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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 01:28:38, By Andre Malraux
OMG, is 2,26 AM! I'm going to bed, good night (ride).
Latest Edition: 30/09/2012 @ 23:57:07
Latest Edition: 30/09/2012 @ 23:57:07
IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 01:28:49, By Nightrider
Well, when I think about Ingo, I came up with K70, "a propos", chromed bumpers, filming locations...
IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 01:33:16, By Sandie
The limits of my inspiration:
Hope being the hope that since he logged off another K70 has been added (it's been a while hasn't it).

Hope being the hope that since he logged off another K70 has been added (it's been a while hasn't it).
IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 01:37:06, By Andre Malraux
@ Nightrider
Wait! You like guns, right? (Don't tell me otherwise, I know.
) What about a meme with Nightrider on a horse, with a Kalashnikov in his hand and saying: "Shut the fuck up with your stupid discussion about Dallas! (or stop posting dull, boring pics of women)"?
If I will be good for nothing, tomorrow, will be your fault, Nightrider! Why do you keep me awake?
Latest Edition: 30/09/2012 @ 01:51:43
Wait! You like guns, right? (Don't tell me otherwise, I know.

If I will be good for nothing, tomorrow, will be your fault, Nightrider! Why do you keep me awake?
Latest Edition: 30/09/2012 @ 01:51:43
IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 09:36:40, By Nightrider
"and saying: "stop posting dull, boring pics of women)"?
...with Shirley Manson photo in mind?
...with Shirley Manson photo in mind?
IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 10:16:26, By antp
Indeed. Since you and nightrider started to post there is more text than images here

Latest Edition: 30/09/2012 @ 10:16:57
IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 12:27:15, By Andre Malraux
Sorry, but that's all I can do (how LBJ said when JFK was shot). I provide text, someone else could provide images.

IMCDb memes
Published 12/10/2012 @ 22:30:15, By antp

My favourite is "I'm even taller than your AKA-lists put together"
IMCDb memes
Published 13/10/2012 @ 00:30:01, By karoomay
I also did some comics when I was bored
Latest Edition: 13/10/2012 @ 00:32:25

Latest Edition: 13/10/2012 @ 00:32:25
IMCDb memes
Published 13/10/2012 @ 00:55:58, By Sandie
First one: THIS, +1, Nail on Head, whatever the kids say these days to mean these things. And sandwad isn't the only person to do this. It's my pet peeve.
IMCDb memes
Published 13/10/2012 @ 02:53:57, By rjluna2
Oh, what a weird world that we live on. Our pet's peeves becomes magnified into our world of memes

IMCDb memes
Published 13/10/2012 @ 04:17:39, By owlman
I love the Gomsel/Monty strip! The perfect comedy duo
and I totally agree about the 4-star part-visible car peeve
Latest Edition: 13/10/2012 @ 04:23:06

and I totally agree about the 4-star part-visible car peeve

Latest Edition: 13/10/2012 @ 04:23:06
IMCDb memes
Published 20/10/2012 @ 05:55:40, By Gomsel
la verdad, para mogolicos como ciertos jeropas que mejor ni nombrar. Comprendo que el puber este del paisito del norte coleccione pajas y pajas, pero mi dignidad y honestidad ante todo y no ser un negro de mierda como muchos otros.
IMCDb memes
Published 20/10/2012 @ 18:25:41, By rjluna2
(Google Translate:) Lo sentimos, Gomsel. Es nuestra naturaleza para burlarse de nuestra debilidad

IMCDb memes
Published 20/10/2012 @ 21:50:58, By sandwad
It's always good to make fun of yourself
Decided to use the "Bad Luck Brian" meme.

IMCDb memes
Published 22/01/2013 @ 00:32:28, By antp
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Next cleaning will involve at least one ban.
Next cleaning will involve at least one ban.
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