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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 17/02/2023 @ 16:39:44, By yjq
And the last one tonight,
The 0.1 gen of Audi Q7!
File: 截屏2023-02-17 下午11.38.24.jpg ( 150.2 KB - 805 )

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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 08:10:20, By yjq
Looks like that Google doesn't know the differences between Subaru and Suzuki. :blackman:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 10:27:45, By Baube
i guess it goes with how the pic was titled.. here's a beautiful pic of Montreal's harbour.. mostly known to Americans as Chicago.. :lol:
( if you search Montreal harbour on Google images it comes in about 28th position )

Latest Edition: 18/02/2023 @ 10:32:33
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 14:23:11, By yjq
i guess it goes with how the pic was titled.. here's a beautiful pic of Montreal's harbour.. mostly known to Americans as Chicago.. :lol:
( if you search Montreal harbour on Google images it comes in about 28th position )

But the weird thing is that the pics at the bottom were all Suzuki Swifts.
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 14:24:27, By yjq
File: 截屏2023-02-18 下午9.23.52.jpg ( 234.5 KB - 616 )
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 14:30:48, By yjq
Vivid image :boidleau:
File: 截屏2023-02-18 下午9.25.49.jpg ( 108.2 KB - 629 )
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 14:38:41, By yjq
File: 截屏2023-02-18 下午9.33.50.jpg ( 161.7 KB - 636 )

Latest Edition: 18/02/2023 @ 14:39:23
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 14:41:23, By yjq
Lexus LS400 Captain Slow edition
File: 截屏2023-02-18 下午9.40.07.jpg ( 158.3 KB - 627 )
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 14:55:15, By yjq
Where do you want me to go??? :fou_toad666:
File: 截屏2023-02-18 下午9.51.50.jpg ( 138.1 KB - 619 )
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 14:59:02, By yjq
File: 截屏2023-02-18 下午9.58.10.jpg ( 144.9 KB - 623 )
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 15:02:30, By yjq
Yutong will make passenger cars with Nissan!(doge)
File: 截屏2023-02-18 下午10.01.27.jpg ( 201.1 KB - 643 )
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/02/2023 @ 17:21:53, By Baube
Where do you want me to go??? :fou_toad666:

any way you want, just look carefully for police .. :wink:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 19/02/2023 @ 09:34:58, By yjq

any way you want, just look carefully for police .. :wink:

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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 07/05/2023 @ 15:31:46, By Gamer
Was out clothes shopping at TJ Maxx when I saw this. I immediately thought of you guys :lol:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 07/05/2023 @ 22:43:26, By Baube
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 08/05/2023 @ 00:36:41, By night cub
Wait? Where are you shopping at a TJ Maxx? Are they in European countries?
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 08/05/2023 @ 15:20:18, By Gamer
Well, they call it TK Maxx here, not that it makes much of a difference.
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 28/05/2023 @ 15:24:33, By Gamer
That is the absolute best interpretation of the name I have ever seen.
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 29/05/2023 @ 13:54:25, By antp
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 08/07/2023 @ 15:54:45, By Baube
FlyToot.. was originally own by a dentist ? .. :grin:

I found that on Platesmania while looking just for fun if my car's plate was there ( not that expected it to be but you never know.. ) . Who would do this to a still good looking car ? Then i find out there is more , even from the previous gen...
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/07/2023 @ 11:43:55, By antp
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