Misc » "Touristic" Licence plate
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 02/05/2016 @ 20:30:55, By Sandie
Can anyone identify this one? I thought French at first but there are many differences:

"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 03/05/2016 @ 03:53:29, By atom
Seems to be a Maroccoan plate: https://www.google.se/search?q=moroccan+license+plate&client=ms-unknown&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip-b-r5bzMAhXJfywKHRwbB7wQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=511&dpr=3
59 = Kenitra
59 = Kenitra
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 03/05/2016 @ 04:25:04, By Sandie
Thanks. Definitely unexpected. I wouldn't want to have to pay for fuel to drive a Tahoe 2,000 miles.
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 04/05/2016 @ 14:48:09, By Exiv96
And a Toyota Granvia in the background. I suppose the high roof is a local conversion after it was imported to the UK.
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 04/05/2016 @ 18:12:00, By Lateef
The Granvia appears to be a P-reg, so can't it be an original Toyota Hiace HiClass?
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 04/05/2016 @ 19:37:07, By dsl
"P510 KPY is a Green 2008 Toyota with a numberplate first registered in Middlesbrough in 1996. This Pick Up was first used on the road on Tuesday 15th January 2008." And it's a diesel.
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 09/05/2016 @ 16:21:39, By Exiv96
Well, from what Google Images has found, "HiClass" seems to be a norwegian name. Anyway, yes, maybe it could be a Euro-spec HiAce from the late 1990s, but the P-reg plate from 2008, the two-tone paint and the oh-so-japanese window deflectors make me think this is an imported JDM Granvia.
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 09/05/2016 @ 16:57:40, By Baube
Mini from Connecticut...
like the colors of it actually... if you ask yourself why the Santa Fe doesn't have brake lights on, he had the left turn green light before me and Mini...
also saw a Kia Forte with a California plate on the same day but i was too slow to react and 1st thought it would be like the Civic with Hawaiian front plate in my album

like the colors of it actually... if you ask yourself why the Santa Fe doesn't have brake lights on, he had the left turn green light before me and Mini...
also saw a Kia Forte with a California plate on the same day but i was too slow to react and 1st thought it would be like the Civic with Hawaiian front plate in my album
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 11/05/2016 @ 13:38:23, By rjluna2
Normally the State of Georgia doesn't requires the front plate to be used, but the owner of the Ford Escape is probably Doctor Who fan
Spotted at North Spring MARTA station parking deck this morning:
Latest Edition: 11/05/2016 @ 13:43:25

Spotted at North Spring MARTA station parking deck this morning:
File: fordescape.jpg
( 247.8 KB - 1463 )
Latest Edition: 11/05/2016 @ 13:43:25
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 12/05/2016 @ 02:32:57, By Baube
Did not travel as far as atom's NB Volvo but the trip surely lasted a few miles...
Latest Edition: 12/05/2016 @ 02:34:39

Latest Edition: 12/05/2016 @ 02:34:39
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 20/05/2016 @ 15:39:01, By Exiv96
A VW Golf in Brussels with what looks like a fake dutch plate. The font seems wrong and that digit combination is from 1981, while the car is from the mid 1990s.

