Misc » Winter Impressions
Winter Impressions
Published 08/01/2009 @ 19:03:41, By Germaneon
Winter Impressions
Published 08/01/2009 @ 19:34:16, By antp
Winter Impressions
Published 08/01/2009 @ 20:01:15, By ingo
Hrrmphh, you can see, that you two guys don't have a long way to work every days, which you have to drive by car (o.k., it's even better than to use the railway or tram, which often are broken down at such weather).
I would like to have such a situation, too, just to go outside and use the car, if I want to use it.
I guess, Germaneon's car is the cleanest, you can actually can see on the Middle-European roads. All other are totally covered with icy dirt. Today I needed 10 liters of water an half a liter of ice-proof window-cleaner just to clean my Omega's windows.
On the silvester-day I had to spend 107 Euro for a new battery. The original 1999-one gave up at -7 degrees.
The coldest time was on Monday evening for some hours with -17 degrees. This is extreme, over here in the far, mountain-less German West.
This night we will have -11 degrees.
I'm very happy, that one famous, much loved feature of my quarter-million-Opel is working fine:
Tomorrow morning, at 4.55 it will sing again its song.
Latest Edition: 08/01/2009 @ 20:35:33

I would like to have such a situation, too, just to go outside and use the car, if I want to use it.
I guess, Germaneon's car is the cleanest, you can actually can see on the Middle-European roads. All other are totally covered with icy dirt. Today I needed 10 liters of water an half a liter of ice-proof window-cleaner just to clean my Omega's windows.
On the silvester-day I had to spend 107 Euro for a new battery. The original 1999-one gave up at -7 degrees.
The coldest time was on Monday evening for some hours with -17 degrees. This is extreme, over here in the far, mountain-less German West.
This night we will have -11 degrees.
I'm very happy, that one famous, much loved feature of my quarter-million-Opel is working fine:

Tomorrow morning, at 4.55 it will sing again its song.

Latest Edition: 08/01/2009 @ 20:35:33
Winter Impressions
Published 08/01/2009 @ 20:31:01, By Germaneon
Regarding the clean CTS my secret is that I used the Neon for my commute. We had a lot of snow on the roads that made you feel like driving on sand. The Neon is FWD, smaller and lighter and it was easier to drive under these conditions. Meanwhile the main roads are clean or are covered with "hard" snow and today I drove with the CTS. Nonetheless I´ve never seen so often flashing "ASR"(AYC) on my Cadillac`s display before
Winter Impressions
Published 08/01/2009 @ 21:27:39, By CarChasesFanatic
You got it's stock wheels on again

Winter Impressions
Published 08/01/2009 @ 21:51:45, By antp
I guess, Germaneon's car is the cleanest, you can actually can see on the Middle-European roads. All other are totally covered with icy dirt.
My car is very dirty now, it was still clean and shiny on Monday before I leave my garage

Winter Impressions
Published 08/01/2009 @ 22:34:03, By CarChasesFanatic
Where do you wash your car Antoine? in a car wash?
Winter Impressions
Published 08/01/2009 @ 22:56:37, By antp
No, in my parents' street, with a bucket and a special brush.
(and for the inside, I do that in my garage)
Latest Edition: 08/01/2009 @ 22:57:03
(and for the inside, I do that in my garage)
Latest Edition: 08/01/2009 @ 22:57:03
Winter Impressions
Published 09/01/2009 @ 01:15:01, By taxiguy
This picture was taken after the year's first snowfall a few months back (in November I think) The amount of snow seems tame compared to the amount we have on the ground now.
Latest Edition: 09/01/2009 @ 01:15:42

Latest Edition: 09/01/2009 @ 01:15:42
Winter Impressions
Published 09/01/2009 @ 02:13:22, By Neptune
Great pictures! These look very good.
I also made a photo of my car in a winter landscape when we had snow, on Monday:
I also made a photo of my car in a winter landscape when we had snow, on Monday:
Were you tempted to do spins in the parking lot in the snow ?
Winter Impressions
Published 09/01/2009 @ 10:38:28, By antp
Well I took the entrance a little faster just for the fun of sliding, but doing spins does not work so well with FWD, no?
The problem is also that except the entrance, whole parking is made of gravel.
Latest Edition: 09/01/2009 @ 10:39:00
The problem is also that except the entrance, whole parking is made of gravel.
Latest Edition: 09/01/2009 @ 10:39:00
Winter Impressions
Published 10/01/2009 @ 19:55:01, By Germaneon
You got it's stock wheels on again

Yes, for the winter time.
Due to the icy temperatures it´s currently impossible to wash the cars. All car wash are closed and even in a garage I wouldn´t recommend that.

Winter Impressions
Published 28/01/2009 @ 17:24:42, By 93_Montero
A foot of snow where I live!! My Montero is buried!
I live in the basement of a luxury house. This is the one across the street!
Latest Edition: 28/01/2009 @ 17:30:39

I live in the basement of a luxury house. This is the one across the street!

Latest Edition: 28/01/2009 @ 17:30:39