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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 23/03/2013 @ 16:57:51, By jabu
Does anybody by any chance know the brand and type of these cars? I think: photos 1-2 taken at the turn of the 20s and 30s. Photo 3 - done between 1937-1939.
I will be very grateful for your help


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Latest Edition: 23/03/2013 @ 17:03:31
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 23/03/2013 @ 19:01:02, By dsl
You may get better answers from other people, so these are just guesses. Are these all Japanese pictures? I think the first one is late 1930s onwards - if the car is not a US Ford of about 1940, it uses the same styling language. 2nd one looks older - maybe turn of the 20s and 30s as you say. 3rd also looks older - something US, but possibly assembled in Japan???
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 23/03/2013 @ 19:09:53, By jabu
Yes. These all Japanese pictures. Thank you for your suggestions.
I'm here on the new at forum. I do not know if it's the right place to ask for help in identifying these vehicles. I have knowledge in cars manufactured to order the armed forces, but these are civilian cars. For those do not know the completely ...
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 23/03/2013 @ 23:31:48, By Lateef
First one is a 1937 Ford V8 Phaeton

Second one is a 1934 Hudson

Third one is a circa 1930 Buick Phaeton (probably Series 40)
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 24/03/2013 @ 00:53:50, By jabu
Dear Lateef,
Many thanks. I'm impressed. Maybe you recognize this truck yet?
I think, maybe it is 1929 Ford Model AA,but I'm not sure.

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Latest Edition: 24/03/2013 @ 00:54:48
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 24/03/2013 @ 08:24:27, By Lateef
Sorry, I have very limited knowledge concerning anything made before 1930, let alone trucks, but I can say almost immediately that it's not a Ford Model AA, not a Ford, and not something from 1929. If I were to date this truck, I'd say it's from early-mid 1920s. It's difficult to say anything about the make, as the radiator isn't visible. I'm leaning towards an earlier than 1926-something Federal, the cab matches, the bonnet vents match, the wire wheels match, and so on, but like I said, it's difficult to confirm without a view of the radiator. nzcarnerd or pilou may know more, but neither of them come to the forum (I think).
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 24/03/2013 @ 11:21:59, By jabu
Dear Lateef,
This is truck used by IJA (Japanese Army) in AA defense – mounted searchlight. According to my opnii photo was taken in the late 20's.
Unfortunately, the picture is only a single vehicle. If the soldiers are shown (for example, the driver) could - the uniforms – I say (maybe) something more. And now - I have a problem.
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 24/03/2013 @ 17:13:22, By jabu
Maybe you can identify this car? The picture was taken (almost certainly) spring 1932 in Shanghai.
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 24/03/2013 @ 23:50:43, By Lateef
I'm pretty sure it's a mid to late 1920s Lincoln.
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 25/03/2013 @ 02:20:50, By jabu
Lincoln - OK, but what is the full designation of this vehicle? Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of civilian cars brands. Write to me, please - full name this car, if it is not a problem for you.
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 25/03/2013 @ 08:12:54, By Lateef
Lincoln Model L - I'm not sure about the exact year, but I'm pretty sure nzcarnerd knows.
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 25/03/2013 @ 20:09:17, By jabu
Ok - you really helped me. Thank you!
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Does anyone recognize these cars?
Published 29/05/2013 @ 13:58:56, By simonjames
I think first one is Ford V8 Phaeton. Its very old model.
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