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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 02/11/2018 @ 04:16:46, By Exiv96
Incredible !

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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 04/11/2018 @ 20:30:53, By ingo
Incredible !

Naah, not that extreme. It's surely a Volkswagen company car.

Gamer lives in Volkswagenland, so in his area you have good chances to spot exotic VW's from other parts of the world.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 31/12/2018 @ 22:20:58, By Sandie
Have no idea where this Terios is from, thought New Zealand but it's unlikely considering the distance and the plate doesn't come back to this car on Carjam:
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 25/04/2019 @ 17:43:35, By rjluna2
If you are a computer geek, you should know about this: Hey Look, It's the One Personalized License Plate That's Actually Fun and Clever :wink:
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 09/12/2019 @ 14:44:46, By atom<br />

I've seen this car two times now with a few weeks in between. I don't think I have ever seen an Icelandic registered vehicle before.

Niðurstaða leitar:
Skráningarnr: TKM89
Fastanr: TKM89
Verksmiðjunr: WVWZZZ7MZ8V020685
Fyrst skráð: 19.06.2008
Staða: Í lagi
Næsta skoðun: 01.09.2020
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 30/09/2020 @ 18:49:38, By atom
Saw a Volvo XC70 today with German license number GG XC70 :smile:
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 01/10/2020 @ 00:25:03, By ingo
Saw a Volvo XC70 today with German license number GG XC70 :smile:

An exception - usually on actual cars the personalized plate (popular in Germany, costs only 10,20€) is related to the owner, and on classic cars to the car.

Exceptions were Citroën XM, Chrysler PT Cruiser and the numberised Porsches (rarely so see a 911 without 911 on the plate).

My mother-in-law was irritated about the WES-DD 364 on my Durango: "Why that number? Ingo was not born in March 1964!"
She was told then, that the 364 stands for the hp :banzai:
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 01/10/2020 @ 09:30:11, By atom
A personalized plate in Sweden is €590, valid for ten years but it belongs to you so you can move it between your cars. Therfore personalized plates usually have some connection to the owner like their name or nickname and rarely something connected to the car. I've seen an Audi that had OOOO though.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 30/12/2021 @ 17:46:40, By atom
I saw a Volvo 945 with German plate GÖ-HHxxx today, what was interesting was that it was an old plate without the EU-band, I haven't seen one of those in years!
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 21/04/2024 @ 03:34:49, By Baube
i parked behind a Subaru Forester that had a Utah plate today . Must be to celebrate the Arizona Coyotes move to Salt Lake City.. :grin:

But its a missed opportunity for me as i did not had my camera and want to have a pic from all the states/provinces where there is an NHL team..

I'll have to dig up for my camera to see if that piece of junk still works.. :ohwell:
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 14/05/2024 @ 02:29:32, By ingo
I saw a Volvo 945 with German plate GÖ-HHxxx today, what was interesting was that it was an old plate without the EU-band, I haven't seen one of those in years!

They are out of issuing since 1.11.2000
Nowadays us plate freaks make photos of all we can spot.
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 24/06/2024 @ 03:18:41, By dhill_cb7
Saw an old Keystone PA plate with the yellow writing and blue background. Apparently if you have a personalize plate prior to the new plates that came 24 years ago in 2000 you could keep them!
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 24/06/2024 @ 17:31:30, By walter.

Thirty years-old Audi coming from Italy for a quick spin in Lancashire

Crazy people... :wink:

Latest Edition: 24/06/2024 @ 17:37:12
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 24/06/2024 @ 20:44:18, By Baube
only me or you seem to know that Audi quite well ? :whistle:

Beautiful car btw :love:

Latest Edition: 24/06/2024 @ 20:44:49
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"Touristic" Licence plate
Published 25/06/2024 @ 06:46:30, By antp
Nice :smile:
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