General » Lock Icon
Lock Icon
Published 25/01/2021 @ 14:06:59, By Camera2004
What does it mean?
Lock Icon
Published 25/01/2021 @ 15:10:46, By Baube
what does mean what ?
ok.. that lock icon.. it means they didn't cleared the validation process yet so the page is locked ( we can't comment on it or do any other action until they cleared it )
Latest Edition: 25/01/2021 @ 15:18:04
ok.. that lock icon.. it means they didn't cleared the validation process yet so the page is locked ( we can't comment on it or do any other action until they cleared it )
Latest Edition: 25/01/2021 @ 15:18:04
Lock Icon
Published 25/01/2021 @ 21:52:09, By night cub
That should only be visible to admins
Lock Icon
Published 25/01/2021 @ 22:05:42, By Baube
is there another lock icon then ? its the only one i know..
Lock Icon
Published 25/01/2021 @ 22:07:05, By Gamer
As a non-admin I can confirm the lock appears when one adds unvalidated contributions.
Lock Icon
Published 25/01/2021 @ 22:36:26, By night cub
As a non-admin I can confirm the lock appears when one adds unvalidated contributions.
Thanks, I didn't think they were visible to regular posters
Lock Icon
Published 26/01/2021 @ 03:20:44, By Camera2004
How to get validated then? Have to wait?
Lock Icon
Published 26/01/2021 @ 04:59:00, By night cub
There are a few titles that the admins are discussing whether they should be approved or deleted.
Lock Icon
Published 26/01/2021 @ 07:22:42, By antp
Just to the one who added the contribution, so he can edit his entries.
Lock Icon
Published 05/03/2021 @ 18:43:44, By cibup
Now, waiting for the validation of my last contribution, a recurring question came to me again.
I was wondering if it would be possible to allow the contributor to post comments on its "waiting to be validated" contributions. I don't know if anyone else but me would find it useful or interesting, but I use to take some extra thumbs that have to wait until the validation to be added. I know maybe there's no available admin or they need time to validate contributions when queued, and that -sometimes long- wait was not a big problem when I had more time, but nowadays I'm a bit busier, and sometimes, when the validation takes a while, if I'm not available for some days, the details or the identification of unidentified cars have to be done without the extra thumbs, and maybe when I get to add the thumbs, days later, the identification comments have no sense any more but keep stuck there.
It could also be useful to let some info to the validating admin.
I don't know if that's technically possible nor if it follows the rules, but I would find it really useful.
Thank you in any case!
Latest Edition: 05/03/2021 @ 19:30:37
I was wondering if it would be possible to allow the contributor to post comments on its "waiting to be validated" contributions. I don't know if anyone else but me would find it useful or interesting, but I use to take some extra thumbs that have to wait until the validation to be added. I know maybe there's no available admin or they need time to validate contributions when queued, and that -sometimes long- wait was not a big problem when I had more time, but nowadays I'm a bit busier, and sometimes, when the validation takes a while, if I'm not available for some days, the details or the identification of unidentified cars have to be done without the extra thumbs, and maybe when I get to add the thumbs, days later, the identification comments have no sense any more but keep stuck there.
It could also be useful to let some info to the validating admin.
I don't know if that's technically possible nor if it follows the rules, but I would find it really useful.
Thank you in any case!
Latest Edition: 05/03/2021 @ 19:30:37
Lock Icon
Published 06/03/2021 @ 02:21:59, By chicomarx
Yes, that has been suggested before. It's not practical to have the contributor waiting with thumbnails. I'm not sure there's an easy technical solution.
Lock Icon
Published 06/03/2021 @ 17:10:27, By antp
Problem is that the comments are sorted by date, so if people check latest comment they would either see comments on page not yet validated or (if we exclude these pages from "all comments") maybe never see these comments in the latest comments, as they would already be old when the pages are validated.
(I'm not sure if it is clear?)
Of course these could be stored in a separate table and moved to the real comments table when the page is validated, but I never took time to make that...
(I'm not sure if it is clear?)
Of course these could be stored in a separate table and moved to the real comments table when the page is validated, but I never took time to make that...
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Published 08/03/2021 @ 13:55:47, By rjluna2
The only response I usually do is I tell them 'x picture(s) was/were uploaded to be validated' at the main movie page when they are ready to be validated

Lock Icon
Published 08/03/2021 @ 17:04:41, By cibup
Problem is that the comments are sorted by date, so if people check latest comment they would either see comments on page not yet validated or (if we exclude these pages from "all comments") maybe never see these comments in the latest comments, as they would already be old when the pages are validated.
(I'm not sure if it is clear?)
(I'm not sure if it is clear?)
Both options you propose would be good for me. If people see comments on still not validated cars, and they can't reply, they will understand it's pending. Anyway, if you judge it better to directly exclude those comments from "all comments", I don't think it would a problem as, once validated, the film/series/etc. will appear at "Last completed movie pages" and the unidentified cars will appear at "Unidentified" for people to find it.
Of course these could be stored in a separate table and moved to the real comments table when the page is validated, but I never took time to make that...
I assume you're not going to move the comments for each case once validated.
Latest Edition: 08/03/2021 @ 17:05:09
Lock Icon
Published 08/03/2021 @ 19:37:12, By antp
If people see comments on still not validated cars, and they can't reply, they will understand it's pending.
Which is a problem: they would then comment on the movie page, they would not resist

Also, if comments are visible but not the vehicle itself, it is annoying.
So for me that's not a viable option.
The only one that would work is that people could put a "temporary" comment on the not-validated page, which would then be added as first comment when the page is validated.
But it requires a little work, no idea when I would do that, as I don't have much time for the site and already so many things to do...
Lock Icon
Published 09/03/2021 @ 15:08:43, By cibup
The only one that would work is that people could put a "temporary" comment on the not-validated page, which would then be added as first comment when the page is validated.
But it requires a little work, no idea when I would do that, as I don't have much time for the site and already so many things to do...
But it requires a little work, no idea when I would do that, as I don't have much time for the site and already so many things to do...
That would be perfect. I hope you would improve it! Anyway, I could imagine there's not easy to get the time do it. Just keep it in mind till the moment arrives!
Thank you in advance!