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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 21/06/2015 @ 03:23:53, By Baube
I was driving today and in front of me was a SUV with a Saskatchewan licence plate. it made me think of the Toyota Prius i saw a few years ago which had a Alaska plate on it( and the car with the Michigan manufacturer plate i saw once ). Pretty sure its a long ride from Alaska to the suburbs of Montreal. just curious about the others members sightings about out of state, province or country licence plates
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 21/06/2015 @ 11:27:36, By antp
Good discussion idea
Here in Brussels (Belgium, Western Europe) I'm used to see car plates from various other countries as there is here a lot of people from everywhere, Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Rep, Romania etc.) and Southern Europe (Spain, Italy, etc.) are common, but while thinking about it the Northern Europe (Scandinavia + Finland) is less common.
Plates from outside Europe are quite less common. Logical, since that's further and maybe more difficult to legally enter.
I already posted a few pics in the "interesting cars" thread:

As explained by Exiv96, that's a plate especially for travel, with latin characters instead of japanese characters.

this one too, if I remember well:
(plate not very readable on the photo, not even sure if it was US or Canadian state)

This one is a car from Peru (from the stickers on the rear) but with a Belgian diplomatic plate

I remember having seen cars with Arabic plates, from Middle-East countries, but I do not have photos.

Latest Edition: 21/06/2015 @ 11:30:31
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 21/06/2015 @ 12:31:40, By Gamer
I remember seeing a Volvo, approximately a 740/760, when I used to live in California. It had a US plate over a British or Swedish plate.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 21/06/2015 @ 13:36:40, By Baube
The Passat's licence plate looks like the Ontario one.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 21/06/2015 @ 17:38:36, By night cub
Alaska isn't so bad, when you start seeing Hawaii or Puerto Rico plates (I've seen both, and not on anything special) then you have to wonder, isn't it cheaper to sell the car and buy a new one or rent one? I think I've even seen a Guam plate once.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 21/06/2015 @ 19:46:20, By ingo
I remember seeing a Volvo, approximately a 740/760, when I used to live in California. It had a US plate over a British or Swedish plate.

This means not much. Often European immigrants or expats put plates from the their home country under the American plates. Also owners of re-imported cars do so, or just freaks for European cars. There is even an US-company, which offeres all kind of faked European plates.

This is a really interesting topic. In my plate-collectors-forum we also have a well-filled "far away from home"-thread. We have the agreement for this thread to put there cars from other continents, and European cars only from "exotic" places, for example Transnistria, Spitzbergen, Ceuta or far Russian districts.

There are a plenty of photos of US- or Canadian cars (of tourists, not of military servicemen), several from Northern Africa an Near East.
The most outstanding sights from Germany, I remember right now, was a late 1920ies Rolls Royce from Australia, a South Korean Camper, a South Korean motorbike on the way around the world and a truck from Vladiwostok.

When I'm travelling, I also have a look on these sights and try to make pics.

This selfmade Camper I've seen 2012 in the Okanagan valley, B.C./Canada:

These two motorbikes at the Columbia Icefield:

In 2014 at the Zion N.P./Utah:

In 2014 in San Francisco (Fisherman's Wharf Hostel)

I just cannot find the pics of these sights:

- a little Camper-van (on Suzuki Carry-base IIRC), driven by an old couple (approx. generation 80+), spotted on the Edinburgh-bypass - from Australia

- a Motorhome and a Mercedes G-Klasse with invalid German plates in Swakopmund/Namibia.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 22/06/2015 @ 03:33:08, By eLMeR
[...] driven by an old couple (approx. generation 80+),[...]

Ouch! Are people from preceding decades "vintage" or "brass era" people"? :grin:
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 03/07/2015 @ 20:47:17, By Gamer
Spotted during my class trip in Hamburg....

There were two of these, but I only took a picture of one. The Volvos were carrying (what else?) oriental carpets.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 08/07/2015 @ 01:03:27, By Baube
Saw this one today in a Walmart parking lot. Sure looks like its in my backyard compared to the awesome finds you guys had posted but its only the 2nd one i see from Michigan so far ( the other one was actually a Manufacturer plate ). Sure differs from the usual Ontario and New York licence plates ( nothing against people from there, just kind of used to see those licence plates now )

Can somebody tell me what is the blue M on the plate ? thanks
File: DSC02104.JPG ( 143.5 KB - 2157 )

Latest Edition: 08/07/2015 @ 01:05:09
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 08/07/2015 @ 01:49:42, By night cub
University of Michigan; this is a specialty plate
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 08/07/2015 @ 02:12:46, By Baube
Thanks night cub

nice way to help. Does all 50 states are doing this ?
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 08/07/2015 @ 03:19:27, By night cub
Most of the states do. They usually charge more for registration, so they get more money.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 08/07/2015 @ 03:28:49, By night cub
My state, New Jersey, offers about 60 different styles. My home state, Pennsylvania, offers over 400, over 300 special organizations and 40 military, plus others.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 08/07/2015 @ 06:16:27, By Baube
Thanks for the answer and the additionnal info.

i was curious about your home state so i checked on your profile on the main site.
Maybe i shouldn't tell you that i'm a huge Pens fan :wink:
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 11/07/2015 @ 02:14:57, By Baube
while i'm still waiting to get a pic from a really " long ride " one, i had to get this one from New Brunswick.
File: Dsc02110.jpg ( 190.5 KB - 1862 )
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 11/07/2015 @ 02:16:24, By Baube
Got a New Jersey one in the same parking lot
File: Dsc02111.jpg ( 170.2 KB - 1923 )

Latest Edition: 03/09/2015 @ 21:45:13
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 11/07/2015 @ 03:09:40, By ElSaxo
Good discussion idea
Here in Brussels (Belgium, Western Europe) I'm used to see car plates from various other countries as there is here a lot of people from everywhere, Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Rep, Romania etc.) and Southern Europe (Spain, Italy, etc.) are common, but while thinking about it the Northern Europe (Scandinavia + Finland) is less common.
Plates from outside Europe are quite less common. Logical, since that's further and maybe more difficult to legally enter.

Similarly here: tons from Romania/Germany/Spain/France/United Kingdom (but maybe many of them are from residents who have cars registered elsewhere to don't pay Italian taxes), less from Poland/Belgium/Greece, plus also from non-EU countries like Albania, Moldova, Switzerland and Russia. Lately I see a little surge of licence plates from San Marino, but likely Walter is more used to see them than me.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 12/07/2015 @ 02:53:42, By Sandie
Not a tourist plate but what do the stickers on this plate mean?

Latest Edition: 12/07/2015 @ 02:54:29
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 12/07/2015 @ 22:01:52, By Purzel89
DC = Diplomatic Corps
CC = Consulate Coprs

Pretty much the same for our business, but its a lower diplomatic level. :heink:
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 12/07/2015 @ 23:47:30, By eLMeR
Even if consulate/diplomatic car, it could be dangerous for its owner to visit Marseille with such plates, as football/soccer supporters from this city don't really like the Paris Saint-Germain (football team from Paris) and could think that it is a provocation :grin:

(I'm half joking, in fact, as each match between the 2 teams turns really violent in and out stadiums, and "extreme" supporters seem often to have forgotten they were provided with a brain at birth...)

Latest Edition: 12/07/2015 @ 23:49:23
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