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Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/05/2010 @ 12:54:40, By RockRacer
The site started to be known by US people (before that most of the members were French, as it started as a French site), not much was done I think, it just took time before enough people knew it to spread it, talk about it in forums, find it in Google searches, etc.
One which should be on the site, "The Aviator"
There are few planes pics available on if someone has time to add them
I see.One which should be on the site, "The Aviator"

There are few planes pics available on if someone has time to add them
I agree, The Aviator will be a great addition to the site. I do have it listed on my Complete List page, just haven't been able to get to it yet.
I'll create a user for it.

Yeah, I noticed you created a username, very cool! It looks like your user discussion page already has a comment on it too!
Latest Edition: 20/05/2010 @ 12:57:57
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/05/2010 @ 14:53:03, By Raul1983
Here are my contributions. Unfortunately I haven't been very consistent in adding aircrafts. Also imageshack has 'lost' some of the thumbnails.,-ragazzi!.html,-ragazzi!.html
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/05/2010 @ 18:03:05, By antp
Some of the thumbnails may reappear in the next days, they are not always lost forever.
Latest Edition: 20/05/2010 @ 18:04:16
Latest Edition: 20/05/2010 @ 18:04:16
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/05/2010 @ 18:21:21, By RockRacer
Here are my contributions. Unfortunately I haven't been very consistent in adding aircrafts. Also imageshack has 'lost' some of the thumbnails.
Not sure why, but I feel guilty for some reason posting stuff when I was not the one who did the work of the screen captures, especially when I haven't even heard of the the film/TV show. If I do get around to using your shots before you register on IMPDb and start creating your own pages, I will gladly use them and really appreciate the donation.
Question for everybody who has taken screenshots of aircraft from movies:
If you have screenshots of any aircraft, would it be safe to say you captured every aircraft in that movie/TV show?
Latest Edition: 20/05/2010 @ 18:23:13
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 21/05/2010 @ 01:44:09, By antp
For "The Aviator": probably not, I only included major ones, there are other visibles in the movie I think.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 21/05/2010 @ 08:42:28, By RockRacer
For "The Aviator": probably not, I only included major ones, there are other visibles in the movie I think.
Good to know, thanks Antoine.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 03/06/2010 @ 00:42:04, By sixcyl
Great job Rock Racer!
I've just discovered your web site IMPDB, and I've already login my pseudo/password in order to contribute to it.
I've already modified a File on Con-Air film (Rockwell Sabreliner) but I' can't see my pseudo for that contribution. Is it normal?
I've just discovered your web site IMPDB, and I've already login my pseudo/password in order to contribute to it.
I've already modified a File on Con-Air film (Rockwell Sabreliner) but I' can't see my pseudo for that contribution. Is it normal?
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 03/06/2010 @ 01:43:20, By RockRacer
Great job Rock Racer!
I've just discovered your web site IMPDB, and I've already login my pseudo/password in order to contribute to it.
I've already modified a File on Con-Air film (Rockwell Sabreliner) but I' can't see my pseudo for that contribution. Is it normal?
I've just discovered your web site IMPDB, and I've already login my pseudo/password in order to contribute to it.
I've already modified a File on Con-Air film (Rockwell Sabreliner) but I' can't see my pseudo for that contribution. Is it normal?
Hey thanks sixcyl! I already noticed your awesome contributions and it looks like you even have a message on your user talk page.

Feel free to add some basic info on your user page. You can click on some of the others usernames to get an idea how to format it. The users page is a great place that a lot of people like to list their contributions. Another place you can see what you have done is on (for example) Con Air's history page, which is a tab located at the top of movie page. One more place you can see your contributions is on the recent pages link located in the special pages tab on the wiki sidebar. There's some more info in our forum. Register there and you can ask all the questions you want. Introduce yourself in the Intros section too.

Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 13/06/2010 @ 10:04:15, By sixcyl
Rock Racer, I'm sorry but I don't understand how I can upload new film pages and pictures.
I've try the new forum IMPDB too, but my username sixcyl is rejected !
I've try the new forum IMPDB too, but my username sixcyl is rejected !
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 14/06/2010 @ 01:56:32, By RockRacer
Rock Racer, I'm sorry but I don't understand how I can upload new film pages and pictures.
I've try the new forum IMPDB too, but my username sixcyl is rejected !
I've try the new forum IMPDB too, but my username sixcyl is rejected !
I am sorry to hear you weren't able to register on the forum. That is weird, I haven't heard of any other problems. The only thing I can think is that you might have had trouble with the confirmation code. I know I have had issues with those things. If you are willing, give it another try. If you are still having troubles, sent me your email and I will get your info entered in and shoot you an email back.
Uploading images is very easy (assuming you are using the appropriate file types). Once logged in, there is an Upload file link on the sidebar which you can click to get the file on the site and available to use.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 17/06/2010 @ 22:39:49, By sixcyl
Well, I don't understand at all, how to do? What file do I have to open to upload a film?
I've tried to upload a picture, but I can't see it anywhere.
Je ne comprends rien !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've tried to upload a picture, but I can't see it anywhere.
Je ne comprends rien !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 18/06/2010 @ 10:38:58, By RockRacer
Well, I don't understand at all, how to do? What file do I have to open to upload a film?
I've tried to upload a picture, but I can't see it anywhere.
Je ne comprends rien !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've tried to upload a picture, but I can't see it anywhere.
Je ne comprends rien !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are doing great! I hope you find it fun enough to keep trying. There are several ways to check out uploads or even your own contributions.
For the photo gallery you can click "Special pages" from the sidebar, then select "Gallery of new files".
To view your contributions you can type in "User:sixcyl" in the search box on the sidebar. Once you are at your user page you can select "User contributions" from the sidebar.
Another valuable page that the active users utilize where you can also view uploads is again in the Special pages link on the sidebar. Once there, select "Recent changes".
These are just a few of ways to use the site. Hope that helps.

