Misc » Please unban me
Please unban me
Published 15/12/2013 @ 14:24:51, By Exile
This is 93montero.
By now 100s of people have enjoyed the pages and thumbnails I’ve added since 2008. Many of my pages are in HD with thumbnails and times.
Vilero only added two vehicles on this page:
G-MANN has said to me “We don’t need you.”
This site doesn’t need any one person except antp. Even his knowledge could be learned by someone else without much difficulty. Since antp didn’t actually build the initial site for the most part.
There are some things that are facts to antp like Saabs for example. He calls me annoying like it’s a fact. If I try to call him that he won’t listen because he feels like it’s not justifiable for him to be annoying or an asshole. Even though he has banned me for this whole year when he knows I like the site and can contribute well.
There is one thing that is unquestionably annoying about antp. How he talks about this new version of the site and then it never happens. I would love for someone to explain to me how that’s not annoying.
Kegare I saw your post about not liking any American vehicles. Don’t you think that’s ridiculous? How can you disregard so much?
I don’t want to bother anyone on the site and I think Ford Guy for example would like to see me add more pictures.
By now 100s of people have enjoyed the pages and thumbnails I’ve added since 2008. Many of my pages are in HD with thumbnails and times.
Vilero only added two vehicles on this page:
G-MANN has said to me “We don’t need you.”
This site doesn’t need any one person except antp. Even his knowledge could be learned by someone else without much difficulty. Since antp didn’t actually build the initial site for the most part.
There are some things that are facts to antp like Saabs for example. He calls me annoying like it’s a fact. If I try to call him that he won’t listen because he feels like it’s not justifiable for him to be annoying or an asshole. Even though he has banned me for this whole year when he knows I like the site and can contribute well.
There is one thing that is unquestionably annoying about antp. How he talks about this new version of the site and then it never happens. I would love for someone to explain to me how that’s not annoying.
Kegare I saw your post about not liking any American vehicles. Don’t you think that’s ridiculous? How can you disregard so much?
I don’t want to bother anyone on the site and I think Ford Guy for example would like to see me add more pictures.
Please unban me
Published 16/12/2013 @ 14:22:09, By Ans
No wonders why I haven't seen you recently. This perfectly explains it.
Please unban me
Published 16/12/2013 @ 14:23:09, By Ans
Have you tried to do much about it or...?
Please unban me
Published 16/12/2013 @ 16:44:41, By antp
Have you tried to do much about it or...?
Sure, I got a few hundreds of e-mails from him, since all that time.
A large part of them containing insults, which is one of the reasons why he was not unbanned.
Please unban me
Published 16/12/2013 @ 19:18:29, By G-MANN
He calls me annoying like it’s a fact.
What else would you call sending tons of messages to someone who doesn't want to talk to you?
Latest Edition: 16/12/2013 @ 19:20:50
Please unban me
Published 17/12/2013 @ 16:09:05, By chicomarx
My first priority is Pussy Riot, then 93montero. That year in exile just flew by to me...
Please unban me
Published 19/12/2013 @ 14:18:23, By Exile
"I don't care about any American cars."
- Kegare
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Bronco-Early-Bronco-1970-ford-bronco-/181283366577?forcerrptr=true&hash=item2a3554a6b1&item=181283366577&pt=US_Cars_- Trucks
and the top can come off.
- Kegare
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Bronco-Early-Bronco-1970-ford-bronco-/181283366577?forcerrptr=true&hash=item2a3554a6b1&item=181283366577&pt=US_Cars_- Trucks
and the top can come off.
Please unban me
Published 19/12/2013 @ 21:50:22, By ingo
and the top can come off.
...and the pain will come into the ass...
WTF, what a confused bullshit are you posting again?
Please unban me
Published 20/12/2013 @ 02:03:35, By chicomarx
...and the pain will come into the ass...
Somebody invited Mike?
Please unban me
Published 20/12/2013 @ 10:28:30, By atom
This is obviously not 93montero but an impostor! It's a very good effort though. The message contains the usual 93montero elements:
1. Ask to be let back and then insult the only person who could lift the ban.
2. Bragging
3. "My taste in cars is better than yours"
4. Insult some random admins that don't have anything to do with the ban.
But you messed up one very important thing Mr. Impostor! You used the word "please" and on top of that as the first word of the topic! Haha busted!
