stick so I can't drive it

The '88 Camry is a really nice car except you can't go on the highway because you shouldn't go above 60 mph since something in transmission is loose and it shakes very badly and will eventually shake itself apart and the transmission will be toast

But my dad might be getting a new trans for it since it really is a nice car and is worth fixing, unlike some of our other junk heaps

Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 21:31:15, By CarChasesFanatic
Nice to know, out of seven is odd to see so many manuals in an american family, how old is your brother if you let me ask you? he jsut got the license like you?
Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 21:49:19, By taxiguy
He's 17, and he has his full license now, although he's been driving for the last two years or so on his permit and then on his restricted license. I'm still on my permit though since I started driving only a month ago.
On a seperate note, I also hope to either enherit or buy my grandpa's 1993 Taurus or more likely, my grandma's 1992 Crown Victoria. The latter I will maybe paint yellow and start a taxi business with
On a seperate note, I also hope to either enherit or buy my grandpa's 1993 Taurus or more likely, my grandma's 1992 Crown Victoria. The latter I will maybe paint yellow and start a taxi business with

Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 21:59:27, By CarChasesFanatic
How does the Crown Vic drives? is it nice?

Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 22:43:02, By taxiguy
I have yet to drive it, actually.
It's kind of a sad story about that car's current state:
In the last few years, my Grandma's mental health has been going downhill. My family finally decided she was no longer fit to drive a year or two ago. However she has been reluctant to give up as she is a stubborn person, so we had to take away the keys.
So, now that my grandma's not driving, my aunt drives her wherever she needs to go. At first my aunt would use the Crown Victoria to take her places. But then she stopped and just started taking my grandma in her own car, a 1992 Geo Prism. The Crown Victoria was left sitting, and has not seen use in a few months, maybe even a year. It has been idle so long the battery has gone dead. It has just been sitting in the garage , gathering dust and cat footprints (there are a lot of cats living there).
I felt bad about this, I did not want to see the car deteriorate, as it is a great car. So I asked my dad if we could go fix it up and if I could drive it. He said yes, but we had to wait until my grandma was out of the house.
Fortunately, she is going on a vaction to visit relatives in California in a few weeks. So my dad and I plan on going out and getting a new battery for it and getting it washed up, then I can take it for a drive
I will take pictures and post them when I go out there to fix it up
she really quite a fine looking car.
About the car, as I said it is a 1992 model, but even better it is "Touring Sedan" trim, which is very rare since it was only sold for the 1992 model year. It features leather seats, and an enhanced suspension for better handling. It's exterior color is redish-magenta and it's interior is creme colored. Plus it has a mere 66,000 miles on it! A great car indeed
It's kind of a sad story about that car's current state:
In the last few years, my Grandma's mental health has been going downhill. My family finally decided she was no longer fit to drive a year or two ago. However she has been reluctant to give up as she is a stubborn person, so we had to take away the keys.
So, now that my grandma's not driving, my aunt drives her wherever she needs to go. At first my aunt would use the Crown Victoria to take her places. But then she stopped and just started taking my grandma in her own car, a 1992 Geo Prism. The Crown Victoria was left sitting, and has not seen use in a few months, maybe even a year. It has been idle so long the battery has gone dead. It has just been sitting in the garage , gathering dust and cat footprints (there are a lot of cats living there).

I felt bad about this, I did not want to see the car deteriorate, as it is a great car. So I asked my dad if we could go fix it up and if I could drive it. He said yes, but we had to wait until my grandma was out of the house.
Fortunately, she is going on a vaction to visit relatives in California in a few weeks. So my dad and I plan on going out and getting a new battery for it and getting it washed up, then I can take it for a drive

I will take pictures and post them when I go out there to fix it up

About the car, as I said it is a 1992 model, but even better it is "Touring Sedan" trim, which is very rare since it was only sold for the 1992 model year. It features leather seats, and an enhanced suspension for better handling. It's exterior color is redish-magenta and it's interior is creme colored. Plus it has a mere 66,000 miles on it! A great car indeed

