General » Main images not showing?
Main images not showing?
Published 17/01/2023 @ 20:06:40, By dhill_cb7
Hi all,
Are the main images not showing up for anyone? Seems the site may have crashed? I cleared my cookies after replacing an old main with an updated HD one and noticed this issue.
Hopefully nothing serious has happened or we lost the database..
Are the main images not showing up for anyone? Seems the site may have crashed? I cleared my cookies after replacing an old main with an updated HD one and noticed this issue.
Hopefully nothing serious has happened or we lost the database..
Main images not showing?
Published 17/01/2023 @ 20:35:49, By chicomarx
It briefly crashed, maybe high traffic. I suppose connections from Europe would peak around this time.
Main images not showing?
Published 17/01/2023 @ 20:41:36, By UKboy205
The same issue goes to me, but that doesn't stop me from giving up IMCDB
The only way to fix that problem is too Google search IMCDB, go on to images, click on any cars, click on the website, & the pictures will still work, try doing as i do
Latest Edition: 17/01/2023 @ 20:41:50

The only way to fix that problem is too Google search IMCDB, go on to images, click on any cars, click on the website, & the pictures will still work, try doing as i do
Latest Edition: 17/01/2023 @ 20:41:50
Main images not showing?
Published 18/01/2023 @ 02:02:34, By QueenMDX
Hm, I was wondering why the images weren't loading either too. But I guess I'll try UKBoy205's solution and see if that works out, though.
Main images not showing?
Published 18/01/2023 @ 02:42:31, By yjq
Hey,guys.Have you got another solution.I can’t use Google in mainland China.
Main images not showing?
Published 18/01/2023 @ 04:46:18, By Baube
is there something equivalent/similar ? maybe it could work too..
Main images not showing?
Published 18/01/2023 @ 06:20:09, By antp
Copy of what I posted on the comments of the site:
Images are working again, sorry for the inconvenience
Yesterday evening I created a separate test site to avoid breaking things on the real site when doing changes... so it had the opposite effect as intended
Actually why images were working for some and not others: I think if you were using images were fine, but if you were using the non-www version you were directed to the test site which does not have access to the image (but the database was still the normal one, so all other content was there).
Now both with or without www should be fine.
Images are working again, sorry for the inconvenience

Yesterday evening I created a separate test site to avoid breaking things on the real site when doing changes... so it had the opposite effect as intended

Actually why images were working for some and not others: I think if you were using images were fine, but if you were using the non-www version you were directed to the test site which does not have access to the image (but the database was still the normal one, so all other content was there).
Now both with or without www should be fine.
Main images not showing?
Published 18/01/2023 @ 06:21:11, By antp
It briefly crashed, maybe high traffic. I suppose connections from Europe would peak around this time.
Yesterday evening around 7 or 8PM on our time? That was not traffic this time, it was me, sorry

Latest Edition: 18/01/2023 @ 06:21:26