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Post pictures of your rides
Published 02/08/2008 @ 04:49:10, By 02Silverado4x4
Post pictures of your rides
Published 03/08/2008 @ 06:05:24, By MBSL65fan
Do you still have the Tempo?
Post pictures of your rides
Published 03/08/2008 @ 10:36:11, By 02Silverado4x4
Yes, but this is my current "daily driver" until next summer.
Post pictures of your rides
Published 03/08/2008 @ 16:44:16, By 93_Montero
Nice truck, I really like that blue. I didn't know you lived in Alaska! I've been up there to Anchorage, Juneau, and Ketchikan. I saw glaciers and salmon swimming upstream, it's a truly beautiful state.
Post pictures of your rides
Published 03/08/2008 @ 21:02:20, By 02Silverado4x4
Nice truck, I really like that blue. I didn't know you lived in Alaska! I've been up there to Anchorage, Juneau, and Ketchikan. I saw glaciers and salmon swimming upstream, it's a truly beautiful state.
Yeah, at first I wasn't really a fan of the 'Quasar Blue'. But it certainly has grown on me. All in all its a very, very good truck. I kind of wish it had a smaller engine at times (when I have to fill it up), but can't have everything.
I moved to Alaska last September. Easily the best move my family has ever made. We live on the Kenai Peninsula, in a small fishing community called Nikiski. From our door to the Anchorage city limits its about a three to four hour drive (depending who is driving, and what you are driving, haha). I've never been up to Juneau yet. I do see plenty of salmon though! What with commercial fishing (one of the many reasons I need a pickup truck as opposed to the old Tempo) every Monday and Thursday, 5AM to 10PM.
When did you visit AK?
Latest Edition: 03/08/2008 @ 21:02:56
Post pictures of your rides
Published 03/08/2008 @ 21:30:52, By 93_Montero
I went there about seven years ago, part of my family and I flew into Anchorage and took a cruise down the coast all the way to Vancouver. The ship would stop several times and we could visit the smaller towns along the coast. I remember the ice from the glacier falling off and hitting the water (it resembled the sound of thunder).
I like the fact that your license plate is yellow. I've had a really nice environment plate for awhile now that is a perfect shade of light blue. It works wonders next to the dark gray and black of the rest of my Montero.
I like the fact that your license plate is yellow. I've had a really nice environment plate for awhile now that is a perfect shade of light blue. It works wonders next to the dark gray and black of the rest of my Montero.
Post pictures of your rides
Published 04/08/2008 @ 03:26:19, By 02Silverado4x4
Haha, you are lucky to have seen that. I live in the state and have yet to see the glaciers. Al Gore would have you believe those glaciers will one day be completely gone. Contrary to his global warming theories, Alaska has experienced record cold temperatures last winter in addition to record snow falls the previous. Nearly everyone I've talked to has also said this is the coldest summer they can remember; its only hit 70*F three times thus far.
Those yellow plates are the old school pre-2000's AK plates. My old Tempo has them as well. Personally, I'm not a fan. They look good on my truck but they don't compliment the Tempo's Graphite Gray coat. The current AK plates are a yellow, white, and blue coloring with the silhouette of a mountain range along the middle. Here is a picture of my mom's 2002 Silverado with the 2000's plates.
Latest Edition: 04/08/2008 @ 03:27:04
Those yellow plates are the old school pre-2000's AK plates. My old Tempo has them as well. Personally, I'm not a fan. They look good on my truck but they don't compliment the Tempo's Graphite Gray coat. The current AK plates are a yellow, white, and blue coloring with the silhouette of a mountain range along the middle. Here is a picture of my mom's 2002 Silverado with the 2000's plates.

Latest Edition: 04/08/2008 @ 03:27:04
Post pictures of your rides
Published 04/08/2008 @ 07:55:00, By 58_Roadmaster
Nice truck 02Silverado4x4. I would like to see Alaska as well. It's interesting to have a topic just on all of our jobs. I would never have imagined you as a fisherman, but I also know extremely little about you, so don't feel bad
Are the new AK plates digitally printed or embossed the old way?