Ne vous inquiétez pas, je suis là pour vous aider.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 19/06/2010 @ 18:26:27, By sixcyl
Thank you RockRacer.
I've seen the page I've uploaded for a trial..."AVION_FA.jpeg" which is the name of the file on my disk, but this page should be:
1) inserted in a movie page list...??! (September 11"O9"01) can I do that??
2)and I should be able to rename it (as Fokker F-28 Followship AIR BURINA")... but really don't know how!
By the way:
Where are the comments that I've added in some pictures files?
Rockwell Sabreliner
Unidentified aircraft (Hadden's home) in the movie "Contact"
I'm really bad with this site ...., and I think it is too complicated for me... and I'm afraid I'll have to give up though I've so many films with aircrafts pictures ready to be uploaded....
Sorry !
I've seen the page I've uploaded for a trial..."AVION_FA.jpeg" which is the name of the file on my disk, but this page should be:
1) inserted in a movie page list...??! (September 11"O9"01) can I do that??
2)and I should be able to rename it (as Fokker F-28 Followship AIR BURINA")... but really don't know how!
By the way:
Where are the comments that I've added in some pictures files?
Rockwell Sabreliner
Unidentified aircraft (Hadden's home) in the movie "Contact"
I'm really bad with this site ...., and I think it is too complicated for me... and I'm afraid I'll have to give up though I've so many films with aircrafts pictures ready to be uploaded....

Sorry !
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 20/06/2010 @ 11:19:55, By RockRacer
I did speak with the administrator who moved your comment to the discussion page of that film. Great eye on that by the way! The comment was put back on the film page, just slightly modified. The history, discussion, and user contribution pages still reflect your knowledge on that subject. The admin did leave you a comment on your user page. Just remember, IMPDb is very similar to Wikipedia in many ways.
If it's too complicated for your tastes, I understand and will be sad to see you go. You would be a great asset to the project.
If it's too complicated for your tastes, I understand and will be sad to see you go. You would be a great asset to the project.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 22/06/2010 @ 23:35:42, By sixcyl
Hello RockRacer
I've made some contributions on "Unidentified pages" using discussion files. But I don't know how to swap the pictures from "unidentified" to "identified" with their proper name...
If it can help?
I've made some contributions on "Unidentified pages" using discussion files. But I don't know how to swap the pictures from "unidentified" to "identified" with their proper name...

If it can help?
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 22/06/2010 @ 23:53:36, By Sandie
I signed up ages ago for both the main site and the forum.
I don't have a great knowledge of aircraft however, just some contributions.
I don't have a great knowledge of aircraft however, just some contributions.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 23/06/2010 @ 11:07:42, By RockRacer
Hello RockRacer
I've made some contributions on "Unidentified pages" using discussion files. But I don't know how to swap the pictures from "unidentified" to "identified" with their proper name...
If it can help?
I've made some contributions on "Unidentified pages" using discussion files. But I don't know how to swap the pictures from "unidentified" to "identified" with their proper name...

If it can help?
Was that you?

So basically I saw several different IP address' helping out immensely with those. I put comments on those particular IP address' talk pages that were helping out. Because you didn't log in, nobody was able to tell which contributions were from you. But let me know what you did and we will give the credit to you. You weren't able to edit that page because you weren't logged in. Don't worry about editing that page if you can't figure it out. We can keep it updated.
I signed up ages ago for both the main site and the forum.
I don't have a great knowledge of aircraft however, just some contributions.
Hey Sandie! Thanks for saying hi. Hopefully you saw the comments left on your user talk page and in your PM Inbox. Don't worry about not having a ton of plane knowledge. The only requirement to use the site is an aircraft interest. If you want to put up a film page with screenshots and don't have a clue what any of the planes are in it, simply put [[Category:Unidentified Aircraft]][[:Category:Unidentified Aircraft|Unidentified Aircraft]] in the headline right above the image code and that film page will automatically be included in the Unidentified Aircraft page and someone else will get the different aircraft identified. Obviously you would be the one getting the majority of the credit for building the page.I don't have a great knowledge of aircraft however, just some contributions.
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 15/07/2010 @ 04:27:49, By Neptune
I visited the site, very nice and well put together, easy to navigate too. I noticted that Jurassic Park III hasn’t been added yet. So if anyone ever does add it, feel free to use the information I dug-up. I wrote down every detail I could find about the Beechcraft Super King Air on the main movie comments page:
(you all know I’m a very detailed person ...
) As you also know, my research is very thorough and I assure it is accurate. The general specifications (below all the in-movie captures) I found on Wikipedia, so take that with a grain of salt.
(you all know I’m a very detailed person ...

Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 16/07/2010 @ 22:34:09, By RockRacer
Wow, that is great Neptune! I would be honored to use some or all of your info. Sounds like you really know your planes. It would be great to see you register on planes database, but I know people are busy and cars comes first. I will add that movie/info to my que. I may not be able to get to it right away since I have a few I am already working on. Unless someone else beats me to it first, I will send you a link to the finished page. Thanks for the compliments too! I thought the MediaWiki format would work out well for my needs.
Latest Edition: 16/07/2010 @ 22:36:15
Latest Edition: 16/07/2010 @ 22:36:15
Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Published 31/07/2010 @ 09:31:54, By sixcyl
I visited the site, very nice and well put together, easy to navigate too..
Well, I'd would very pleased to be able to say the same thing

Sincerly I don't like this wikepedia environnement
Rock Racer, I'm sorry , I don't blame your work, and I apologize if you feel unpleasant this comment.I'm very bad with informatic in general