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AMC Pacer in Waynes World...
Published 20/07/2009 @ 17:24:46, By qg
Hi everybody!

I'm looking for some really detailed info on the Blue AMC Pacer in Waynes World a.k.a "The Mirthmobile"...

Does anyone know the EXACT color of this car?
Is it a original color? To me it looks a lot like the
"Pastel Blue G8" but as far as I'm concerned, that's an original color that AMC used only '75

The Mirthmocile is (allegedly) a '77 Pacer, so it would seem more logical that they used a '77 original color (if it was an original color at all)

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Latest Edition: 21/07/2009 @ 19:52:03
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AMC Pacer in Waynes World...
Published 21/07/2009 @ 03:25:17, By ford_guy
I'm not sure if somebody will be able to answer your question or not, but you should probably also ask the same question on the car's page on the site:

Just in case people who don't come on the forums see it there.
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