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little known car companies
Published 16/02/2010 @ 22:52:40, By sandwad2
Arabian Motors Group
Automobile Craiova
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little known car companies
Published 17/02/2010 @ 02:41:40, By APS221
I don't think they're really car "companies," but rather "brands" created by car companies for badge engineering or captive import purposes. I think that Arabian Motors Group is just an importer/distributor of Ford products in the Middle East.
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little known car companies
Published 18/02/2010 @ 10:25:57, By ingo
No, the shown cars aren't made by small car-companies, all of them are derivates, resp. just rebagded cars from bigger companies, assembled somewhere.

Passport and Asuna are Opel Kadett E-derivates, like Vauxhall Astra, Pontiac LeMans, Daewoo and many more.
The "Automobile Craiova" is known as Olcit, the Romanian derivate of the Citroen Visa.

And "Sterling" was IMHO just a more exclusive trim-line of Rover.
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little known car companies
Published 18/02/2010 @ 10:51:34, By antp
Sterling was used as a brand for Rovers sold in USA.
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