General » Episode Titles
Episode Titles
Published 07/12/2006 @ 16:13:58, By G-MANN
In the Admim: Edit Vehicle Info section, how about having a field for Episode Title as well as Episode Number?
If an episode of a TV show has a title, it is easier to remember which one it is than looking at the episode number, especially with shows shown in syndication, this is where a channel buys a load of episodes and shows them at random rather than from in order of earliest to latest, this often happens with sitcoms. For example The Simpsons is shown at random on most channels it appears and each episode has an inventive title to remember it to by (although The Simpsons doesn't actually show the title in the episode, each one does have a proper title which appears in TV guides), and episodes of Friends are called "The One with...." since that's how a lot of people refer to TV episodes.
I think the best way to do it would be to just have the episode title revealed on the vehicle page rather than the movie page because there wouldn't be enough room there.
If an episode of a TV show has a title, it is easier to remember which one it is than looking at the episode number, especially with shows shown in syndication, this is where a channel buys a load of episodes and shows them at random rather than from in order of earliest to latest, this often happens with sitcoms. For example The Simpsons is shown at random on most channels it appears and each episode has an inventive title to remember it to by (although The Simpsons doesn't actually show the title in the episode, each one does have a proper title which appears in TV guides), and episodes of Friends are called "The One with...." since that's how a lot of people refer to TV episodes.
I think the best way to do it would be to just have the episode title revealed on the vehicle page rather than the movie page because there wouldn't be enough room there.
Episode Titles
Published 07/12/2006 @ 17:01:42, By antp
This would take lots of space in the database if each vehicle has to repeat the info.
A solution would be to store them in the movie page, in addition of the episode number, and then fetch title info there.
Well, that could go on my to-do list with all the other things waiting there
Latest Edition: 07/12/2006 @ 17:02:05
A solution would be to store them in the movie page, in addition of the episode number, and then fetch title info there.
Well, that could go on my to-do list with all the other things waiting there

Latest Edition: 07/12/2006 @ 17:02:05
Episode Titles
Published 07/12/2006 @ 17:46:07, By wickey
or make an episode guide as I did by Knight Rider and The A-Team

Episode Titles
Published 07/12/2006 @ 22:45:55, By G-MANN
This would take lots of space in the database if each vehicle has to repeat the info.
A solution would be to store them in the movie page, in addition of the episode number, and then fetch title info there.
A solution would be to store them in the movie page, in addition of the episode number, and then fetch title info there.
The thing is it didn't seem to be that much of a big deal in terms of space to add fields for countries of origin and "made for country" Also it would only have be for TV series not films.
Episode Titles
Published 07/12/2006 @ 23:19:16, By antp
1 Country name = 2 letters (full name is replaced on display)
And anyway it would be annoying and useless to enter titles for each vehicle.
I can try to make this stored in movie info, though that listing title in movie comments is maybe enough (well, for me it is, but if others think that having them displayed automatically on vehicle page is useful, I may consider adding that).
And anyway it would be annoying and useless to enter titles for each vehicle.
I can try to make this stored in movie info, though that listing title in movie comments is maybe enough (well, for me it is, but if others think that having them displayed automatically on vehicle page is useful, I may consider adding that).
Episode Titles
Published 08/12/2006 @ 00:23:46, By G-MANN
I wouldn't mind doing it with some shows like The Sopranos and The Simpsons, you wouldn't have to sort it all yourself, you'd only have to create the field and the option would be there for others to do the rest. The thing about putting it in the comments is that they may already be tons of comments on the page and someone wouldn't notice it as much.
Latest Edition: 08/12/2006 @ 00:27:12
Latest Edition: 08/12/2006 @ 00:27:12
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 18:21:08, By stronghold
The Imdb link is at the top of each Film/tv show & vehicle entry (only one 'click' away!) and All the information is already there.! (so I don't see the point of relisting it here.?)
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 18:22:24, By antp
Well, more that one click, and you have to search the title on the basis of the episode number in a long list.
The idea is not bad, but it would have to be more sophisticated that just putting the title where we currently put the number.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 18:22:38
The idea is not bad, but it would have to be more sophisticated that just putting the title where we currently put the number.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 18:22:38
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 18:35:43, By G-MANN
No, I meant adding a seperate field for the episode title AS WELL as the episode number (which already exists). The episode title should only be shown on the vehicle page, not the movie page, because it would clutter things up too much. Yes, you can look up the episode title on IMDB, but it can be awkward. With something like the Simpsons, when the vehicle is listed as being in, for example, episode number 11.17, I don't really know which episode that really is (most of the time I can't even tell exactly which season an episode is in, since Sky One and other channels tend to show epsiodes at random). But if I see the title for that episode on the vehicle page (in this case 11.17 is "Bart to the Future") I have a much better idea of which episode it is. This would make things a little easier for fans of particular TV shows. A lot of people remember the title of a TV episode (if it has one) a lot better than the episode number.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 18:42:43
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 18:42:43
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 18:46:23, By antp
No, I meant adding a seperate field for the episode title AS WELL as the episode number (which already exists).
Yes that's what I was meaning.
But entering the title as vehicle info like what is done for the episode number is a bad idea as I explained. But using the episode the title could be fetch from elsewhere (e.g. movie info, or a new table that I could add).
What about translated/alternative episode titles?

Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 18:47:01
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 19:24:42, By G-MANN
I've never heard of alternate episode titles. Maybe you're right that it could be laborious and tedious to enter episode titles, but then maybe you could leave for someone with more patience (and time on their hands). With The Simpsons I once thought I'd try writing the name of the episode each car appeared in its comments page but I got bored very quickly, realised it would take at least an hour or so to finish and gave up.
Adding a list of episode titles at the bottom of the page isn't perfect, since you'd have to look at the episode, then scroll down (and if there's a lot of cars on the page that can be awkward) to check the list (and long lists can difficult to read in small font).
What I'm wondering is whether or not it would be too much trouble to add an extra field in the edit vehicle info section, then once that's done the option would be there for fellow administrators to fill the rest in, you wouldn't necessarily have to do any of it yourself and there needn't be any pressure for the admins to get it all done quickly.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 19:25:47
Adding a list of episode titles at the bottom of the page isn't perfect, since you'd have to look at the episode, then scroll down (and if there's a lot of cars on the page that can be awkward) to check the list (and long lists can difficult to read in small font).
What I'm wondering is whether or not it would be too much trouble to add an extra field in the edit vehicle info section, then once that's done the option would be there for fellow administrators to fill the rest in, you wouldn't necessarily have to do any of it yourself and there needn't be any pressure for the admins to get it all done quickly.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 19:25:47
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 20:14:02, By antp
As I said several times on this page, a field on the vehicle page to add the info is not a good idea (and it will not be easier to fill it there than putting it in the comments).
As I also said, only possibility is that the list of episode titles is stored somewhere and the site fetches the info on the basis of the episode number. I may add that, but since there are lots of things that I have to add too I can't say when I will add it.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 20:14:37
As I also said, only possibility is that the list of episode titles is stored somewhere and the site fetches the info on the basis of the episode number. I may add that, but since there are lots of things that I have to add too I can't say when I will add it.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 20:14:37
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 20:20:23, By G-MANN
As I also said, only possibility is that the list of episode titles is stored somewhere and the site fetches the info on the basis of the episode number.
I don't quite understand what you mean here.
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 21:03:41, By antp
Having on the "edit movie" page, in addition of the title & years, the list of episode titles & numbers, so the site go fetch the title there when it has to display it on the vehicle page.
That allows to not have to manually put the title on each vehicle page.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 21:04:08
That allows to not have to manually put the title on each vehicle page.
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 21:04:08
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 22:16:25, By G-MANN
Are you saying when you enter the episode number, the site will work out what the episode title is and display it? How would you do this?
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 22:54:49, By antp
In the same way that the site can display the title of the movie on the vehicle page, though that the vehicle fields only include the IMDB number
Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 22:55:16

Latest Edition: 09/12/2006 @ 22:55:16
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 23:44:06, By G-MANN
I'm sorry, I still don't quite understand what you are trying to say.
Episode Titles
Published 09/12/2006 @ 23:54:17, By antp
Well, I do not really see how I can explain it differently...

Episode Titles
Published 10/12/2006 @ 00:01:39, By G-MANN
I'm sorry I'm just really confused here, where would you store all the titles so the site could automatically post them for each vehicle on the episode? Could you try explaining it again, as simply as you can? Your English is excellent, it's just on this occaission I'm not completely understanding you.
Latest Edition: 10/12/2006 @ 00:05:37
Latest Edition: 10/12/2006 @ 00:05:37
Episode Titles
Published 10/12/2006 @ 00:30:41, By antp
Somewhere one the "edit movie title" page, I could add links "add episode", where you could enter number and title of each episode.
When the vehicle page is displayed, the site searches in the "movies" table the title of the movie with the number stored in the vehicle info.
It could at the same time search in the "episodes" table a title with the episode number matching the one of the vehicle info (well, actually movie number + episode number).
It is hard to try to explain with simple words such database concept actually. It sounds logical for me as I am programmer, but I guess that it is not so easy for non-programmers.
When the vehicle page is displayed, the site searches in the "movies" table the title of the movie with the number stored in the vehicle info.
It could at the same time search in the "episodes" table a title with the episode number matching the one of the vehicle info (well, actually movie number + episode number).
It is hard to try to explain with simple words such database concept actually. It sounds logical for me as I am programmer, but I guess that it is not so easy for non-programmers.