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Testing a new ad company
Published 09/07/2017 @ 20:22:41, By rjluna2
Speak of the devil
This time I was able to capture what you needed:
<!-- [sovrn] Banner (289508 / a_289508_cb268d59054d45d78f563b19eedc8d2f / 40972 / 1769) -->
<ins class="sovrn_banner_ins _a_289508_cb268d59054d45d78f563b19eedc8d2f" id="sovrn_banner_a_289508_cb268d59054d45d78f563b19eedc8d2f_40972_1769">
<script type="text/javascript">var __GetI=window.__GetI||[],__GetI_vt=window.__GetI_vt||[],__GetI_domain='',__GetI_static_domain='',__GetI_protocol='- http',__GetI_context='web';

This time I was able to capture what you needed:
<!-- [sovrn] Banner (289508 / a_289508_cb268d59054d45d78f563b19eedc8d2f / 40972 / 1769) -->
<ins class="sovrn_banner_ins _a_289508_cb268d59054d45d78f563b19eedc8d2f" id="sovrn_banner_a_289508_cb268d59054d45d78f563b19eedc8d2f_40972_1769">
<script type="text/javascript">var __GetI=window.__GetI||[],__GetI_vt=window.__GetI_vt||[],__GetI_domain='',__GetI_static_domain='',__GetI_protocol='- http',__GetI_context='web';
File: unknownad.jpg
( 25.5 KB - 963 )
Testing a new ad company
Published 09/07/2017 @ 21:00:15, By antp
Thanks, I'll report it.
So it was a video ads that played automatically?
So it was a video ads that played automatically?
Testing a new ad company
Published 10/07/2017 @ 18:35:09, By rjluna2
Yep, that is what happened.
I blocked this address to see if this helps.
I blocked this address to see if this helps.
Testing a new ad company
Published 10/07/2017 @ 18:54:04, By antp
It seems that the provided info was useful for them, they'll block it from their side too
Testing a new ad company
Published 12/07/2017 @ 02:54:12, By rjluna2
I had another too many CPU cycles and memory hog with some kind of video streaming:
<!-- [sovrn] Banner (440502 / a_440502_fe7e654389d5462992a28501d1f4495f / 116576 / 662) -->
<ins class="sovrn_banner_ins _a_440502_fe7e654389d5462992a28501d1f4495f" id="sovrn_banner_a_440502_fe7e654389d5462992a28501d1f4495f_116576_662">
<script language='JavaScript' src=' NREF0TURBd01DMHdNREF3TFRBd01EQXRNREF3TURBd01EQXdNREF3LzIxOTMxNzU1NDY0MTUyOTgxNjU- vNDQzNDczMS8yNDYxNDU2LzE3L2NRbjdRWlRVcWx3djQtdUxiUEtnbzBzajZpTUdPeS04N2s4cTR2WEl- LOTQvMS8xNy8xNDk5NzkxMjE1LzAvNDY4MDg4LzExOTUwNjE0MzIvMTkyMjEzLzM5MDI4OC8xLzAvMC9- NREF3TURBd01EQXRNREF3TUMwd01EQXdMVEF3TURBdE1EQXdNREF3TURBd01EQXcvMC8wLzAvMC8wLw/- 31M7xtPJQ3ljmmF5TKfpnphrcXI&sid=2461456&cid=4434731&nodeid=633&price=0.151&group=- us-east&auctionid=2193175546415298165&bid=&pbs_id=2193175546415298165&bp=a_bfcaaa&3pck=- @CKURLE@'></script>
I'll block this one.
<!-- [sovrn] Banner (440502 / a_440502_fe7e654389d5462992a28501d1f4495f / 116576 / 662) -->
<ins class="sovrn_banner_ins _a_440502_fe7e654389d5462992a28501d1f4495f" id="sovrn_banner_a_440502_fe7e654389d5462992a28501d1f4495f_116576_662">
<script language='JavaScript' src=' NREF0TURBd01DMHdNREF3TFRBd01EQXRNREF3TURBd01EQXdNREF3LzIxOTMxNzU1NDY0MTUyOTgxNjU- vNDQzNDczMS8yNDYxNDU2LzE3L2NRbjdRWlRVcWx3djQtdUxiUEtnbzBzajZpTUdPeS04N2s4cTR2WEl- LOTQvMS8xNy8xNDk5NzkxMjE1LzAvNDY4MDg4LzExOTUwNjE0MzIvMTkyMjEzLzM5MDI4OC8xLzAvMC9- NREF3TURBd01EQXRNREF3TUMwd01EQXdMVEF3TURBdE1EQXdNREF3TURBd01EQXcvMC8wLzAvMC8wLw/- 31M7xtPJQ3ljmmF5TKfpnphrcXI&sid=2461456&cid=4434731&nodeid=633&price=0.151&group=- us-east&auctionid=2193175546415298165&bid=&pbs_id=2193175546415298165&bp=a_bfcaaa&3pck=- @CKURLE@'></script>
I'll block this one.
File: longmoviead.jpg
( 21.4 KB - 950 )
Testing a new ad company
Published 12/07/2017 @ 07:58:21, By antp
For these ads I need also the imcdb page address where it was displayed (previous one was easy, since that ad size is only on the home page), they seem to want that to find the ad in their logs.
Testing a new ad company
Published 12/07/2017 @ 18:30:56, By night cub
I'm getting that ad on most pages, but here is the most recent:
Getting a lot of invalid certificate errors from "". Have to click on at least 6 times before it will let me view most pages right now.
Getting a lot of invalid certificate errors from "". Have to click on at least 6 times before it will let me view most pages right now.
Testing a new ad company
Published 13/07/2017 @ 00:15:59, By rjluna2
I have blocked this domain name. It is no longer displaying, now
Seems to be an offending site to me