"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 20/05/2016 @ 22:23:34, By Gamer
I was in Kiel for my uncle's funeral, and on the way home I saw a lot of tourists and interesting things:
Two or three trucks with Turkish plates!
Two vehicles with Belarusian plates: a Laguna Grandtour and a truck I can't remember, had "Brest" and the city arms on the side of the roof.
A truck from Estonia, only the second Estonian-registered vehicle I've met in person.
US-spec Passat 3BG wagon with Polish plates
A truck full of US-spec cars, including an Audi A4 B8 or B9, 2005+ Ford Mustang and a 2002-04 Honda Odyssey.
And the most interesting bit...you're not going to believe this, but...
Two or three trucks with Turkish plates!
Two vehicles with Belarusian plates: a Laguna Grandtour and a truck I can't remember, had "Brest" and the city arms on the side of the roof.
A truck from Estonia, only the second Estonian-registered vehicle I've met in person.
US-spec Passat 3BG wagon with Polish plates
A truck full of US-spec cars, including an Audi A4 B8 or B9, 2005+ Ford Mustang and a 2002-04 Honda Odyssey.
And the most interesting bit...you're not going to believe this, but...
A white 1998+ Chevrolet Prizm in the opposite lane...it was so special I even remember the plate: KI-Q-8.
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 24/05/2016 @ 08:15:13, By ingo
I was in Kiel for my uncle's funeral, and on the way home I saw a lot of tourists and interesting things:
Two or three trucks with Turkish plates!
Two vehicles with Belarusian plates: a Laguna Grandtour and a truck I can't remember, had "Brest" and the city arms on the side of the roof.
A truck from Estonia, only the second Estonian-registered vehicle I've met in person.
US-spec Passat 3BG wagon with Polish plates
A truck full of US-spec cars, including an Audi A4 B8 or B9, 2005+ Ford Mustang and a 2002-04 Honda Odyssey.
And the most interesting bit...you're not going to believe this, but...
Two or three trucks with Turkish plates!
Two vehicles with Belarusian plates: a Laguna Grandtour and a truck I can't remember, had "Brest" and the city arms on the side of the roof.
A truck from Estonia, only the second Estonian-registered vehicle I've met in person.
US-spec Passat 3BG wagon with Polish plates
A truck full of US-spec cars, including an Audi A4 B8 or B9, 2005+ Ford Mustang and a 2002-04 Honda Odyssey.
And the most interesting bit...you're not going to believe this, but...
A white 1998+ Chevrolet Prizm in the opposite lane...it was so special I even remember the plate: KI-Q-8.
Do you wanna kidding us or don't you never leave your home village? Especially in your area all Autobahnen are filled up with hundreds of thousands of Eastern European trucks and vans, plus the many cars and buses of the foreign workers and tourists! When you take the A2 -very close to your home- to Berlin, you always see hundreds of vehicles with plates from these countries!
Sometimes even rarities from the real Far East as Kasakhstan. Rather rare are vehicles from Moldovia - and only once ever I've seen a Mercedes W124 from Tiraspol in
Turkish trucks aren't rare on German Autobahnen neither. The most you see in the South of Germany, but many are going upwards to Hamburg and Scandinavia, too, via the A7 - which is also near to your home.
What do you think, how the food for the 3 million people with Turkish roots comes to Germany?
In and around Hamburg there appear also seveal trucks from the Iran and Aserbaidchan, as Hamburg is still the main trading venue for oriental carpets.
As the A7 and also the A1 are the main routes to Scandinavia, there you can spot sometimes rarities from the North. At specific times, some hours after the arrival of the Norröna in Esbjerg (oh, this year it's Hirthals)
- http://www.smyrilline.com/ -
there's also a chance to see cars from Iceland or the Faroe Islands.
Latest Edition: 24/05/2016 @ 08:16:30
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 29/05/2016 @ 16:23:03, By Baube
Seen yesterday at the grocery store... no, i don't think they made it here only to buy grocery....or if they did, hope they did not planned to get back home with some ice cream, was really, really hot yeaterday...
Also missed a Maine, a Ford F-150 with a Washington one and the same ( i think its the same ) California-plated Kia Forte in the last days....
Usually i don't care of the Ontario plates as i see them often but i also saw four 2016 Mazda CX-9 with Ontario plates in a row , they were following each other. Maybe they were tested by some car magazine or it was an event planified by Mazda Canada....
Latest Edition: 29/05/2016 @ 20:52:33

Also missed a Maine, a Ford F-150 with a Washington one and the same ( i think its the same ) California-plated Kia Forte in the last days....
Usually i don't care of the Ontario plates as i see them often but i also saw four 2016 Mazda CX-9 with Ontario plates in a row , they were following each other. Maybe they were tested by some car magazine or it was an event planified by Mazda Canada....
Latest Edition: 29/05/2016 @ 20:52:33
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 10/06/2016 @ 18:30:09, By Gamer
No pics, but in Amsterdam I saw a bus with an Andorra plate. It was so obscure, I had never seen one before (and thought it was from Southeast Asia) and only knew it was from Andorra by the bus company name.
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 19/06/2016 @ 00:00:50, By Gamer
And today on the way to Hamburg I spotted two Volvo with Iran plates (okay, I saw those before, in Hamburg even) but more importantly, a truck with a Kazakhstan plate! (the newer 2011+ style which I had not even heard of before)
Would the twenty pence piece I found during my final class trip to Amsterdam also count?
Latest Edition: 19/06/2016 @ 00:01:24

Would the twenty pence piece I found during my final class trip to Amsterdam also count?

Latest Edition: 19/06/2016 @ 00:01:24
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 27/06/2016 @ 16:06:04, By Sandie
French plate but why is it red?

"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 27/06/2016 @ 16:17:15, By Baube
eLMeR said something about the red plates being a temporary registration on the previous page
Latest Edition: 27/06/2016 @ 16:18:55
Latest Edition: 27/06/2016 @ 16:18:55
"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 04/07/2016 @ 20:50:58, By Baube
1999-2002 Mercedes SL 500 from Georgia . Does the special license make them disappear from the listings ? couldn't find the exact year on Carfax as it doesn't give any results...