Misc » Happy new year
Happy new year
Published 01/01/2009 @ 12:10:48, By CarChasesFanatic
Feliz Año nuevo!
Happy New Year to all of you!

Happy new year
Published 01/01/2009 @ 16:09:36, By Germaneon
Gesundes neues Jahr! Happy new year!
Happy new year
Published 02/01/2009 @ 05:14:39, By 93_Montero
There's 46 minutes left here in the midwest United States. Happy New Year!
Happy new year
Published 02/01/2009 @ 08:34:54, By marioman3138
Happy New Year! hope everyone has a safe 2009!
Happy new year
Published 31/12/2017 @ 17:02:48, By antp
Where did we wish the few new years between 2009 and 2018?
Happy New Year, a little in advance for European time though

Happy New Year, a little in advance for European time though
Happy new year
Published 01/01/2018 @ 02:34:48, By ingo
Happy New Year from here, too!
Two hours later, but we had been busy to calm down dog and cats.
Two hours later, but we had been busy to calm down dog and cats.
Happy new year
Published 01/01/2018 @ 17:42:06, By atom
Happy new year!
Today is the day that I celebrate that my daily driver 1988 Volvo 240 is considered a veteran car by the Swedish government meaning it's now exempt from tax and only have to go to the vehicle inspection every two years instead of every year
Today is the day that I celebrate that my daily driver 1988 Volvo 240 is considered a veteran car by the Swedish government meaning it's now exempt from tax and only have to go to the vehicle inspection every two years instead of every year

Happy new year
Published 01/01/2018 @ 17:47:20, By antp
In Belgium the old-timers (when registered as such) can't be used to go to work/school, is it the same in Sweden? Or is there no difference in use between regular and veteran cars?
Latest Edition: 01/01/2018 @ 17:47:46

In Belgium the old-timers (when registered as such) can't be used to go to work/school, is it the same in Sweden? Or is there no difference in use between regular and veteran cars?
Latest Edition: 01/01/2018 @ 17:47:46
Happy new year
Published 01/01/2018 @ 18:01:55, By atom
I'm free to use it as I please. If I would get a super cheap specialized veteran insurance I would only be allowed to drive it to car meets and other events, not for daily driving. Most insurance company also have a lot of regulations like that you can't drive more than 5000 km/year, it has to be in a locked garage and you have to send them pictures so they can estimate the value, some even send someone that makes an inspection of the car.
I have a regular car insurance on this Volvo and also on my 1951 Ford since I usually drive more than 5000 km/year
I have a regular car insurance on this Volvo and also on my 1951 Ford since I usually drive more than 5000 km/year