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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 18:18:52, By G-MANN
I realise with an Aircraft Database you'd have to show some modelwork and CGI (eg. in Kill Bill the Boeing 747 The Bride flies into Japan on is clearly not real), but that's fine as long as it represents a real plane. And even something like Firefox (which features a fictional Soviet fighter plane) may be alright (it would be Made for Movie). But not stuff from Star Wars and Star Trek and other pure sci-fi and fantasy aircraft
Is that what people really want?
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 18:29:14

Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 18:29:14
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 18:53:20, By Leoz
300 Euros is about 200 pounds in the UK. It is quite a lot for Antp and the guys to run this site per year. But it is worth it so much!
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 18:58:47, By G-MANN
If an Internet Movie Vehicles Database was made, would it be possible to merge IMCDB into it? And how long would we have to wait this Vehicle Database?
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 18:59:12
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 18:59:12
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 19:02:46, By Alexander
Sure. You get all sorts of people. Some like it documentary style, others like CGI. Some like horse-carts, others spaceships. And especially spaceships have a huge following. There were books showing all the ships of the Star Trek universe long before the first Star Trek feature film came into the cinemas. Have you never heard of the Star Trek or Star Wars conventions? Open your mind, there are billions of people out there with billions of different tastes.
And remember, this will be IMVDb!
And remember, this will be IMVDb!
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 19:15:34, By G-MANN
But how would you identify horse-carts in westerns, what makes and models would you list them as? Will IMVDB include shopping trollies as well?
Basically I think an Internet Movie Aircraft Database would be for people who are interested in AIRcraft not spacecraft, there's no air in space (although perhaps it could include the Space Shuttle because that can still fly within the Earth's atmosphere). All the people who want to see fictional spaceships (and I do like Star Wars and other sci-fi stories) can look at some of the MANY existing internet sites that features spaceships from these films and TV shows.
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 19:23:47
Basically I think an Internet Movie Aircraft Database would be for people who are interested in AIRcraft not spacecraft, there's no air in space (although perhaps it could include the Space Shuttle because that can still fly within the Earth's atmosphere). All the people who want to see fictional spaceships (and I do like Star Wars and other sci-fi stories) can look at some of the MANY existing internet sites that features spaceships from these films and TV shows.
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 19:23:47
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 19:24:17, By Alexander
... Will IMVDB include shopping trollies as well? ...
I see that I waste my time talking to you.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 19:30:25, By G-MANN
Look, I'm not trying to make fun of you, I'm just trying to point out the pointlessness of trying to include every kind of object that could be used as a vehicle, the list is endless, you could have sledges, hangliders, bobsleighs, rollerskates, scooters (the non-powered kind), wheelchairs. Is this what "no limitations" means? Or have I jumped to conclusions? But seriously how would you list horse-carts??
Also, would it be pointless to create an Aircraft Database now, if you are going to create an all-encompassing Movie Vehicles Database a year from now (or sooner)?
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 19:38:26
Also, would it be pointless to create an Aircraft Database now, if you are going to create an all-encompassing Movie Vehicles Database a year from now (or sooner)?
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 19:38:26
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 20:13:24, By antp
But not stuff from Star Wars and Star Trek and other pure sci-fi and fantasy aircraft
Is that what people really want?

I bet that some sci-fi fan would like that.
For what I have doubts is for bicycles (motorbikes are already hard to identify...) horse carriages (I guess that only a small minority would be identifiable?) and other non-engined things
300 Euros is about 200 pounds in the UK. It is quite a lot for Antp and the guys to run this site per year. But it is worth it so much!
Well, I am the only one to handle the technical stuff, other admin just use it like you but with more rights as they can do changes and additions to the contents.
But as I said, Google Ads cover the hosting, so it does not cost anything to us nor even to me... except lots of time

If an Internet Movie Vehicles Database was made, would it be possible to merge IMCDB into it? And how long would we have to wait this Vehicle Database?
Due to IMCDB size I am not sure that it would be a so good idea (e.g. currently there are already 70 MB of database data and more than 5 GB of pictures).
On the other hand, if the structure of that site is really well done, such merging would be a good chance for me to leave the annoying work to someone else

(although perhaps it could include the Space Shuttle because that can still fly within the Earth's atmosphere)
In Stargate SG-1 some of the spaceships were used within Earth's atmosphere

