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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 01/05/2015 @ 18:14:47, By MisterZ
Hi, I have a couple of suggestions for the site. Firstly, what about adding a page views counter at the bottom of each page, for both the movie/show page, and for each vehicle? Secondly, for 4:3 images, is it possible to allow a user to select which portion of the frame they want for the thumbnail? Currently, if a vehicle appears at the very bottom or top of the 4:3 frame, then often you can't even see it in the thumbnail.
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 01/05/2015 @ 18:50:55, By antp
Adding stats is planned in the next version of the site, to known what are the most popular vehicles & movies.

Better thumbnail generation (using the "location" frame when it is specified) is on my to-do list since long time, but I still haven't done it.
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 21/05/2015 @ 14:21:07, By pishadeperro
why no listings for De Tomaso.....kill Bill had De Tomaso Mangusta as the star and there was a Pantera in Banzi Runner...Elvis Presley, Batman and Bob Seiger drove one
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 21/05/2015 @ 16:33:41, By antp
De Tomaso isn't listed on the main page because it is not amongst the ≈200 makes that have the most cars. Though that I should update that list some day, it is possible that it has evolved since I updated it last time.
Above the list there is a "All makes" link, showing all the makes of the site.

Latest Edition: 21/05/2015 @ 16:34:03
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 08/06/2015 @ 21:20:18, By antp
I re-use this thread just to post the info that now if a year is entered, if between 1 and 19 it will be be changed to 2001-2019, if between 20 and 99 it will be changed to 1920-1999. That makes easier to enter years. Not sure why I didn't make that sooner...
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 04/08/2015 @ 19:45:33, By eLMeR
When trying to upload a picture after clearing all history/cache/cookies (and so on) of the browser, the checkbox for Automatic resize/recompress picture if needed is unchecked by default, making the uploader tool yelling about it.
If the "non-resize option" is really needed, shouldn't this checkbox be checked by default, as this resizing is done almost every time?
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 04/08/2015 @ 21:51:24, By antp
Normally it is checked, except when a "imcdb_noautoresize" cookie is found.
And indeed if I open the site in a "private" navigation window, the box is checked by default.
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 05/08/2015 @ 00:34:13, By eLMeR
That's weird, as each time I clear my browser history and co. (so no potential "imcdb_noautoresize" cookie) it becomes unchecked by default, and I have to check it to be able to upload pictures.

Latest Edition: 05/08/2015 @ 00:37:41
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 05/08/2015 @ 09:04:11, By antp
Which browser? I test only with Firefox most of the time
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 07/08/2015 @ 15:31:58, By eLMeR
Pale Moon, which is a fork of Firefox (you can see it as a Firefox 25 with security patches). But I already had this problem when I was still using Firefox.
How is it managed at very first connection? I have several "blockers" installed (anti-ads, anti-cookies, anti-trakers and some more :smile: ): one of them is certainly the cause the problem, as everything seems indeed to work when using Midori or even Firefox (with all addons deactivated).
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 07/08/2015 @ 16:49:01, By antp
in the checkbox:

  1. if($autoresizeecho 'checked="checked"'

and the variable itself is initialized like that:

  1. if($validPost
  2. {  
  3. $autoresize = isset($_POST['autoresize']) && $_POST['autoresize']; 
  4. if(!$autoresize
  5. setcookie('imcdb_noautoresize'truetime() + 60*60*24*60); 
  6. else 
  7. setcookie('imcdb_noautoresize'false); 
  8. else 
  9. if(isset($_COOKIE['imcdb_noautoresize']) && $_COOKIE['imcdb_noautoresize']) 
  10. $autoresize = false
  11. else 
  12. $autoresize = true
  13. }

So by default it should be checked, and the state should be remembered.
The code is a little weird maybe.
I could imagine that the cookie would be wrongly read afterwards for some reason; but if there is no cookie defined at the first place, I don't see how it it could not being checked.
Maybe I should not pass any value instead of "false", to remove the cookie completely in case the box is checked...

Latest Edition: 07/08/2015 @ 16:51:31
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 09/08/2015 @ 22:18:42, By eLMeR
Looks like php4 implicit declarations inside :smile:
Another possibility could indeed be to set $autoresize to true just before if ($validPost) (your last else could more or less be seen as the default case when using switch instead of if), so this value would be overridden by any false given to it after.

But the problem comes apparently just from one of my blocker, as the concerned checkbox is indeed checked when I use a "standard user" profile in my browser or another browser without blocker. I'll make tests some day to understand which one is responsible, but it's not that troublesome: I only "clean up" my browser once a month :grin:
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 09/08/2015 @ 22:52:12, By antp
What do you mean by "implicit declaration"?
(and the server uses PHP 5.5)
$autoresize is assigned a value in all cases so I don't really see what it would change to initialize it earlier?
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 10/08/2015 @ 23:38:24, By eLMeR
Well, "implicit declaration" were maybe not the accurate words, and I don't know how to translate exactly what I "feel" about the code. In a nutshell, your code reminds me the way of writing we used for the Php4 (missing brackets for some if, variables checked with just if ($variable), and so on). Which is not a problem, as Php5 provides a good backwards compatibility. Even obsolete functions can be used as long as you correctly set the warning levels for it.
And it's absolutely not a criticism, just an observation.

Setting the default case at first is just a way of coding which is more or less like saying "that's what I want at first, now let's see what could modify it". It doesn't change anything else indeed: for me it's just the same thing than using the ntp daemon rather than ntpdate through cron :grin:

If needed, we should maybe continue this exchange on Php in PM, as I'm not sure this part is that interesting for most of the other contributors? This way, it would also be easier to use the proper words, as no translation would be needed :wink:
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 11/08/2015 @ 09:29:00, By antp
Checking a boolean variable with a ==true seems a little overkill to me :tongue:
Indeed I tend to skip some { }, but now less than before :wink:
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 16/08/2015 @ 02:07:04, By rjluna2
I noticed there is some kind of message either at the top or the bottom. Is that something you are working on that?
File: cookieinfo.jpg ( 18.0 KB - 1300 )
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 16/08/2015 @ 10:49:07, By antp
While I added it, I had to make a few tries before it worked correctly, so on Friday it appeared for a few minutes at the top, but since then it should be only on the bottom, and only once (if you click "OK").

There is a EU law that requires that visitors are notified that cookies are stored, and that the sites mention what is stored (hence the "More info" link).
I find a little ridiculous to have to notify users like that, since it is quite annoying to have that message popping on all the sites (at least when you visit them from Europe). A simple mandatory link accessible from the home page of every site would have been enough.

Latest Edition: 16/08/2015 @ 10:50:25
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 16/08/2015 @ 21:48:13, By rjluna2
Okay, thanks :wink:
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Site improvement / ideas?
Published 18/08/2015 @ 12:31:31, By DidierF
It's been a while I thought of it, but for once I think to write it down:

under the 'Last completed movie' pages line we see titles of the last 15 additions. Couldn't we make it 30? I'd find it convenient —especially when there have been additions en masse— to have the last movies we were working on at the tip of a click.
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