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Country list updates
Published 16/02/2025 @ 17:16:01, By antp
I created this thread for all comments related to the list of countries and their flags on the site.

I recently renamed Swaziland to Eswatini (keeping the SZ code) as the country changed its name in 2018.

In the same way, I'm changing the following:

- Czech Republic to Czechia (2016)

- Turkey to Türkiye (2022)

- Cape Verde to Cabo Verde (2013)

- East Timor to Timor-Leste (?)
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Country list updates
Published 16/02/2025 @ 18:03:09, By antp
Still to do: add Sint-Maarten, the NL part of the Saint Martin island:
This is still not done because its country code is SX, which I used for Scotland, so I have to update that code everywhere in the database for adding the new country :grin:
Saint-Martin, the FR part, is part of France so maybe it should not really be listed as country (since it does not have its own flag)
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Country list updates
Published 16/02/2025 @ 18:31:44, By mike962
not country name but country flag

Syria flag needs updated
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Country list updates
Published 16/02/2025 @ 19:44:47, By antp
You already mentioned that, but it is still not official, no?

I updated it, in worse case I can update it again if it changes.
I can't center correctly an odd number of stars, it still seems to look ok:
(open the link and ctrl+F5 on it to force refresh the flag)

Latest Edition: 16/02/2025 @ 19:45:17
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Country list updates
Published 16/02/2025 @ 20:21:59, By mike962
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