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Site/Ad Issues
Published 06/04/2024 @ 09:23:09, By antp
The site is so slow today. Even enabling the bot blocker hasn't helped.

From the log you enabled it only two minutes after that post :confused: Maybe servers aren't perfectly in sync :grin:
After enabling it, it may take a few minutes to really be effective: the crappy bot was still fetching all thumbnail images from the movie pages it requested before the block (the block is for pages only, not images, and not the vehicle pages as these are less heavy)

It was also enabled a few hours before, but when enabled it is only for one hour anyway.

Latest Edition: 06/04/2024 @ 09:23:58

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Site/Ad Issues
Published 06/04/2024 @ 10:54:18, By night cub
I enabled soon after I started editing/validating because things were starting to get hung up then. And then later, I was validating some more, and was in the middle of editing a vehicle and it just froze up. That's when I posted here, and when the vehicle finally finished processing the edit (it literally took about 4-5 minutes for one edit), I checked the admin tools and saw that the blocker was stopped, so I enabled it again. Things did start moving faster at that point.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 07/04/2024 @ 13:06:56, By antp
I did a small change to automatically block the two worse bots between 7pm and 7am CET (times of site & forum) as these are usually the peak times.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 08/04/2024 @ 02:25:09, By chicomarx
It's a web crawler to train Chinese AI so I would definitely block it completely...

Here's someone that wrote a successful counter-attack:
probably only temporarily because "I've implemented a browser verification challenge, which initially seemed to slow it down, but the crawler eventually bypassed that."
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 08/04/2024 @ 07:06:59, By antp
In the comment below he said he could successfuly filter it by just blocking all what contains "Bytespider" (and indeed in my case I filter it with just that part).

In case of IMCDb, as long as it identifies as something specific, it is easy to filter or block, I just put the filter in the start of the file that is included in every page of the site.
But in general I prefer not to block completely all these, otherwise they may end up trying to get around via another name that we have to find again and block again :grin:
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/04/2024 @ 09:54:41, By night cub
Any way to stop the Discover Card ads? They are the latest bottom page ad intrusion. It looks like it is supposed to be in the normal ad box but instead appears at the bottom of the page and blocks you from any function. You have to refresh to get rid of it.

Latest Edition: 10/04/2024 @ 10:20:18
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/04/2024 @ 10:23:01, By antp
I'll report them
Do someone else have issues with these?
It is strange it is always you and always the same style of issue :figti:
I don't know what could cause it on your computer though.

Latest Edition: 10/04/2024 @ 10:27:57
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/04/2024 @ 12:32:51, By antp
They are investigating, and will block that ad in the meantime.
One thing you can try in such case is to report the ad via the link at the bottom left (cf attached image).
That link does not appear on your screenshot but maybe it appears where the ad is supposed to be originally? (i.e. top right box of the page)
File: unnamed.png ( 70.2 KB - 382 )
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/04/2024 @ 20:53:45, By night cub
They are investigating, and will block that ad in the meantime.
One thing you can try in such case is to report the ad via the link at the bottom left (cf attached image).
That link does not appear on your screenshot but maybe it appears where the ad is supposed to be originally? (i.e. top right box of the page)

Somebody else was having this problem, rjluna maybe? It's on one of the previous pages of this thread.

I guess I should have taken a screen shot from the top of the page, so you could see the empty box where the ad should be. The ads here seem to say just 'Ad" instead of "Report Ad", when you click on that button then you can report the ad as "Animated, Offensive or Misleading"

Sorry about the weird formatting, I had just resized a bunch of pics to 640x480 and forgot to reset.

Latest Edition: 10/04/2024 @ 21:00:58
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/04/2024 @ 21:03:36, By rjluna2
@night cub: Re to the Discover card ad blocking the page. I no longer have that problem now.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/04/2024 @ 21:07:17, By night cub
What did you do?
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 11/04/2024 @ 15:46:46, By rjluna2
Nothing, it stop doing that to me :think:
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 12/04/2024 @ 07:03:17, By chicomarx
A donate button would be less annoying than ads, and might actually earn more. Just try it for a month antp.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 12/04/2024 @ 11:01:22, By antp
Are the ads so annoying though?
well except for night cub which has this strange issue, for the others the ads are supposed to be rather discreet. And it is always possible to block them for those who do not like them.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 12/04/2024 @ 19:19:39, By chicomarx
Ads create a bad user experience. I block them on Firefox but many people don't know how. I often see youtube comments about the ads so they actually sit through videos with constant interruption. Even on a static page they're always flashing to get attention. It's pretty rude.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 12/04/2024 @ 20:38:45, By antp
Normally those on the site do not flash either (and do not even have animations, or very subtle ones)
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 12/04/2024 @ 21:57:11, By night cub
The ads don't bother me unless they become intrusive. The problem is some of the ads that are supposed to sit in the right-side box on most pages have been popping up at the bottom of the page instead as a full-width pop-up that blocks any function on the page.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 18/04/2024 @ 05:34:32, By night cub
I'll report them
Do someone else have issues with these?
It is strange it is always you and always the same style of issue :figti:
I don't know what could cause it on your computer though.

After several days of not getting any Discover ads, they started appearing again today.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 20/04/2024 @ 00:07:22, By night cub
I don't know what is going on, but both the site and the forum are running super slow right now.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 20/04/2024 @ 06:24:37, By dhill_cb7
Site is very slow right now.
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 20/04/2024 @ 08:31:05, By antp
both the site and the forum are running super slow right now.

Though they have nothing in comment, they are not even on the same continent :grin:
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