Seems to be an offending site to me

Testing a new ad company
Published 13/07/2017 @ 07:22:46, By antp
I'm getting that ad on most pages, but here is the most recent:
Getting a lot of invalid certificate errors from "". Have to click on at least 6 times before it will let me view most pages right now.
Getting a lot of invalid certificate errors from "". Have to click on at least 6 times before it will let me view most pages right now.
Can you make a screen capture of that if you get it again?
(with details that the browser shows, if any)
On their site Sovrn does not get errors on that one
Testing a new ad company
Published 19/07/2017 @ 20:47:23, By night cub
I wish I knew what to look for to help you. It's getting out of hand. I keep getting the message that the "name on the certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site". It happens with the long ads. It won't let me F12 while it is showing, I have to hit Yes or No at least 5-7 times before it will let me do anything. I posted here what shows when I try to look at the certificate:
I'm probably going to have to start blocking all ads from the site.
Latest Edition: 19/07/2017 @ 20:47:58
I'm probably going to have to start blocking all ads from the site.
Latest Edition: 19/07/2017 @ 20:47:58
Testing a new ad company
Published 20/07/2017 @ 08:55:32, By antp
Thanks, I'll send them the captures
For sending captures like that you can also directly e-mail me if it is easier
Latest Edition: 20/07/2017 @ 08:59:01
For sending captures like that you can also directly e-mail me if it is easier

Latest Edition: 20/07/2017 @ 08:59:01
Testing a new ad company
Published 23/07/2017 @ 22:04:56, By night cub
Looks like I have not been receiving any video ads, so I'm not having any issues since then (knock on wood so I don't jinx myself!)
Testing a new ad company
Published 25/07/2017 @ 13:04:23, By antp
Was the certificate problem with fixed?
Or did you just block the domain?
In case you still get errors like that, it seems that they can't do much without more info about the ad concerned (i.e. what you get via F12)
Or did you just block the domain?

In case you still get errors like that, it seems that they can't do much without more info about the ad concerned (i.e. what you get via F12)
Testing a new ad company
Published 25/07/2017 @ 18:07:31, By night cub
It hasn't come up since I posted that message. I didn't block anything new since then, so they must have found it. What I did notice is that I am not getting video ads, which were what was trying to load when I got the error message.
Testing a new ad company
Published 25/07/2017 @ 20:52:02, By antp
The thing is that they do not use themselves that domain: it is used by some of their "ad clients". I guess someone somewhere fixed it then
About video ads, they said they would block them at least for us, so I guess it worked.

About video ads, they said they would block them at least for us, so I guess it worked.
Testing a new ad company
Published 08/08/2017 @ 01:56:44, By rjluna2
I got the certification error. According to the inspect element, I got this:
<!-- [sovrn] Banner (440502 / a_440502_4df12ccc5b0649dfb8db6ef2dbba25a5 / 105642 / 3259) -->
<ins class="sovrn_banner_ins _a_440502_4df12ccc5b0649dfb8db6ef2dbba25a5" id="sovrn_banner_a_440502_4df12ccc5b0649dfb8db6ef2dbba25a5_105642_3259">
<script src=' 9dc0908120a2294d81543af93c0b8193&zds=19535a98ef5919a67bcac88870b6a00d&imp=99f1c6- 179b3513e76147359f8f4a3393&rtbserve=1&zwp=0.072&pv=1&prc=ZX0.47326936199944347'>- </script>
I'll try to block this domain name here
Latest Edition: 08/08/2017 @ 01:57:33
<!-- [sovrn] Banner (440502 / a_440502_4df12ccc5b0649dfb8db6ef2dbba25a5 / 105642 / 3259) -->
<ins class="sovrn_banner_ins _a_440502_4df12ccc5b0649dfb8db6ef2dbba25a5" id="sovrn_banner_a_440502_4df12ccc5b0649dfb8db6ef2dbba25a5_105642_3259">
<script src=' 9dc0908120a2294d81543af93c0b8193&zds=19535a98ef5919a67bcac88870b6a00d&imp=99f1c6- 179b3513e76147359f8f4a3393&rtbserve=1&zwp=0.072&pv=1&prc=ZX0.47326936199944347'>- </script>
I'll try to block this domain name here

Latest Edition: 08/08/2017 @ 01:57:33
Testing a new ad company
Published 08/08/2017 @ 19:57:50, By antp
Please also include the imcdb page address from where you get the code, in such case, as they seem to also want that info

Testing a new ad company
Published 09/08/2017 @ 03:03:31, By rjluna2
Okay, this time I have and other pages as well with the same [sovrn] Banner script information
I also captured the video url link as well:
I also captured the video url link as well:
File: adtakingcpucycles.jpg
( 26.5 KB - 690 )
Testing a new ad company
Published 09/08/2017 @ 03:11:21, By night cub
Looks like the same FIOS ad I was having problems with.