For an aircraft database it would not be bad to include spaceships as these are in a somewhat limited number and could be filtered easily as a different category.
You say that there are already lots of sites about that, but is there a site combining spaceships of all movies/series?
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 20:21:05
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 20:22:28, By G-MANN
I bet that some sci-fi fan would like that.
Yes, but like I said there's already sites like this for that:
Does anything from the Star Wars or Star Trek universe (or any other sci-fi canon) have a geniune role in any other films? If you want to look at the Enterprise, go to a Star Trek website!
You say that there are already lots of sites about that, but is there a site combining spaceships of all movies/series?
How can I put this, all these spaceships don't relate to each other. All they have in common is they travel through space. You can't compare the Enterprise to a Star Destroyer (Star Wars), they use completely different fictional technologies. Every sci-fi universe has it's own laws of physics and culture and all that. Does this make sense?
If someone wants to search for movies with spaceships in them they can do a wikipedia search or just search the sci-fi genre in general. But with IMCDB, we do something that not many other sites do, this is by far the best place to search for cars in movies. In a Movie Aircraft Database, I just don't think we need to cover spacecraft from sci-fi and fantasy.
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 20:48:36
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 20:47:56, By antp
How can I put this, all these spaceships don't relate to each other. All they have in common is they travel through space. You can't compare the Enterprise to a Star Destroyer (Star Wars), they use completely different fictional technologies. Every sci-fi universe has it's own laws of physics and all that. Does this make sense?
I remember a site which was listing many spaceships with the same scale, it was fun to compare ships from various movies then.
Your example about the Entreprise is probably bad as it is probably seen in other movies/series/cartoons where Startrek is parodied

Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 20:49:14
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 20:57:31, By G-MANN
Yes but these parodies in cartoons and such are pretty brief (so do we need to mention these appearances, why not just let Star Trek fans search for Star Trek references in film/TV). Whereas the Dodge Charger plays a significant role in Bullitt, Dukes of Hazzard, Fast and the Furious and many other films/TV shows. The Enterprise only really plays an active role in the Star Trek franchise. Do you see what I mean?
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 21:00:53
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 21:00:53
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/01/2008 @ 23:00:18, By antp
Yes but I still think it could be nice to mention others
But I agree that these could be annoying if you wish a site about real aircrafts... or fake aircrafts which look like real ones
Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 23:00:30

But I agree that these could be annoying if you wish a site about real aircrafts... or fake aircrafts which look like real ones

Latest Edition: 16/01/2008 @ 23:00:30
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 17/01/2008 @ 16:21:19, By Star Wars Fanatic
I would have no qualms with submitting the Star Wars movies
Latest Edition: 17/01/2008 @ 16:21:38