Post pictures of your rides
Published 27/06/2008 @ 22:48:54, By CarChasesFanatic
sure dont hesitate about the pictures, ill love to see it

Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 05:22:01, By taxiguy
It looks exactly like this one, just to give you some reference (I think it might have different wheels though)
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 09:54:59, By ingo
@CCF: you are living in a big town, so I guess, that you have problems with parking-space -especially to get an own garage- but if you are living outside of town-centers, you mostly will have more space. The biggest problem, if you want to own more cas, is the space.
If the cars aren't in traffic, you don't have running costs for them, except you have rented a garage. But let the cars standing outside, is not good. Sooner or later will be rotten. To bring cars back in traffic after a longer time standing around, costs also money and work.
Where I'm living now, in a dead-end-street on the outside of a bigger village, the amount of cars of the neighbours is a problem, too. There is nearly noone with just one car. One car for the man, one for the wife, then often the man got a company-car, then some owns hobby-cars or motorbikes. The bigger chldren have scooters or own cars - quite easy your own ground is full, so you have to park cars on the street. But the street is very narrow, because it shall be a quiet living-area.
On the countryside the public traffic is a problem (often it doens't really exist), so every family-member needs a car for daily driving.
The houses here are quite big, but not their grounds - in a better area the prices for ground are high.
@CCF: if you want to own more cars, you have to leave Madrid and buy for a bit money an old Finca or Hacienda in the Estremadura or the Sierra Morena.
I don't know much about Spanish prices, but I think, an old Finca on the far countryside will be much cheaper than a cool loft or modern apartment in Madrid.
Latest Edition: 28/06/2008 @ 09:58:49
If the cars aren't in traffic, you don't have running costs for them, except you have rented a garage. But let the cars standing outside, is not good. Sooner or later will be rotten. To bring cars back in traffic after a longer time standing around, costs also money and work.
Where I'm living now, in a dead-end-street on the outside of a bigger village, the amount of cars of the neighbours is a problem, too. There is nearly noone with just one car. One car for the man, one for the wife, then often the man got a company-car, then some owns hobby-cars or motorbikes. The bigger chldren have scooters or own cars - quite easy your own ground is full, so you have to park cars on the street. But the street is very narrow, because it shall be a quiet living-area.
On the countryside the public traffic is a problem (often it doens't really exist), so every family-member needs a car for daily driving.
The houses here are quite big, but not their grounds - in a better area the prices for ground are high.
@CCF: if you want to own more cars, you have to leave Madrid and buy for a bit money an old Finca or Hacienda in the Estremadura or the Sierra Morena.
I don't know much about Spanish prices, but I think, an old Finca on the far countryside will be much cheaper than a cool loft or modern apartment in Madrid.
Latest Edition: 28/06/2008 @ 09:58:49
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 10:09:31, By ingo
O.k, it's not neccessary to act like my luxemburgish freind Joseph. He owns 49 VW K 70, 23 Range Rover and more than a dozen of Eicher-tractors. He has no wife.
But car-fanatism can cause big problems.
I'd known a guy, who always must have old VW's and Audi's, as many as possible (several of them were standing outside later and were rotten to junk, but this is annother story).
He has spend all his money for cars and garage-rents, that nothing was left to buy food! Also his phone was cutted by the Telekom, because he didn't pay it.
But car-fanatism can cause big problems.
I'd known a guy, who always must have old VW's and Audi's, as many as possible (several of them were standing outside later and were rotten to junk, but this is annother story).
He has spend all his money for cars and garage-rents, that nothing was left to buy food! Also his phone was cutted by the Telekom, because he didn't pay it.
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 14:46:26, By ecclefechan
The only car I own and also the only car I have ever owned. Yes, the model number on the badge is fake (I did it as a joke) and some may find some of the body modifications a little tacky, but I like it and it's done me very well. It's fine for a not so rich 23 year old like myself!
Latest Edition: 28/06/2008 @ 14:56:11

Latest Edition: 28/06/2008 @ 14:56:11