Misc » 2008 Chrysler Sebring
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 30/10/2008 @ 21:59:45, By garco
Yesterday I went to a car-dealer. Not just a car-dealer, but the Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge-dealer. The fact is that I have to choose a new company car in a couple of months.
We now have the 'Lage Dollar weken' (Low Dollar Weeks). You can purchase a Chrysler Sebring 2.0 Touring Classic for only 21.990 Euro's.
That's very cheap, because normally the car costs 29.000 Euro's.
I have driven a Chrysler Neon for 3 years.
For me it is very interesting because in Holland we pay 25% tax over the price of the car (each month). So I can have a big car, with low taxes. Also the car has a B-label (energy/gas-consumption). That will give me a discount of 20 Euro's a month on my monthly lease-amount (I don't know how to say that in correct English...)
What do you guys think about it. It's not ugly, but also not beautiful. It's a big car, and I like these American vehicles...
To keep costs low, I would choose a white one...Saves me another 800 Euro's on metallics. I would also choose a vehicle on LPG. Saves me another bunch of Euro's.
Latest Edition: 30/10/2008 @ 22:01:42
We now have the 'Lage Dollar weken' (Low Dollar Weeks). You can purchase a Chrysler Sebring 2.0 Touring Classic for only 21.990 Euro's.
That's very cheap, because normally the car costs 29.000 Euro's.
I have driven a Chrysler Neon for 3 years.
For me it is very interesting because in Holland we pay 25% tax over the price of the car (each month). So I can have a big car, with low taxes. Also the car has a B-label (energy/gas-consumption). That will give me a discount of 20 Euro's a month on my monthly lease-amount (I don't know how to say that in correct English...)
What do you guys think about it. It's not ugly, but also not beautiful. It's a big car, and I like these American vehicles...
To keep costs low, I would choose a white one...Saves me another 800 Euro's on metallics. I would also choose a vehicle on LPG. Saves me another bunch of Euro's.
Latest Edition: 30/10/2008 @ 22:01:42
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 30/10/2008 @ 22:07:56, By CarChasesFanatic
But Garco, one question, if the car is a "company car" why do you have to pay for all that? my uncle used to have a company car and he didn't have to pay for absolutely anything, how does it work for you?
Edit: The starting price for this car in Spain is of 22.043€, which is the 2.0 CRD Touring, but apparently it is an special campaign (well like for every brand nowadays since Spain is immersed in a crysis, they hardly sell cars so they have good offers now, supposedly out of this "campaign" as they say, this car would be 25.967€, the 2.0 CRD Limited is 24.743€ now, and out of this "campaign" it is 28.728€ .
Latest Edition: 30/10/2008 @ 22:19:48
Edit: The starting price for this car in Spain is of 22.043€, which is the 2.0 CRD Touring, but apparently it is an special campaign (well like for every brand nowadays since Spain is immersed in a crysis, they hardly sell cars so they have good offers now, supposedly out of this "campaign" as they say, this car would be 25.967€, the 2.0 CRD Limited is 24.743€ now, and out of this "campaign" it is 28.728€ .
Latest Edition: 30/10/2008 @ 22:19:48
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 30/10/2008 @ 22:34:04, By antp
But Garco, one question, if the car is a "company car" why do you have to pay for all that? my uncle used to have a company car and he didn't have to pay for absolutely anything, how does it work for you?
Well you usually still pay something, it is taxed so they take a small part from your salary. But it is much less than the actual cost of having a car, especially when you include fuel.
In Belgium company cars are very common. For example my 206sw is actually a company car.
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 30/10/2008 @ 22:48:38, By CarChasesFanatic
Yes but as i said my uncle had a Fiat Stilo as a company car until last week, and he paid nothing at all for it, nor fuel, insurance, taxes, nothing at all, do you pay anything Antoine?
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 30/10/2008 @ 23:12:50, By Neptune
To keep costs low, I would choose a white one...Saves me another 800 Euro's on metallics. I would also choose a vehicle on LPG. Saves me another bunch of Euro's.
I was charged extra for White paint

2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 30/10/2008 @ 23:19:55, By antp
he paid nothing at all for it, nor fuel, insurance, taxes, nothing at all,
Well you are sure? Because usually it is simply one of the things removed from raw salary, like other taxes.
Well at least in Belgium.
Maybe in Spain it works differently.
do you pay anything Antoine?
In my case it is a little different, as it is not a car dedicated to me, it is just a car of the company that I use most of the time.
Latest Edition: 30/10/2008 @ 23:20:16
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 30/10/2008 @ 23:23:22, By CarChasesFanatic
Yes i am sure, absolutely nothing at all, and what do you mean by "most of the time"
? it's practically your car isn't it?!

