General » list uploaded pictures
list uploaded pictures
Published 06/04/2013 @ 09:30:01, By Eep
Is there a way to list the pictures I've uploaded (as well as others have uploaded)? If not, how about adding it?
list uploaded pictures
Published 06/04/2013 @ 12:29:46, By antp
You mean the pictures uploaded with the thing that allows to put them in comments?
All uploaded pictures which are not used in comments are deleted after some time (I run the script which does that every one or two months).
So they should all be found in comments. From the Search page you can do a search on "[pic=" (with the square bracket) in comments to get such list then. If you search for "[pic=16872/" you should get only yours.
Latest Edition: 06/04/2013 @ 12:31:28
All uploaded pictures which are not used in comments are deleted after some time (I run the script which does that every one or two months).
So they should all be found in comments. From the Search page you can do a search on "[pic=" (with the square bracket) in comments to get such list then. If you search for "[pic=16872/" you should get only yours.
Latest Edition: 06/04/2013 @ 12:31:28
list uploaded pictures
Published 05/03/2014 @ 03:03:34, By eLMeR
If you search for "[pic=16872/" you should get only yours.
Is this still possible? Where has it to be written?
list uploaded pictures
Published 05/03/2014 @ 10:24:19, By atom
Go to the main page and click on 'Search'. Scroll down to the bottom and in the field 'Text to search:' type in [pic=18713/ You will get all comments where you have added a picture from the IMCDb upload system.
list uploaded pictures
Published 05/03/2014 @ 21:02:02, By eLMeR
And I thus discovered that for having all your comments (with or without pictures), you have just to type your name in the "and/or posted by user:" field.
The strange thing is that you can edit or delete a comment, but not just see it in its page. The anchors for the comment are yet present (the "◊" gimmick, left to the date), in the pages?
And I thus discovered that for having all your comments (with or without pictures), you have just to type your name in the "and/or posted by user:" field.
The strange thing is that you can edit or delete a comment, but not just see it in its page. The anchors for the comment are yet present (the "◊" gimmick, left to the date), in the pages?
list uploaded pictures
Published 05/03/2014 @ 22:36:57, By antp
You can also find all comments from a user (can be you) from the profile page of that user: there are links below the description entered by the user.
To go to the corresponding page from the comment search, you just have to click the page title in the left column (car model or movie title)...
The small lozenge link is available only on movie/car pages because it is allows you to get the link to paste it somewhere else (as direct link to a particular comment).
I could indeed add it on the search page for a more direct access in case that the target page contents a lot of comments.
Latest Edition: 05/03/2014 @ 22:38:14
To go to the corresponding page from the comment search, you just have to click the page title in the left column (car model or movie title)...

The small lozenge link is available only on movie/car pages because it is allows you to get the link to paste it somewhere else (as direct link to a particular comment).
I could indeed add it on the search page for a more direct access in case that the target page contents a lot of comments.
Latest Edition: 05/03/2014 @ 22:38:14
list uploaded pictures
Published 06/03/2014 @ 17:43:53, By eLMeR
To go to the corresponding page from the comment search, you just have to click the page title in the left column (car model or movie title)...
The small lozenge link is available only on movie/car pages because it is allows you to get the link to paste it somewhere else (as direct link to a particular comment).
I could indeed add it on the search page for a more direct access in case that the target page contents a lot of comments.
To go to the corresponding page from the comment search, you just have to click the page title in the left column (car model or movie title)...

The small lozenge link is available only on movie/car pages because it is allows you to get the link to paste it somewhere else (as direct link to a particular comment).
I could indeed add it on the search page for a more direct access in case that the target page contents a lot of comments.
That's what I meant: if a page contents a lot of comments, or even a few ones, you have to scroll to find the comment.
For example, it's better (in my world

Latest Edition: 06/03/2014 @ 17:48:28