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Question about TV series
Published 14/02/2010 @ 02:23:58, By boogieman
I have been uploading pictures for the TV show 'Leverage', I have been going off of the Episode order on the DVDs, but I just realized that they are in a different order on IMDB (Probably because they mixed up the episodes for TV, then put them in their "correct" order when released on DVD).

So.. My question is... Should I continue going with the Episode order from the DVDs, or comment the ones already uploaded so someone can change the episode number to match IMDB's episode list?
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Question about TV series
Published 14/02/2010 @ 11:36:35, By antp
I do not think it matters much, as the DVD is as much official as the TV order.µ
What is important is to mention it on the movie page, possibly making a list of the equivalent or a list of the titles linked to the numbers, so people can find what episode has which number.
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Question about TV series
Published 15/02/2010 @ 02:51:05, By boogieman
Ok, That works. Thanks!
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