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Contributions » Scooter Bernardet
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Scooter Bernardet
Published 27/11/2014 @ 18:27:40, By guepar
3 images to add to the Bernardet directory :
in the movie Sagan, by Diane Krurys,

here is 3 screen captures of a black Bernardet Y52 scooter

1. passing behind the 2 actresses

2. parked on the corner of Place des Pyramides in Paris, when Sagan arrives with a convertible Jaguar

3. parked on the side of the street, in front of supposed Sagan's apartment.
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Scooter Bernardet
Published 09/12/2014 @ 21:34:35, By guepar
Can't upload the 2 other picts!
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Scooter Bernardet
Published 10/12/2014 @ 10:47:04, By antp
Using the forum's picture upload you can attach only one picture per message (so you have to add two other replies to this thread to add the two other pictures).
Other solution is to use an external site that allows to upload pics for free.
However in this case if the scooter isn't much more visible than that on the other pics, it is not worth listing.
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Scooter Bernardet
Published 10/12/2015 @ 21:37:54, By guepar
2nd image, black Y52 parked on the corner of Place des Pyramides, paris
File: vlcsnap-2014-11-27-16h05m17s98.jpg ( 37.5 KB - 766 )
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Scooter Bernardet
Published 11/12/2015 @ 05:29:32, By dsl
^ car is Jag XK140
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