2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 31/10/2008 @ 08:45:26, By garco
Yes, that is true. I have read an article about company cars in Europa. Spain & Portugal are the only countries where you don't have to pay for your company car.
In Holland you have to add 25% of the price (in catalogue) on your salary. That means your income is higher, so you pay tax over your normal income, and also over the part of the car.
I have to pay nothing for fuel...
That 25% is for normal cars, we have 14% for a hybrid (Civic and Prius and Citroen C1/Cuore/Aygo etc.). After 2009 we have also 20% for cars that het a CO2 emmission less then 140 (gas) and 110 (diesel). But that are rather small cars, so not very suitable for long distance (like me 200 kms a day)... (it's difficult to explain in English, I hope everyone understand...
But now about the Sebring?
What do you guys think about it?
Latest Edition: 31/10/2008 @ 08:46:32
In Holland you have to add 25% of the price (in catalogue) on your salary. That means your income is higher, so you pay tax over your normal income, and also over the part of the car.
I have to pay nothing for fuel...
That 25% is for normal cars, we have 14% for a hybrid (Civic and Prius and Citroen C1/Cuore/Aygo etc.). After 2009 we have also 20% for cars that het a CO2 emmission less then 140 (gas) and 110 (diesel). But that are rather small cars, so not very suitable for long distance (like me 200 kms a day)... (it's difficult to explain in English, I hope everyone understand...

But now about the Sebring?
What do you guys think about it?
Latest Edition: 31/10/2008 @ 08:46:32
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 31/10/2008 @ 10:32:31, By CarChasesFanatic
Oh sure the question you made in your very first post, well, in my opinion if in Holland also only those two are sold then i think it's ok, it's engine is not really poor, so 140HP is ok, as for the car, i must admit that i used to like the older version but this one doesn't attrack me so much, it's like it has a very wide front and then a smaller rear or at least gives that feeling to me, yet if everything doesn't go on the aesthetics i suppose it's a good car for you, i don't see why not, and it's big so it's good in general, any other chances of other cars or you're just going to buy that one for sure?
Edit: you do 200Kms a day?!!
Latest Edition: 31/10/2008 @ 10:33:33
Edit: you do 200Kms a day?!!
Latest Edition: 31/10/2008 @ 10:33:33
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 31/10/2008 @ 10:48:35, By antp
About the Sebring, I find it nice looking. For the rest I do not know but I guess that it could be a good choice.
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 31/10/2008 @ 14:19:14, By garco
, any other chances of other cars or you're just going to buy that one for sure?
Edit: you do 200Kms a day?!!
Edit: you do 200Kms a day?!!
Yes, 200 kms a day...

Other options are:
Citroen C4
Fiat Bravo TJet
Or maybe I try to drive my Xsara Break another year...If my boss/leasecompany accepts....
Latest Edition: 31/10/2008 @ 14:19:53
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 31/10/2008 @ 15:30:55, By CarChasesFanatic
You are not a dealer are you? anyway the C4 would be a good option if you'd chose the sedan i suppose

2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 31/10/2008 @ 20:07:05, By garco
We don't have a C4 sedan here...
A dealer in what??
A dealer in what??

2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 31/10/2008 @ 20:15:58, By antp
I think he means a sales representative or something like that? i.e. the people who are a lot on the roads.
If it is as drug dealer, I guess that a BMW would fit better
Latest Edition: 31/10/2008 @ 20:16:28
If it is as drug dealer, I guess that a BMW would fit better

Latest Edition: 31/10/2008 @ 20:16:28
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 31/10/2008 @ 20:22:02, By garco
Haha, BMW is too expensive for me, 25% over 35.000 Euro's is too much...
But I am not a dealer of any kind. Just a software engineer (Oracle)
But I am not a dealer of any kind. Just a software engineer (Oracle)
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 01/11/2008 @ 00:20:57, By BlackIce_GTS
I think it's a really bad, horribly ugly vehicle and it's one of the strongest single contributors to Chrysler's current financial perils, there's a reason they've discounted them 7000E. I'm not the one who's going to be driving it though, could you get a test drive?
According to that site, the Caliber is only 30E more, and is by all accounts considerably less awful.
According to that site, the Caliber is only 30E more, and is by all accounts considerably less awful.
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 01/11/2008 @ 01:39:37, By taxiguy
I completely agree with Blackice, a horrible horrible car. Please, please do not buy one, it's such a bad car, not only becuase it's ugly but it's also horribly unreliable. On the list of all the sedans for sale in the US it is at the very bottom for reliability and quality, right there with it's twin the Avenger. And also please stop calling a Sebring "big" everyone!
The current model is quite small actually compared to most other mid-size cars.

2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 01/11/2008 @ 10:12:29, By antp
We are comparing it to European cars
By the way, are these EU-Chrysler the same as the US ones? Or are they better built? Maybe the reliability is not the same then...
As for example the EU-spec 300c is made in Austria, I guess that it can also mean that the built quality changes a lot.
Latest Edition: 01/11/2008 @ 10:13:16

By the way, are these EU-Chrysler the same as the US ones? Or are they better built? Maybe the reliability is not the same then...
As for example the EU-spec 300c is made in Austria, I guess that it can also mean that the built quality changes a lot.
Latest Edition: 01/11/2008 @ 10:13:16
2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 01/11/2008 @ 12:02:22, By garco
I don't have to buy one. My company is going to lease one (maybe). So all costs of defects/maintenaince are not for me.
Btw: I like cars that others find ugly
That's why I had a Chrysler Neon!

Btw: I like cars that others find ugly

2008 Chrysler Sebring
Published 01/11/2008 @ 15:41:35, By chris40
Comment in today's Daily Mail about sales of (particularly Chrysler!) cars: