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Should commercials be allowed ?
Published 03/04/2013 @ 20:01:51, By mike962
so should commercial be allowed to be listed in limited circumstances ??

and to add some small rules

1) commercial should NOT be about a vehicle , say commercial advertises a Peugeot 407 then that car is not eligble unles ssome old Peugeot apears in it
2) vehicles should be at least 3 stars worth
3) vehicles should be RARE or customized
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Should commercials be allowed ?
Published 03/04/2013 @ 23:11:57, By antp
No, we already made the error of allowing many TV shows, but commercials are really not easy to limit, and there are really too many.
There is no database link IMDB and similars to somewhat know what is real or not.
That's a line that I do not want to cross.
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