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[done] Food of the Gods (1976)
Published 03/11/2008 @ 22:06:13, By Kooshmeister
After doing the sequel, I decided I ought to go back and nab the cars from the original giant killer ratfest, so here they are. :crazy: Jeep belonging to Morgan and Brian, the two main heroes. 4 stars. Car belonging to the businessman Bensington. 3 stars (it's seen as often as the Jeep but isn't driven as much). Mr. Skinner's Volkswagon Beetle, before and after the rats get to it. 3 stars. Thomas and Rita's camper. Difficult to gauge. Like the Range Rover in Wrong Turn, it's seen throughout the movie but (due to being broken down) it's never actually shown driving. I'd say 2 stars? Toyota Land Cruiser (between Morgan and Brian in the background there). 1 star. Station wagon. 1 star. White car. 1 star. Pick a car, any car, heh. Personally I'd go with the older-looking one in the bottom middle. 1 star.

Latest Edition: 08/11/2008 @ 04:18:32
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Food of the Gods (1976)
Published 03/11/2008 @ 23:10:55, By Ddey65
The Jeep is a CJ-5 of the early-1970's. The brown car belonging to the businessman is a 1975-76 Ford LTD. The motor home is a Winnebago(not sure of the model, although I have a few guesses). The station wagon is also a 1975-76 full-size Ford, but it's more than likley a Ranch Wagon. The white car below that is a Chevrolet Vega. I'll pick the others later on.
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Food of the Gods (1976)
Published 08/11/2008 @ 04:17:58, By ahight
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