1. Ask to be let back and then insult the only person who could lift the ban.
2. Bragging
3. "My taste in cars is better than yours"
4. Insult some random admins that don't have anything to do with the ban.
But you messed up one very important thing Mr. Impostor! You used the word "please" and on top of that as the first word of the topic! Haha busted!
Please unban me
Published 21/12/2013 @ 08:46:49, By ingo
@chicomarx: I said "pain" not "joy"
We can let Monty deposited here. As a kind of troll-preserve. As a playpen with a dinky inmate just for our own joy.
Here were can have fun about his whinings and vituperations and can tease him more.
But the his sphere of action has to be strictly reduced on this thread.
Any access to the rest of IMCDb has to be avoided. Not, that more sensible newbies will be scared.
And there should be a safety note as http://imginfo.fotofinder.net/41/6122BBF3B2CAC559/half/2473.jpg
The translation might be no that difficult, but I give a wee hint: the plate hangs in a Zoo
We can let Monty deposited here. As a kind of troll-preserve. As a playpen with a dinky inmate just for our own joy.
Here were can have fun about his whinings and vituperations and can tease him more.
But the his sphere of action has to be strictly reduced on this thread.
Any access to the rest of IMCDb has to be avoided. Not, that more sensible newbies will be scared.
And there should be a safety note as http://imginfo.fotofinder.net/41/6122BBF3B2CAC559/half/2473.jpg

Please unban me
Published 21/12/2013 @ 15:32:16, By chicomarx
Please unban me
Published 23/12/2013 @ 09:00:06, By Exile
ingo you've never raised a child so don't tell me about life experiences. It's the reason we're all here.
It's not hard to remove the top off the Bronco with two people and you have the choice of a bikini top or soft top. Whereas VW K70s are just plain looking cars with no versatility.
atom are you saying you didn't like that Bronco in that link? It really is a cool vehicle anywhere on the planet. In Sweden it would have heads turning nonstop.
It's not hard to remove the top off the Bronco with two people and you have the choice of a bikini top or soft top. Whereas VW K70s are just plain looking cars with no versatility.
atom are you saying you didn't like that Bronco in that link? It really is a cool vehicle anywhere on the planet. In Sweden it would have heads turning nonstop.
Please unban me
Published 23/12/2013 @ 10:00:36, By Exile
@ atom The look of the PV544 is nice. It's the 2000 plus Saabs and Volvos that have no soul. It's all the vehicles made after that time. Except for the Land Rover Defender which didn't change that much.
Please unban me
Published 23/12/2013 @ 14:37:18, By G-MANN
Please unban me
Published 24/12/2013 @ 17:58:49, By Exile
The reason we are here is because someone (our parents) experienced having a child. If our parents never decided to do that and spent their salary on traveling and having 700 pages of posts on the site like ingo then none of us would exist.
Please unban me
Published 25/12/2013 @ 06:45:01, By ingo
The reason we are here is because someone (our parents) experienced having a child. If our parents never decided to do that and spent their salary on traveling and having 700 pages of posts on the site like ingo then none of us would exist.
Ah, so IMCDb is a kind of contraceptive? Could be, as the most members -included you- don't have kids. I'm able to change that situation

- if you are that is doubtful.
Bzw: I don't spend my whole salary for travelling. My wage is high enough, that I can spend it for many other things, too. I'm not belonging to the class of the jobbers with the worst shitty paid jobs at all. As a bike messenger - who has in nearly every country, also in Germany, the lowest salary at all.
Please unban me
Published 28/12/2013 @ 12:04:24, By Exile
ingo you are seriously an idiot. It blows my mind. You are 43 and you still haven't had a child. I'm 28.
I haven't delivered on my bike for awhile. That job also gave me exercise while I was being paid.
I could easily get a job at an insurance company. Do you think that I couldn't?
I haven't delivered on my bike for awhile. That job also gave me exercise while I was being paid.
I could easily get a job at an insurance company. Do you think that I couldn't?