Cars & Movies » Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 16/02/2009 @ 15:40:22, By myarka
I seek the title of this film as well as the model of the white car which is in front of the bus. Is what quelqu' one could inform me s' you like it?
Thank you
Je cherche le titre de ce film ainsi que le modèle de la voiture blanche qui se trouve devant le bus.
Est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me renseigner s'il vous plait?
Latest Edition: 16/02/2009 @ 17:38:51
I seek the title of this film as well as the model of the white car which is in front of the bus. Is what quelqu' one could inform me s' you like it?
Thank you
Je cherche le titre de ce film ainsi que le modèle de la voiture blanche qui se trouve devant le bus.
Est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me renseigner s'il vous plait?

Latest Edition: 16/02/2009 @ 17:38:51
Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 16/02/2009 @ 18:13:49, By myarka
UP !!
Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 16/02/2009 @ 21:01:12, By antp
up to where?
your topic was still the 1st one on the page

your topic was still the 1st one on the page

Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 16/02/2009 @ 21:17:51, By ingo
The white is is a Peugeot 404, I would say.
I don't know the title of the movie, but I think, I have this scene just a short time ago at the databease.
I don't know the title of the movie, but I think, I have this scene just a short time ago at the databease.
Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 17/02/2009 @ 16:23:44, By myarka
Thank you well, I will continue my research!
Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 18/02/2009 @ 06:09:25, By Singh001
Thanks for this useful information. I'm a new one in this forum. I must appreciate the tools provided by you. Please keep updating me in this regard.
Latest Edition: 18/02/2009 @ 10:54:42
Thanks for this useful information. I'm a new one in this forum. I must appreciate the tools provided by you. Please keep updating me in this regard.
Latest Edition: 18/02/2009 @ 10:54:42
Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 18/02/2009 @ 10:47:18, By myarka
Ok, as soon as my research succeeds, I would come poster the title from this film as well as the model of the car on the united photograph.
With the pleasure!!
Ok, as soon as my research succeeds, I would come poster the title from this film as well as the model of the car on the united photograph.
With the pleasure!!
Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 18/02/2009 @ 10:55:06, By antp
Hmmm... Singh001's post looks rather like spam, I removed the useless URL anyway.
Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 20/02/2009 @ 17:12:17, By myarka
J' found the title of film, it s' acts of "Magical Mystery tour". 4/2/E532EF0D-FEC3-F3AD-E23E7FC78182009D.jpg&imgrefurl= n-pictures-beatles-magical-mystery-tour-unseen-footage-115875-20706540/&usg=__t6o-JxuhDCJoJlWLcZZ4K9qwsU4=&h=342&w=450&sz=13&hl=fr&start=27&um=1&tbnid=C0Tv2uTqRS- hEXM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=127&prev=/images3Dfilm2BMystery26start26ndsp26um26hl26sa%3DN
there do not remain to me any more qu' to find the model of the car.
J' found the title of film, it s' acts of "Magical Mystery tour". 4/2/E532EF0D-FEC3-F3AD-E23E7FC78182009D.jpg&imgrefurl= n-pictures-beatles-magical-mystery-tour-unseen-footage-115875-20706540/&usg=__t6o-JxuhDCJoJlWLcZZ4K9qwsU4=&h=342&w=450&sz=13&hl=fr&start=27&um=1&tbnid=C0Tv2uTqRS- hEXM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=127&prev=/images3Dfilm2BMystery26start26ndsp26um26hl26sa%3DN
there do not remain to me any more qu' to find the model of the car.

Titrate film and car model / Titre de film et modèle de voiture
Published 23/09/2009 @ 22:24:15, By joeletaxi
I would say your car could be that one, a Peugeot 404: _Berline
I would say your car could be that one, a Peugeot 404: _Berline