General » Site updates and improvements
Site updates and improvements
Published 12/02/2006 @ 12:46:39, By antp
I added a new link on the movie pages, allowing to track all the comments posted on the various vehicle pages of a movie.
This will allow you to see what is said on the comments of vehicles that you added without having to check for comments related to your additions on the whole comments page. I added that mostly for pages like Stronghold's "Chips" page, where there are so many vehicles and where it is difficult too find what is said about all of these.
But it is interesting anyway to continue to also check the page with all comments to see what is said on other/older vehicle pages...
Latest Edition: 04/11/2006 @ 15:14:14
This will allow you to see what is said on the comments of vehicles that you added without having to check for comments related to your additions on the whole comments page. I added that mostly for pages like Stronghold's "Chips" page, where there are so many vehicles and where it is difficult too find what is said about all of these.
But it is interesting anyway to continue to also check the page with all comments to see what is said on other/older vehicle pages...
Latest Edition: 04/11/2006 @ 15:14:14
New link to track comments for each movie
Published 12/02/2006 @ 18:57:18, By Bebert
C'est une excellente idée, Antoine.

New link to track comments for each movie
Published 12/02/2006 @ 22:59:42, By wrenchhead
That will really help, Thanks a lot.
Site updates and improvements
Published 03/03/2006 @ 17:06:33, By antp
I modified the way links are parsed by the site, i.e. how the "" are transformed in clickable links. Now it should work when they are inside (...) or followed by a comma.
So there may also be new bugs with that
By the way, I also added support for BBCode. This means that the [url] and [img] tags work (or should work...) like on forums.
Latest Edition: 03/03/2006 @ 17:07:21
So there may also be new bugs with that

By the way, I also added support for BBCode. This means that the [url] and [img] tags work (or should work...) like on forums.
Latest Edition: 03/03/2006 @ 17:07:21
Site updates and improvements
Published 04/03/2006 @ 11:48:46, By stronghold
antp ...where are these little flags coming from..beside some names of contributors.?
Site updates and improvements
Published 04/03/2006 @ 11:54:20, By antp
You can select your country in your profile

Site updates and improvements
Published 04/03/2006 @ 15:35:04, By antp
I added few things:
- a note above the posting area, as requested there:
- more smileys, and a list of what is available: (if you want some more, just request them
- writer name displayed in the "quotes" (but only for those created since now, older will say "anonymous")
- a note above the posting area, as requested there:
- more smileys, and a list of what is available: (if you want some more, just request them

- writer name displayed in the "quotes" (but only for those created since now, older will say "anonymous")
Site updates and improvements
Published 11/03/2006 @ 17:08:03, By antp
As promised:
I added a "Mk" field.
I added a "Mk" field.
Site updates and improvements
Published 12/03/2006 @ 18:39:35, By Bebert
Dans le cas des Spitfire Mkiv, que faut-il mettre chiffres romains ou arabes ?
Sur les existantes, j'ai vu que dans la case c'est en chiffres arabes, mais sur la fiche, c'est transformé en chiffres romains. Magie de l'informatique ? Ou manipulation Antoinesque ? D)
Sur les existantes, j'ai vu que dans la case c'est en chiffres arabes, mais sur la fiche, c'est transformé en chiffres romains. Magie de l'informatique ? Ou manipulation Antoinesque ? D)
Site updates and improvements
Published 12/03/2006 @ 19:44:26, By antp
Pour toutes les autos ce sont des chiffres arabes. Même les Opel. Ensuite selon la marque ou le modèle le site fait des adaptations. Dans le cas des Opel il transforme ça en lettre, dans le cas des Spitfire il met "IV" si le Mk=4, sinon il met juste le chiffre
Pour pas mal de marques il convertit les chiffres arabes en chiffres romains. Mais c'est toujours stocké en chiffre arable en interne, pour pouvoir les trier facilement.
Donc si pour une marque (voir un modèle) la formulation n'est pas bonne, on peut la changer. Pour les voitures françaises (Renault/Peugeot/Citroën) j'ai mis "ph." parce qu'on parle souvent de "phase" plutôt que de "mark".
Latest Edition: 12/03/2006 @ 19:45:12

Pour pas mal de marques il convertit les chiffres arabes en chiffres romains. Mais c'est toujours stocké en chiffre arable en interne, pour pouvoir les trier facilement.
Donc si pour une marque (voir un modèle) la formulation n'est pas bonne, on peut la changer. Pour les voitures françaises (Renault/Peugeot/Citroën) j'ai mis "ph." parce qu'on parle souvent de "phase" plutôt que de "mark".
Latest Edition: 12/03/2006 @ 19:45:12
Site updates and improvements
Published 15/04/2006 @ 18:49:24, By antp
I added a BBcode for displaying stars in comments, so if you type [*] it will be displayed as

Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 16:07:34, By antp
I made few changes in the handling of sessions and admin pages, so now if you set the option to store password in cookies (on the login page) you should be able to access to the admin pages even when the session has expired. This will be useful for AOL users, e.g. jplemoine.
Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 16:23:09, By jplemoine
Après test, quand je clique sur la touche "update this vehicle", réponse: "error in movie n°"...
Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 16:40:01, By antp
Ha oui mais ça tout le monde a le bug... je corrige

Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 16:43:30, By antp
Voilà, c'est arrangé normalement.
At the same time, I added a new bbcode tag:
where xx is a country code, allowing to make flags visible in comments easily. Not sure that it will be useful though. e.g.
Latest Edition: 16/04/2006 @ 16:43:48
At the same time, I added a new bbcode tag:
where xx is a country code, allowing to make flags visible in comments easily. Not sure that it will be useful though. e.g.
Latest Edition: 16/04/2006 @ 16:43:48
Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 17:05:25, By antp
I also added a link in the profile to find movies for which a user posted pictures.
Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 18:15:45, By Bebert
Pour les films donnés, dans le profil, on ne peut avoir que la première page. Quand on clique sur le "2" (ou plus), on a la liste générale de tous les films. Petit bug, je suppose...

Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 18:19:09, By antp
Ha oui j'avais oublié ça, je corrige

Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 18:27:23, By antp
Marrant, le bug s'appliquait aussi à la recherche par titre ou par année... étrange que personne ne l'ait signalé, depuis le temps qu'il existait
Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 19:53:19, By Bebert
Perso, j'utilise régulièrement la recherche par titre, mais je n'ai jamais eu plus d'une page...