Are the new AK plates digitally printed or embossed the old way?
Post pictures of your rides
Published 05/08/2008 @ 21:25:12, By 02Silverado4x4
Nice truck 02Silverado4x4. I would like to see Alaska as well. It's interesting to have a topic just on all of our jobs. I would never have imagined you as a fisherman, but I also know extremely little about you, so don't feel bad
Are the new AK plates digitally printed or embossed the old way?

Are the new AK plates digitally printed or embossed the old way?
Haha, if someone had told me ten months ago when I lived in Connecticut that I would one day be a fishermen, I would have laughed. As for the plates, they are digitally printed.
Post pictures of your rides
Published 06/08/2008 @ 23:15:07, By Neptune
Latest Edition: 17/10/2010 @ 17:22:37
Latest Edition: 17/10/2010 @ 17:22:37
Post pictures of your rides
Published 07/08/2008 @ 00:18:35, By BlackIce_GTS
I'm really impressed with the interiors on Ford's new trucks and SUVs, especially comparing my uncle's new F150 with the '89 he used to have. The Expedition looks like a nice place to spend time.
I'm really impressed with the interiors on Ford's new trucks and SUVs, especially comparing my uncle's new F150 with the '89 he used to have. The Expedition looks like a nice place to spend time.
Post pictures of your rides
Published 08/08/2008 @ 00:09:59, By Neptune
Post pictures of your rides
Published 10/08/2008 @ 00:04:21, By MBSL65fan
That's your new Expedition!? Dang it's a beauty.

Post pictures of your rides
Published 10/08/2008 @ 04:58:50, By Neptune
Latest Edition: 17/10/2010 @ 17:23:39
Latest Edition: 17/10/2010 @ 17:23:39
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Published 10/08/2008 @ 05:47:35, By taxiguy
Neptune, didn't you just buy a new Expedition a couple of years ago? I really don't see the point in getting a new car that often, even if you can afford it. I mean, if the one you had was in good mechanical and physical condition (and how could it have not been? it was two years old
) then what's the point?

Post pictures of your rides
Published 10/08/2008 @ 07:48:16, By MBSL65fan
Neptune, didn't you just buy a new Expedition a couple of years ago? I really don't see the point in getting a new car that often, even if you can afford it. I mean, if the one you had was in good mechanical and physical condition (and how could it have not been? it was two years old
) then what's the point?

He's had it for only 1 year I think. Like he said he wanted better towing capacity so he probably tows a lot. Anyways Neptune, congrats on your new car.

Post pictures of your rides
Published 10/08/2008 @ 21:17:43, By Neptune
Latest Edition: 17/10/2010 @ 17:24:09
Latest Edition: 17/10/2010 @ 17:24:09
Post pictures of your rides
Published 10/08/2008 @ 21:49:11, By taxiguy
How many pounds can it tow, and how many pounds does the trailer weigh?

Post pictures of your rides
Published 11/08/2008 @ 14:23:47, By Neptune
Tow: 9,200 lbs
Trailer: 8,500 lbs
Trailer: 8,500 lbs
Post pictures of your rides
Published 11/08/2008 @ 14:57:05, By antp
Wow that's a big trailer...
In Belgium you can't even drive that with a regular licence
It is like these Class-A motorhomes which are bus-based I guess.
Latest Edition: 11/08/2008 @ 14:58:21
In Belgium you can't even drive that with a regular licence

It is like these Class-A motorhomes which are bus-based I guess.
Latest Edition: 11/08/2008 @ 14:58:21
Post pictures of your rides
Published 11/08/2008 @ 16:37:23, By ahight
I had to get new tags for it, I noticed that the new North Carolina tags all have red letters and numbers now. They use to be blue, except the "weighed" tags.
I hate the new tags. My pickup has WWF..so I can't think of my truck without thinking of wrestling. Then my wagon was WZR...so when i see my wagon i keep thinking about peeing.

I think the blue tags were so much easier to read.