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Useful info and links for identification » Seagrave - A Pictorial History of Seagrave Fire Apparatus
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Seagrave - A Pictorial History of Seagrave Fire Apparatus
Published 18/08/2015 @ 01:39:32, By rjluna2
I brought myself Seagrave - A Pictorial History of Seagrave Fire Apparatus to make an attempt to identify them at the imcdb site. Please forgive me if I have misidentify them after reading the book and post at these pages. Mostly don't have the exact model name shown on each photos.
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Seagrave - A Pictorial History of Seagrave Fire Apparatus
Published 21/08/2015 @ 16:08:04, By Ddey65
Yikes! I saw the price of that thing on! And I thought the copies of "Barris Cars of the Stars" and "The Coming of the New York and Harlem Railroad" were expensive! Good luck with your Seagrave identification quest.
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Seagrave - A Pictorial History of Seagrave Fire Apparatus
Published 21/08/2015 @ 18:52:06, By rjluna2
Thanks, Ddey65 :wink:
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