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Testing a new ad company
Published 07/09/2016 @ 23:57:55, By night cub
I usually use IE-11. Around the time of the last huge MS update (I think it was the August 3 one that was huge), sometimes the pages don't fully load, especially if I'm opening several tabs from the main board (I usually open one or two rows of tabs when I validate). So I wasn't sure if it was something that MS added that's preventing the ads from loading or if the ad company made changes.

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Testing a new ad company
Published 08/09/2016 @ 09:21:34, By antp
I'll check if I also have the "back" problem in IE11
and contact the ad provider if the problem is reproducible (or at least for the problem of ads not loading)
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Testing a new ad company
Published 27/03/2017 @ 18:44:16, By night cub
On my laptop (running IE 11), I'm frequently getting the following warning:

"Do want to allow this website to open an app on your computer"

It usually pops up on individual vehicle pages for one of the long advertisements that is not loading. Doesn't tell me what app or an option for No, just Allow or Cancel. Can't right click on space causing the problem.

It appears about a third to half of the time. Very annoying.
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Testing a new ad company
Published 27/03/2017 @ 22:56:19, By antp
:ohwell: annoying indeed
Can you try to find detail about the ad causing it? Cf previous page, campaign id. So I could report the ad.

Possibly it is for ads using Flash. Do you have Flash player installed and working? Possibly if it is not installed it tries to run something else :confused:

Latest Edition: 27/03/2017 @ 22:57:18
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Testing a new ad company
Published 29/03/2017 @ 17:55:22, By Exiv96
The site seems quite slow today, with a lot of different web adresses involved to display the banner ads (not just, if they're displayed at all.

Then I got this :

I guess a YouTube video should have started in that frame, but nothing happened. I reloaded and it was gone.
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Testing a new ad company
Published 30/03/2017 @ 10:19:25, By antp
I can report these, but I need the campaign id (cf post above and previous page)
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Testing a new ad company
Published 27/04/2017 @ 03:09:00, By rjluna2
I am running Internet Explorer 11 32-bit and I got this Security Alert that it cannot be verified. This certification is issued to * domain name. It repeated 4 times and I clicked no at each iteration. Possibility from the displayed ad as shown at the picture attached to this message.
File: btrllcertificationreduced.jpg ( 160.8 KB - 1083 )
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Testing a new ad company
Published 27/04/2017 @ 10:20:53, By antp
Most likely due to an ad indeed.
But as said above, to report it I need the campaign id found in the source of the page.
Or else it should solve itself, either when another ad will replace it or when they'll fix their certificate.
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Testing a new ad company
Published 27/04/2017 @ 14:34:19, By rjluna2
I was able to exam the content at the Waterfox's Inspect Element and found the domain name at:
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Testing a new ad company
Published 27/04/2017 @ 17:01:40, By antp
there is a campaignId parameter, cf discussion on the previous page
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Testing a new ad company
Published 27/04/2017 @ 18:36:41, By rjluna2
I re-reviewed the Waterfox's Inspect Element information and could not find what you are referring to, but I have capture this:
File: adscriptid.jpg ( 170.0 KB - 881 )
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Testing a new ad company
Published 27/04/2017 @ 19:46:41, By antp
Indeed I can't find either how to find it, maybe they changed something, as it does not look like what they mention there:

Anyway in the next days I'll start testing another ad company, so it may solve the problem... or create new ones :grin:
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Testing a new ad company
Published 04/05/2017 @ 01:58:05, By rjluna2
There is another ad marquee with the Security Alert that cannot be verified from Internet Explorer 11 32-bit that keeps popping up. But, this time I manage to grab the script information from Inspect Element. It reported: Script error at:
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Testing a new ad company
Published 05/05/2017 @ 15:06:05, By antp
Since now we are testing a new ad company, only for users who are logged in (visitors still get the usual ads).

So please give comments about these other ads compared to the other ones, and report problems if any.
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Testing a new ad company
Published 05/05/2017 @ 15:18:56, By Gag Halfrunt
I'm logged in and right now I'm not seeing any ads. :smile:
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Testing a new ad company
Published 05/05/2017 @ 15:20:29, By antp
If you don't block them, it is maybe that there is no ad suitable for your profile (it depends in the location and other mysterious criteria of the ad provider).
It often happened with the previous provider.
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Testing a new ad company
Published 05/05/2017 @ 18:26:53, By rjluna2
I logged into and I didn't see the ad at the Waterfox browser. :smile: I'll check with other browsers to see.
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Testing a new ad company
Published 05/05/2017 @ 19:04:32, By Baube
it goes like a blinker for me : ad, no ad.. ad, no ad..

i can't really compare with the usual ads as i don't get any.. ( i disabled it for the test ) :whistle:
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Testing a new ad company
Published 09/05/2017 @ 07:30:58, By Exiv96
So far, I only got belgian adverts in long-shaped gifs. But right now, on the home page, I have a 300x250 pixel video on a constant loop. It's muted by default, but still, I find auto-start videos a bit annoying.
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Testing a new ad company
Published 10/05/2017 @ 23:18:46, By night cub
Don't know if it's the new ad service, but getting lots of certificate errors and the site seems slow today. Has been freezing up on me.
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Testing a new ad company
Published 11/05/2017 @ 10:15:28, By antp
I have a 300x250 pixel video on a constant loop. It's muted by default, but still, I find auto-start videos a bit annoying.

we already had that with other providers, but I may report that one. Why is it annoying? Is it heavy to load? Or just because of the distracting animation?

Don't know if it's the new ad service, but getting lots of certificate errors and the site seems slow today. Has been freezing up on me.

certificate errors may be due to that indeed, or due to embedded images in comments.
if you can provide more details (screenshots, concerned addresses/domains, etc.) we could investigate

however ad loading should not slow then site: the ad loads after the page

Latest Edition: 11/05/2017 @ 10:16:16
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