Cars & Movies » Which movie is this Crown Vic featured in?
Which movie is this Crown Vic featured in?
Published 29/03/2021 @ 08:36:02, By 9705
Hello! I have a '94 Crown Victoria since a few months now, and apparently it used to be a movie prop car. In the Facebook Marketplace ad there was pictures of whatever it was used in, but the seller didn't what it was. So I started looking through the main site, to no avail. So I'm asking your help, if anyone could guess where were these images taken from, I would seriously appreciate it

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Which movie is this Crown Vic featured in?
Published 29/03/2021 @ 15:05:05, By antp
It may be listed on the site as '93 model (as from that pic I don't know if we could narrow it to 1994-only) but other than that, I don't have an idea. Maybe others will.
Which movie is this Crown Vic featured in?
Published 29/03/2021 @ 16:50:10, By 9705
Yeah when I searched I used the advanced search and typed 1993 to 1994 for the year range. I found a pic of one CV that looks similar to mine but with different hubcaps, from a movie from 2006 called "Hard Luck", but as far as I know it was used recently in movies, not 15 years ago, so... Could be, who knows. But still wanted to know where is this pic from
Latest Edition: 29/03/2021 @ 16:51:46
Latest Edition: 29/03/2021 @ 16:51:46
Which movie is this Crown Vic featured in?
Published 29/03/2021 @ 23:08:20, By JB007
Based on the picture you gave us, the background makes me think of a Canadian shoot, and probably a series.
Latest Edition: 29/03/2021 @ 23:08:41
Based on the picture you gave us, the background makes me think of a Canadian shoot, and probably a series.
Latest Edition: 29/03/2021 @ 23:08:41
Which movie is this Crown Vic featured in?
Published 30/03/2021 @ 00:51:34, By 9705
That would make sense. The only thing I know about my CV is that it originated from British Columbia before arriving here in Québec. A movie guy here bought it around two years ago, but anything in between, I don't know anything about. But it would have spent its life in Canada based on what I know, yes
Latest Edition: 30/03/2021 @ 00:52:16
Latest Edition: 30/03/2021 @ 00:52:16