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Misc » Video/DVD?..with No IMDB number.? ...Should it be Permitted on the IMCDB.?
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Video/DVD?..with No IMDB number.? ...Should it be Permitted on the IMCDB.?
Published 23/01/2006 @ 21:31:03, By stronghold
I have noticed some old Videos ...and some Non-European/Non-American Movies are Not listed on the Internet Movie Data Base.
Should we be allowed to include a Tv-show/Tv-series/Film ... even if it does Not have an IMDB number.?
(one documentary series..has already been allowed on...without an IMDB number)
I believe ..If it is available on an Original DVD ..or Video tape ..It should be allowed.
Any Views.. Votes ..Comments Welcome.!

Latest Edition: 23/01/2006 @ 21:39:23
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Video/DVD?..with No IMDB number.? ...Should it be Permitted on the IMCDB.?
Published 23/01/2006 @ 22:06:41, By DIEHARD
My guess is that if it isn't listed on the IMDB, the IMDB just isn't complete :wink:
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Video/DVD?..with No IMDB number.? ...Should it be Permitted on the IMCDB.?
Published 23/01/2006 @ 22:32:15, By antp
Depends if the vehicles of the documentary has some interest. About series, I guess we could include it in most of the cases.
If it is available as DVD or video tape I would say it is acceptable too.
When I said that you could create a poll, I mean use the "new poll" link rather than "new topic", and put the link of the poll on IMDB, not put the link of IMDB here on the forum :grin:
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Video/DVD?..with No IMDB number.? ...Should it be Permitted on the IMCDB.?
Published 25/01/2006 @ 01:30:51, By user-.html
:confused: My Mistake (..I did not see the create a Poll.!) ..I'm still new to playing about on websites.!!)
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