General » New feature : direct contributions from any member
New feature : direct contributions from any member
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:14:09, By antp
I added something that IGCD had since some time, this will give Vilero some vacations
So here are the changes for all members:
- any member can add a new movie page (I'll check - those who add empty movie pages with stupid things in it just for the fun will be banned
- any member can add a vehicle to a movie page, but before this vehicle being visible to the public, an admin will have to validate it. Until then, only the member who added the page (and the admins) sees it.
- any member can edit a vehicle that he added, until it is validated by an admin.
- any member can set the picture for a vehicle that he added, until it is validated by an admin.
Downside for pictures: a member cannot set a picture for a vehicle which does not have any yet but which was not added by him.
In that case, post the picture in comments - just one comment with one pic alone, so we can delete the comment afterwards.
I'll solve that "problem" later, but I guess it won't be so common, as we try to not add too many cars without pictures nowadays.
Members cannot replace existing pictures (except his pictures if not yet validated). So for that the forum will still be needed. Or the comments if there is only one or two pics.
The admin pages do not look pretty. They were not made to be public. I'll have to improve that later...
for admins:
- admins can see the non-validated pictures, on the vehicle page there is a link for the validation. On the movie page there is a link to validate all vehicles of a movie. Note that these links do not have confirmation, so be careful on what you click
(but I guess it is not a problem, contributions will either have to be validated or deleted anyway)
When vehicles are validated, the contributor name is automatically added to the contributors list.
To see the movies which have contributions waiting, there is a "New contributions" link in the "Last completed movie pages" box (I did not know where to put it else
Pictures waiting to be validated appear with a small lock:
Yes I know in IE 6 it appears in a black square - IE 6 is old and does not support PNG transparency.
If it does not appear properly and that you have something newer than IE 6, just press F5 or click Refresh button of the toolbar to clear the cache.
When you validate pictures, do not forget to add the movie to the recently completed list.
The method for doing that has changed!
Now to add a movie to the completed list one has to click on the "add to complete list" on the movie page. So no need to add an "empty" vehicle which would be deleted afterwards.
Do not validate too quickly the pictures. The user may still be adding vehicles to it. Validate it only if it is there since few time (¼h at least, I'd say), and nothing was added in the last minutes.
For more info & discussion about admin-side of that, see
Latest Edition: 21/02/2017 @ 13:30:07

So here are the changes for all members:
- any member can add a new movie page (I'll check - those who add empty movie pages with stupid things in it just for the fun will be banned

- any member can add a vehicle to a movie page, but before this vehicle being visible to the public, an admin will have to validate it. Until then, only the member who added the page (and the admins) sees it.

- any member can edit a vehicle that he added, until it is validated by an admin.
- any member can set the picture for a vehicle that he added, until it is validated by an admin.

Downside for pictures: a member cannot set a picture for a vehicle which does not have any yet but which was not added by him.
In that case, post the picture in comments - just one comment with one pic alone, so we can delete the comment afterwards.
I'll solve that "problem" later, but I guess it won't be so common, as we try to not add too many cars without pictures nowadays.
Members cannot replace existing pictures (except his pictures if not yet validated). So for that the forum will still be needed. Or the comments if there is only one or two pics.
The admin pages do not look pretty. They were not made to be public. I'll have to improve that later...
for admins:
- admins can see the non-validated pictures, on the vehicle page there is a link for the validation. On the movie page there is a link to validate all vehicles of a movie. Note that these links do not have confirmation, so be careful on what you click

When vehicles are validated, the contributor name is automatically added to the contributors list.
To see the movies which have contributions waiting, there is a "New contributions" link in the "Last completed movie pages" box (I did not know where to put it else

Pictures waiting to be validated appear with a small lock:

Yes I know in IE 6 it appears in a black square - IE 6 is old and does not support PNG transparency.
If it does not appear properly and that you have something newer than IE 6, just press F5 or click Refresh button of the toolbar to clear the cache.
When you validate pictures, do not forget to add the movie to the recently completed list.
The method for doing that has changed!
Now to add a movie to the completed list one has to click on the "add to complete list" on the movie page. So no need to add an "empty" vehicle which would be deleted afterwards.