Latest Edition: 17/01/2008 @ 16:21:38
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/01/2008 @ 01:37:03, By sixcyl
What about current make/model system? Is that compatible with aircraft? We already have problems with the tanks and other military stuff which do not really follow that naming scheme... (cf the Cadillac tanks and other disputed names)
They wouldn't be such problems with airplane. At the moment , I can't find any examples of model plane built by several manufacturers as it was for tanks
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/01/2008 @ 01:41:37, By sixcyl
I have a reasonable knowledge of WWII era planes and would contribute what I could but don't have the time to run a website.
As Wrenchead, I would be very pleased to help for identifications of some airplanes , but I've not any knowlegde in programmation (as i already mentionned) and even if I had, I'd certainly have no time for this....
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/01/2008 @ 02:14:03, By sixcyl
I would fine with the Aircraft database using the same design and colours as this site, except with a picture of a plane at the top instead of the Pontiac GTO. We could use the same star rating system as this site.
There also type of aircraft to do. What about the space aircraft like in Star Wars, or the custom aircraft/car like the cars in 5th element?
No, I'd prefer a more characteristic and well choosen model of real aircraft, often seen in films/movies or especially famous in the history of aviation
For instance:
Super Constellation
Being 707 or 747
Concorde or Caravelle..or DH Comet
Douglas DC3
Airbus (anytype)
or a big seaplane as Boeing Clipper
..but no military aircrafts (Fighting or bombers)
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/01/2008 @ 03:20:10, By Alexander
... I can't find any examples of model plane built by several manufacturers as it was for tanks
There are quite a few, actually. The Douglas DC-3 and DC-4 were licensed to countries like Canada, Russia, Japan. A number of German planes were kept in production after the war in Spain, France, Yugoslavia. Bell helicopters were made by Agusta and Westland and even Airbus are being built by Northrop.
Details of course show who was the actual manufacturer, when was the plane built, and all the information down to the serial number ... but only if the images are good. For background or blurred images an identification is not so easy.
The same is true for ships, while smaller ships and boats will be difficult. For some we may only tell the type, like 'trawler', 'brig', 'cutter'. Also ships of similar design are sometimes being produced by different manufacturers.
The variations on trains is not so great as for ships ... I think. I have never really cared too much about these, therefore it will be a new field for me.
Horse-drawn, like any beast-of-burden-drawn vehicles will usually only be named by it's class. Compare the film I mentioned above. Only on rare occasions a maker will be known. But who knows, perhaps there are people out there on the wide realms of the internet that know carts like some of us know cars.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/01/2008 @ 14:15:44, By G-MANN
No, I'd prefer a more characteristic and well choosen model of real aircraft, often seen in films/movies or especially famous in the history of aviation
That's OK, I only said what I said above (about using the same colours and design), just so people wouldn't think it would take such a long time to make an IMADB. Once this site is made, then the designers can customize the look of it a bit more, like with IGCD.
Latest Edition: 18/01/2008 @ 14:16:19
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/01/2008 @ 10:54:42, By sixcyl
There are quite a few, actually. The Douglas DC-3 and DC-4 were licensed to countries like Canada, Russia, Japan. A number of German planes were kept in production after the war in Spain, France, Yugoslavia. Bell helicopters were made by Agusta and Westland and even Airbus are being built by Northrop.
There are few examples indeed, but much more as cars than as tanks...
Douglas DC3 or DC4 produced in Canada,or Japan... were considered as Douglas .... it's just the same than the case of Renault, Ford, Opel produced in Portugal, Belgium , Holland .. which are still Renault, Ford, Opel...
In the same scheme, I've never heard of a Nothrop A300 or A320 ...there are Airbus !
Of course there are some licensed helicopters as Agusta with Bell, Westland with Sikorksky ...or plane like Fairchild 227 versus Fokker F-27...some details can allow the proper identification, but the companies colour and registration can help too...
The variations on trains is not so great as for ships ... I think. I have never really cared too much about these, therefore it will be a new field for me..
It depends... steam locomotives of the 19th /20th century or electric locomotives from the 1st half of the 20th century were very often produced by several manufacturers. Therefore only the series number should help to identify with certitude the make.
By the way, in "Int.Movie Trains Data Base" the naming of locomotives should have to be adapted to its specificity. Let see the case of electrical locomotives:
The electrical locos are identified by 2 manufacturers: Mechanical and Electrical. Sometime , electrical and mechanical manufacturers will be the same, sometimes not.
The type : BB, BoBo, CC (electric) ... or 231,141, 030 (steam) ..etc ... the way of writting is depending on the countries
The series number... 5538 to 5545 for instance.
The electrical data : type of current/voltage (Monophasis 25kV 50Hz, 1500V DC...) and type of electrical engine ( Direct Current, Asynchronus, Synchronus...)...all these data depending on the various railways network.
IMTDB would require good experts ... (I'm affraid I would be just a low level generalist

Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/01/2008 @ 13:39:01, By Rinspeed
so what do you do? IMADB? IMTDB or other?
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/01/2008 @ 19:07:21, By Alexander
Douglas DC3 or DC4 produced in Canada,or Japan... were considered as Douglas ...
Not really:
Tupolev ANT 35 (USSR / DC-2)
Nakajima AT-2 (Japan / DC-2)
Tachikawa Ki-34 (Japan / DC-2)
Showa L2D (Japan / DC-3)
Lisunov Li-2 (USSR / DC-3)
Canadair DC4M North Star/Argonaut (Canada / DC-4)
... I've never heard of a Nothrop A300 or A320 ...
The Northrop Grumman KC-30 tanker is equivalent to the Airbus A330 MRTT.
... I'm afraid I would be just a low level generalist ...
... at least mid-level!

so what do you do? IMADB? IMTDB or other?
As I said above, IMVDb, if you can wait.