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IMCDb memes
Published 04/02/2015 @ 16:20:21, By Gamer
This might be the wrong topic to ask about but i dont understand what you are talking about Gamer.

I am handling it this way: I only add cars that are visible for two or more seconds. If there is an interesting background car a user sees in the picture of another car, i will look for the best possible shot.

Cars where the Need for Adding is arguable but i want to know what car it is, i put it in comments on main page. Usually i never get an answer, but that shows me at least that the background car was nothing unusual.

And i only create pages for Stunt Replacements if they are well visible. Most famous example is this car:

Its not simply a crash car, but the bad guy also starts the chase with this car.

Up until September 2013, I added videos by simply moving the cursor over the bar of the YouTube video and clicking whenever I saw a vehicle, assuming they were all the vehicles in the film upon reaching the end of the bar. However, this technique proved to be unreliable and I switched to a better technique.

Here's the original scene from my comic, BTW:

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IMCDb memes
Published 07/02/2015 @ 23:55:37, By Lateef
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IMCDb memes
Published 08/02/2015 @ 00:38:57, By Sandie
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IMCDb memes
Published 08/02/2015 @ 09:00:30, By Gamer
I don't really get that one...
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IMCDb memes
Published 08/02/2015 @ 16:15:14, By Sandie
Somebody has started adding backgrounds even worse than your's.
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IMCDb memes
Published 08/02/2015 @ 22:25:05, By antp
I not even sure it is absolutely worse: some from Gamer were already of some level :grin:
But the pic was funny anyway :grin:
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IMCDb memes
Published 08/02/2015 @ 23:49:15, By Purzel89
I hope this "Gamer the II." has also added the New Beetle and the Mini in that picture. If not, i hate him. :grin:
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IMCDb memes
Published 17/02/2015 @ 01:33:40, By Purzel89
Opals next movie? Caprice!

Latest Edition: 17/02/2015 @ 01:50:13
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IMCDb memes
Published 17/02/2015 @ 16:16:13, By Gamer
....or a Gliffhanger? (What happened to him anyways?)
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IMCDb memes
Published 07/03/2015 @ 16:59:24, By Purzel89
Gamer, why are you so inconsistent? :crazy:
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IMCDb memes
Published 07/03/2015 @ 18:35:43, By Gamer
Nominee for stupidest IMCDb meme:

1. I added that Mazda as a thumbnail, not as an entry.
2. Quote from the movie page:
Pictures provided by: Jale
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IMCDb memes
Published 07/03/2015 @ 19:59:15, By Lateef
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IMCDb memes
Published 07/03/2015 @ 21:26:06, By Gamer
^Das Boot?
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IMCDb memes
Published 07/03/2015 @ 21:42:16, By Lateef
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IMCDb memes
Published 09/03/2015 @ 17:34:48, By Purzel89
Nominee for stupidest IMCDb meme:

1. I added that Mazda as a thumbnail, not as an entry.
2. Quote from the movie page:
Pictures provided by: Jale

1. But you do know that i only took an example and this was the best looking i found fast. I can give you thousands of other examples.
2. Still the question: Why did you not add them? :kaola: You are not the main provider, but you can still provide pictures by your own. Didnt you know that? :chut:

And why did you point out that there is this very unimportant red Camaro in the traffic jam? "Oh my god! A Camaro in a french movie! I am literally dying of looking at it!" :ohwell:

And we need Captain Obvious for our rescue. You pointed out that Lateefs meme is from "Das Boot". :bombe:

Okay and for the end the "correct" one, but now the joke is killed. Thank you Gamer. :angry:
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IMCDb memes
Published 09/03/2015 @ 19:24:09, By I-Denev
Is the Wartburg from the last pic added, though? :whistle:

Latest Edition: 09/03/2015 @ 19:24:54
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IMCDb memes
Published 09/03/2015 @ 20:18:00, By Purzel89
yes, also nothing important to add. We already have 3 pages of Wartburg wagons and this is a 1992 short movie. In 1992 those Wartburgs were still quite ordinary in Berlin. But yeah, Gamer logic.
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IMCDb memes
Published 09/03/2015 @ 21:52:13, By Lateef
Uh... Logic? Why shouldn't that Wartburg be listed? It's very well visible.
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IMCDb memes
Published 09/03/2015 @ 22:43:25, By antp
And about all the cars on the Mercedes pic: they are all not very worth listing, and we try to avoid multiple cars from the same pic
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IMCDb memes
Published 10/03/2015 @ 23:42:29, By Purzel89
i know, i know... of course. It was a joke! Because Gamer sometimes adds very much background cars, and sometimes he doesnt. But okay, Gamer didnt find it funny.

I keep cool and please get back to our funny topic. :clindoeil:
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IMCDb memes
Published 11/03/2015 @ 11:00:37, By Lateef
The day before yesterday I logged into IGCD for the first time in two years, and reminded me of a publicly unposted meme I had made back in early 2013 :grin:
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