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Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 14:46:26, By ecclefechan
The only car I own and also the only car I have ever owned. Yes, the model number on the badge is fake (I did it as a joke) and some may find some of the body modifications a little tacky, but I like it and it's done me very well. It's fine for a not so rich 23 year old like myself!
Latest Edition: 28/06/2008 @ 14:56:11

Latest Edition: 28/06/2008 @ 14:56:11
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 15:12:45, By ingo
Where you took the photos, is it in Scotland?
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 17:25:53, By taxiguy
Doesn't the license plate indicate the country?
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 17:45:50, By ingo
Sure. But does not indicate the location of the photos.

Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 18:03:12, By CarChasesFanatic
Doesn't the license plate indicate the country?
Not anymore in Europe, im right saying that not in any country Europe nowadays, no? well at least not in Spain since 2000.
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 19:15:46, By antp

Most of the EU plate have the blue "euroband" on the left to indicate the country, and often the letter/number style can also help. Some other had different plate style, like Belgium or UK.
Latest Edition: 28/06/2008 @ 19:16:47
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 19:17:49, By CarChasesFanatic
Yes, with the old Spanish plates you could know inside of Spain where the car was from, didnt you know that?
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 19:22:30, By ingo
@CCF: No, this is not correct. In the past a plenty of European countries, except the Netherlands and Luxemburg -Belgium, too??- (and Sweden since 1973) had plates, where you could see, where the car was coming from.
In Germany it's still usual. There are some exceptions for government-cars, but the first letters (one, two or three) are showing the town or county, where the car is coming from.
Denmark's system is more complicated. There is shown the area, also the type of car in the number-code.
In Britain -except personalized plates- you could see the area, too (I think, the last two letters of the group with three letters), in the past also the year of first registration was to see.
Austrian and Swiss plates are showing the towns (Austria except the new pesonalized plates) or countries (Switzerland).
In Turkey the group of two numbers is showing the town, beginning alphabetic with 01 for Adana (Istanbul has 34).
Latest Edition: 28/06/2008 @ 19:23:15
In Germany it's still usual. There are some exceptions for government-cars, but the first letters (one, two or three) are showing the town or county, where the car is coming from.
Denmark's system is more complicated. There is shown the area, also the type of car in the number-code.
In Britain -except personalized plates- you could see the area, too (I think, the last two letters of the group with three letters), in the past also the year of first registration was to see.
Austrian and Swiss plates are showing the towns (Austria except the new pesonalized plates) or countries (Switzerland).
In Turkey the group of two numbers is showing the town, beginning alphabetic with 01 for Adana (Istanbul has 34).
Latest Edition: 28/06/2008 @ 19:23:15
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 19:26:18, By ingo
What's up with France? I think, they still keep the old, place-related system. The last two numbers are showing, in which prefecture the car is registrated (for example 75 for Paris, 13 for Marseille, 67, 68 and 69 for the Alsace etc.).
Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 19:30:26, By CarChasesFanatic
@CCF: No, this is not correct. In the past a plenty of European countries, except the Netherlands and Luxemburg -Belgium, too??- (and Sweden since 1973) had plates, where you could see, where the car was coming from.
Isnt that what i just said?

Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 19:59:31, By antp
you said "Not anymore in Europe": but there are lots of European countries where it is still true.
In France the last two digits indicate the department, indeed, but this will change soon.
In Belgium as the plates are smaller than Euro-plates (nearly same width as US plates), they are fixed on a support which also often carry the address of the garage were the car is serviced. So using that info you know from where the car is
In France the last two digits indicate the department, indeed, but this will change soon.
In Belgium as the plates are smaller than Euro-plates (nearly same width as US plates), they are fixed on a support which also often carry the address of the garage were the car is serviced. So using that info you know from where the car is

Post pictures of your rides
Published 28/06/2008 @ 20:01:25, By CarChasesFanatic
I like plates from Adorra
mmmmm a Cadillac Eldorado with plates from there would be

Post pictures of your rides
Published 04/07/2008 @ 22:08:06, By ecclefechan
Post pictures of your rides
Published 04/07/2008 @ 22:32:15, By ingo
I thought so. As a Scotland-fan I have noticed the typical landscape.

Post pictures of your rides
Published 04/07/2008 @ 22:58:39, By SPcamert
On this side of the Atlantic a car like that would indicate that you were doing very well indeed. My car on the other hand...
not so much.

not so much.
Post pictures of your rides
Published 05/07/2008 @ 16:44:30, By SPcamert
Well thank you. I enjoy my car too but it is by no means a "status symbol".
Post pictures of your rides
Published 05/07/2008 @ 17:48:45, By antp
Usually the cars that I like are not status symbol anyway

Post pictures of your rides
Published 12/07/2008 @ 03:52:03, By taxiguy
My college-student neighbor who lives down the street from me has a Saturn exactly like that one. Same color, generation, bodystyle, trim level, everything. It's a SC2 from about 2001 if I'm not mistaken? Nice how it has plastic body panels, I've always liked that

Post pictures of your rides
Published 16/07/2008 @ 05:18:43, By MBSL65fan
Post pictures of your rides
Published 02/08/2008 @ 04:49:10, By 02Silverado4x4