Do not validate too quickly the pictures. The user may still be adding vehicles to it. Validate it only if it is there since few time (¼h at least, I'd say), and nothing was added in the last minutes.
For more info & discussion about admin-side of that, see
Latest Edition: 21/02/2017 @ 13:30:07
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:27:07, By vilero

New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:36:04, By antp
There may be still bugs, if you notice any error (i.e. unusual message, about "parse error" or other notifications from the server) please report it here and give details so I can reproduce it.
There may be still bugs, if you notice any error (i.e. unusual message, about "parse error" or other notifications from the server) please report it here and give details so I can reproduce it.
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:41:51, By walter.
But... The pictures will be added directly to the site from anyone, or they will be firstly checked by admins (and, if they are OK, eventually added), like IGCD?
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:42:38, By subzero
yes, it says
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: login() in /homez.83/imcdb/www/user.php on line 64
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: login() in /homez.83/imcdb/www/user.php on line 64
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:43:11, By antp
Changes added in 1st post
Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 18:51:56
Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 18:51:56
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:44:08, By antp
walter > I was typing the explanations
subzero > on which page?

subzero > on which page?
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:47:01, By subzero
the main page

New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:49:33, By subzero

Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 18:50:33
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:50:02, By antp

You must be on a server which was not fully updated (OVH has parallel servers, you get on one or other randomly), I reuploaded all pages, hoping it works on that one too. Else you just have to wait I guess

Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 18:51:28
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 18:51:18, By subzero
perhaps i have to clear the cache, and try again
edit: it does not works
thanks a lot, it works now
Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 18:56:10

edit: it does not works

thanks a lot, it works now

Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 18:56:10
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 19:06:54, By antp
Congratulations to kegare who was the first one to submit a movie with the new system

New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 19:12:31, By vilero
I validated a Nissan of Kegare and later I wrote a comment. I was logged in as'Kegare' and my comment was like kegare was who wrote
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 19:23:22, By antp
Argh... that OVH server is configured less securely as mine, I think I know what it is, I'll fix that.
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 19:27:01, By antp
Strange, I didn't think it could happen
Well I hope it is fixed, if it is not what I changed, I do not know what it is
Note: php's register_globals function sucks
Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 19:28:30

Note: php's register_globals function sucks

Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 19:28:30
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 19:32:00, By vilero
I have just validated other one of subzero and now I'm still logged in as 'vilero'
It seems it works fine now
Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 19:32:47
It seems it works fine now
Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 19:32:47
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 19:33:03, By walter.
A bug: when I'm not logged in, in every car page appear "Edit" and "Set picture" links, and, when I click them, they go to an empty page
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 19:41:29, By antp
Good find, I'll fix that. Thanks.
edit: done
Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 19:45:10
edit: done
Latest Edition: 29/12/2009 @ 19:45:10
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 19:48:24, By kegare
This is great, thanks, more accessible.
New feature : direct contributions from any mermber
Published 29/12/2009 @ 20:22:11, By vilero
BUT (all innovation has a BUT), thinking objectively, have you thought in 'contributions' like
Mini-pieces of a car, far & littles backgrounds, contributions in series already listed by others from the beginning, contributions with only a few backgrounds cars for movies already listed ......The new feature could be fine but it will demand to all of us 'cold heads' and well-mannered ways, and I don't know if that it could be possible
Mini-pieces of a car, far & littles backgrounds, contributions in series already listed by others from the beginning, contributions with only a few backgrounds cars for movies already listed ......The new feature could be fine but it will demand to all of us 'cold heads' and well-mannered ways, and I don't know if that it could be possible