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The site is gone!
Published 26/08/2008 @ 06:13:02, By taxiguy
Oh, no! IMCDb is not working! Whenever I try and go to the site it gives me some message in French that wants my email address and password?? What in the world's going on?
Is anyone else experiencing difficulties?

The site is gone!
Published 26/08/2008 @ 08:10:54, By BlackIce_GTS
Oh, no! IMCDb is not working! Whenever I try and go to the site it gives me some message in French that wants my email address and password?? What in the world's going on?
Is anyone else experiencing difficulties?

Just fine for me.
I wouldn't give my email/password, BTW.
The site is gone!
Published 26/08/2008 @ 09:44:04, By marioman3138
No, I'm fine, as I'm always logged in
EDIT: server problem is correct
Latest Edition: 26/08/2008 @ 11:56:02
EDIT: server problem is correct
Latest Edition: 26/08/2008 @ 11:56:02
The site is gone!
Published 26/08/2008 @ 11:37:54, By antp
it gives me some message in French that wants my email address and password??
It is something looking like this?
if so it is a problem on the server to which you are redirected. The company which hosts the site uses multiples servers, and you are randomly redirected to one of these. Sometimes one of the servers has a problem and then it will fail for some people and not for others. In this case, it redirects to the webmail. It should fix itself after few time.
The site is gone!
Published 26/08/2008 @ 16:00:16, By taxiguy
Yes that's exactly it. The problem is gone now, I can get to the site again.
The site is gone!
Published 28/11/2008 @ 11:32:45, By vilero
I take up again this post because I can't go to the site, I try and try but always main page isn't uploaded
And you?
Latest Edition: 28/11/2008 @ 11:36:23
And you?
Latest Edition: 28/11/2008 @ 11:36:23
The site is gone!
Published 28/11/2008 @ 12:13:03, By antp
works fine for me, must be a problem on the server to which you are redirected... so except waiting there is nothing to do I think

The site is gone!
Published 25/05/2009 @ 12:47:01, By dragonboy3000
My first time where i can't get to the site, no matter which browser, firefox nor IE. I guess ill just have to wait as antp said above.
Incidentally how long have you usually had to wait before the site starts working for you again?
Latest Edition: 25/05/2009 @ 14:20:12
Incidentally how long have you usually had to wait before the site starts working for you again?
Latest Edition: 25/05/2009 @ 14:20:12
The site is gone!
Published 25/05/2009 @ 14:53:42, By antp
It works here.
Usuually when there are problems like that, it is solved within few hours.
Usuually when there are problems like that, it is solved within few hours.
The site is gone!
Published 25/05/2009 @ 14:54:44, By dragonboy3000
Thnx, ill just have to wait a bit longer then i guess.
The site is gone!
Published 03/08/2009 @ 13:35:27, By walter.
What's happening to the site? It doesn't work today

The site is gone!
Published 03/08/2009 @ 16:09:21, By antp
One of the servers is down I guess, for me it works
The site is gone!
Published 04/09/2009 @ 17:38:19, By antp
works for me, must be some temp problem...