Old contributions (archive) » [done] Witness (1985)
[done] Witness (1985)
Published 09/04/2008 @ 13:28:52, By Kooshmeister
Just picked this up on DVD, hadn't seen in ages.
Book's sister's Volkswagon.
Book's car. When Schaefer's goons search it, it says Dodge on the back. 3 stars.
McFee's car. 2 stars.
Car that Schaefer and his goons arrive in at the end. A Ford of some sort (?). 2 stars. 3 if same car.
White car Book hides behind during his shootout with McFee. 1 star.
Dodge Diplomat (?) police cars. A few are seen around the town. 2 stars.
Truck. 1-2 stars.
Police car (State Police, I believe). 2 stars.
Unmarked police car (possibly FBI). 1 star.
Latest Edition: 26/04/2008 @ 00:29:26
Book's sister's Volkswagon.
Book's car. When Schaefer's goons search it, it says Dodge on the back. 3 stars.
McFee's car. 2 stars.
Car that Schaefer and his goons arrive in at the end. A Ford of some sort (?). 2 stars. 3 if same car.
White car Book hides behind during his shootout with McFee. 1 star.
Dodge Diplomat (?) police cars. A few are seen around the town. 2 stars.
Truck. 1-2 stars.
Police car (State Police, I believe). 2 stars.
Unmarked police car (possibly FBI). 1 star.
Latest Edition: 26/04/2008 @ 00:29:26
Witness (1985)
Published 09/04/2008 @ 15:40:07, By Ddey65
That Volkswagen is the Squareback listed without an image here:
And the truck is a Peterbilt 352. I'll name the other vehicles later.
Latest Edition: 09/04/2008 @ 16:49:14
And the truck is a Peterbilt 352. I'll name the other vehicles later.
Latest Edition: 09/04/2008 @ 16:49:14
Witness (1985)
Published 09/04/2008 @ 15:41:43, By Ddey65
Witness (1985)
Published 10/04/2008 @ 01:52:19, By Kooshmeister
Ack, sorry, Leoz....it's just that I had the DVD and I jumped at it....
Witness (1985)
Published 15/04/2008 @ 00:21:17, By Neon