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[Done] Horrible movie but...
Published 09/09/2011 @ 05:19:36, By delaurean
in the ABC Family Original movie [iA Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song[/i], about 54 minutes and 20 seconds into it there is (I think) 69-71 Jaguar E-Type Coupe Series II. Correct me if I'm wrong about the type of car.

Latest Edition: 13/09/2011 @ 10:54:25
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Horrible movie but...
Published 09/09/2011 @ 13:18:51, By kegare
Yes, except it was called XK-E in the US.
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Horrible movie but...
Published 11/09/2011 @ 21:22:44, By Ddey65
delaurean, we have plenty of horrible movies on this site. You're not the first to submit them, and I'm not the last.
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Horrible movie but...
Published 12/09/2011 @ 19:11:21, By vilero

@delaurean, it seems you are not user of the site. Your user nick 'delaurean' is not recognized as user. If you want to leave messages on the site you must be logged as user of IMCDB. If you want to be also user of IMCDB, please use on the site the same nick as here. Thanks

Edited: when you submit a contribution, if it is possible, tell us the star rating of each vehicle

Latest Edition: 12/09/2011 @ 19:14:53
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