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[Done] OMC - How Bizarre(1997 Music Video)[YouTube Link]
Published 26/05/2009 @ 03:55:03, By Ddey65
Sorry for my delay of the upload of Kotch, but the recent storms have interrupted my plans. In the meantime, I recently saw this YouTube of the 1997 music video for OMC's How Bizarre being watched by somebody at a local library.

That's a 1968 Chevrolet, not a 1969. In any case, whoever feels like uploading it, it's yours.

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 13:35:14
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OMC - How Bizarre(1997 Music Video)[YouTube Link]
Published 26/05/2009 @ 10:04:01, By marioman3138
I'll do it tommorow, if that's okay
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OMC - How Bizarre(1997 Music Video)[YouTube Link]
Published 26/05/2009 @ 10:51:17, By vilero
I'll do it tommorow, if that's okay

Check also the quality of this link

Both can be seen in HD
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OMC - How Bizarre(1997 Music Video)[YouTube Link]
Published 27/05/2009 @ 09:18:56, By marioman3138

I think its about two stars

Used the one from vilero's link.
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OMC - How Bizarre(1997 Music Video)[YouTube Link]
Published 27/05/2009 @ 11:16:56, By vilero
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