Cars & Movies » interesting/funny/special cars sightings
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 30/04/2016 @ 03:30:29, By Baube
Barricade ' s early ( or late ) Halloween costume ?

Latest Edition: 30/04/2016 @ 03:32:29
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 30/04/2016 @ 22:36:10, By weasel1984
His white, winter camouflage, but had bad luck to snow this year.

interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 01/05/2016 @ 20:10:39, By CougarTim
1991-1992 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser (just under 12000 built - Save the Whales!)
1979 Pontiac Grand Prix
Nissan Skyline GT-R [R32]
Latest Edition: 01/05/2016 @ 20:12:46

1979 Pontiac Grand Prix

Nissan Skyline GT-R [R32]

Latest Edition: 01/05/2016 @ 20:12:46
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 02/05/2016 @ 01:48:23, By chicomarx
Quality dashcam shots.
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 02/05/2016 @ 11:07:13, By Gamer
Spotted yesterday:
That part of town is especially nice, there are lots of 1950s metal enamel signs on the buildings and a graffiti wall with various classic Disney characters, Popeye, Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny as well as Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble with shades. There's also a junkyard where a Turk and his son restore old cars, as it seems.
A few meters to the left of the car is a new ice cream shop named "Coney Eisland" (Coney Ice Cream Land) and next to that is a '74 VW Bus, ex-fire department unit. It even uses a US for sale sign with "MODEL/YR" and all that!
Latest Edition: 02/05/2016 @ 17:31:43

That part of town is especially nice, there are lots of 1950s metal enamel signs on the buildings and a graffiti wall with various classic Disney characters, Popeye, Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny as well as Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble with shades. There's also a junkyard where a Turk and his son restore old cars, as it seems.
A few meters to the left of the car is a new ice cream shop named "Coney Eisland" (Coney Ice Cream Land) and next to that is a '74 VW Bus, ex-fire department unit. It even uses a US for sale sign with "MODEL/YR" and all that!
Latest Edition: 02/05/2016 @ 17:31:43
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 02/05/2016 @ 17:02:45, By Sandie
Nice spot. I like those Toronados, though I always associate them with:
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 02/05/2016 @ 20:15:44, By Baube
Like the ' Save the whales ' sticker.... very appropriate to the car !

interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 02/05/2016 @ 20:26:34, By antp
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 02/05/2016 @ 20:31:57, By antp
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 02/05/2016 @ 23:56:38, By Lateef
Nice spot. I like those Toronados, though I always associate them with:
To me, it's got to be this scene:
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 03/05/2016 @ 18:39:40, By Baube
Saw this one today... now i know about the Mary Kay thing but always a funny surprise to see a pink vehicle
Latest Edition: 03/05/2016 @ 18:41:02

Latest Edition: 03/05/2016 @ 18:41:02
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 04/05/2016 @ 01:04:34, By chicomarx
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 04/05/2016 @ 08:57:55, By antp
The pic is taken on the road passing in front of the royal palace of Laeken, if I'm right
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 06/05/2016 @ 05:34:50, By eLMeR
The King spotted on [...]
So tabloids were right: Elvis Presley isn't dead

interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 07/05/2016 @ 00:59:30, By Baube
Went to my cousin's house today and not so far from him there is that VW Double Cab pick-up... Can someone help me to find the model year range ? Thanks

interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 07/05/2016 @ 04:21:39, By eLMeR
At least a 1962-67 T1 due to the flat front blinkers. It has to be confirmed by specialists, but it has what appears to be the 1967 only rear blinkers.
Nice -although "short-legged"- Doka (Doppelkabine), as they call it in VW air-cooled enthusiast groups.
Latest Edition: 07/05/2016 @ 04:29:25
Nice -although "short-legged"- Doka (Doppelkabine), as they call it in VW air-cooled enthusiast groups.
Latest Edition: 07/05/2016 @ 04:29:25
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 07/05/2016 @ 16:03:29, By Baube
Thanks eLMeR
After a little google search, looks like the wider rear window starts in 1966 but the lights were the ones that made me doubt . i'm going to consider it as 1967 for now
If i knew there was another door on the right side, i would have taken a pic of it too....
( saw it only from left side and assumed that both sides were identical )

After a little google search, looks like the wider rear window starts in 1966 but the lights were the ones that made me doubt . i'm going to consider it as 1967 for now
If i knew there was another door on the right side, i would have taken a pic of it too....

interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 08/05/2016 @ 00:22:39, By antp
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 12/05/2016 @ 21:51:12, By Baube
Just learned why you have to look at both sides of the street.... while waiting for my light to be green, i was looking to my left, hoping for a nice rare/interesting car to take a pic of.....only to see the rear of a Mercedes SLS roadster that was going in the opposite direction.... if i had looked to my right, maybe my paragraph would be a little different and accompanied by a nice SLS pic....
Latest Edition: 12/05/2016 @ 21:52:21

Latest Edition: 12/05/2016 @ 21:52:21
interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 13/05/2016 @ 12:23:40, By Exiv96
and in front of it, a car with Lithuanian plates
I also saw a vehicle with lithanian plates in Brussels last Saturday, but that happened during the Brussels Food Truck festival.
I haven't uploaded my photos yet, so here's their Facebook page :
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