Published 04/11/2010 @ 03:53:21, By rmbb1981
By Richard Bergquist
On Reclassifying the 1969-1985 Continental Mark III/IV/V/VI/VII and 1982-1985 Continental.
These cars are as of now classified as Lincolns, however their make is Continental. They shall therefor not be classified as Lincolns. There has been much confusion over time about this, in automotive litterature as well as among automotive enthusiasts in general. Indeed the confusion existed even at the get-go, something many non Lincoln-Mercury published advertisments bear testiment to. However it is clear in advertisments printed by Lincoln-Mercury that the 1968-1985 Mark automobile is not a Lincoln, nor is the 1982-1985 Continental. The Lincolnization of these cars came about with the 1986 year model.
Certainly most Lincoln-Mercury enthusiasts today will agree that the 1955-1957 Mark II was indeed by make a Continental. However many if not most will vehemently disagree that the Continental name as make reappeared in 1968, claiming that the Continental name as make disappeared with the end of the Continental Mark II in 1957 never to reappear again. This however is incorrect. The Continental division of Ford might, by all means, have closed in 1957, the name as make however did not seize to exist indefinitely. With the 1968 launch of the Mark III the Continental name as make reappeared and continued to be the make of the Mark automobiles until the 1986 Lincolnization of the by then, Mark VII and mid-sized sedan Continental. From 1986 the former Continental Mark VII became the Lincoln Mark VII and the Continental became the Lincoln Continental.
Ford Executive and Ford employee since 1963, automotive historian and automotive expert witness to the United States Government in the case of Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. Versus The United States, James K Wagner, will attest to this fact. His 1987 Crestline Series book The cars of Lincoln-Mercury is one of the most comprehensive, precise and respected accounts of Lincoln-Mercury history. In his book James K. Wagner speaks of this confusion between the Continentals as a model and as a make, Marks and the 1982 introduced Continental often being confused as Lincolns before they were branded as Lincolns in 1986.
The Continental Mark and the Continental were ”Lincolnized” for the 1986 year-model. It was not until 1986 when the Continental name as make was removed entirely from the Mark automobile and degraded to model status for the Continental that became the Lincoln Continental. The Mark became a Lincoln and so did the Continental.
Lincoln-Mercury felt that even though it would have been effective in relating the Marks with its past to include the Continental name as a model-name after the cars in 1986 had been Lincolnized they felt it would be a too long and too intricate name leaving the car as Lincoln Continental Mark VII, hence for 1986 it simply became the Lincoln Mark VII.
Advertisments published by Ford/Lincoln-Mercury never mention such a thing as a Lincoln Continental Mark. However, to further the confusion, the Continental name was for many model-years used as a model-name as well as a brand name. For instance the 1970s Lincoln Continental Sedan, the Lincoln Continental Town Car, the Lincoln Continental Coupé and Lincoln Continental Town Coupé. Even the 1980 all-new down-sized full-size Lincoln luxury sedan was a Continental-model. Marketed Lincoln Continental and Lincoln Continental Town Car. The 1980 Lincoln Continental changed name for 1981 when the Town Car moniker for the first time became a model and not just a package and so for 1981 it was marketed as the 1981 Lincoln Town Car and Lincoln Town Car Signature Series.
To further confuse the public the 1980 all-new Lincoln Continental was virtually identical to the all-new Continental, the Continental Mark VI, shy of interior and exterior details, ornamentation and for Mark special optional head lamps known as Touring Lamps. The 1980 Lincoln Continental and Lincoln Continental Town Car shared mold with the 1980 Continental Mark VI and the 1980 Continental Mark VI Signature Series. The confusion with the public and even with Mercury-Lincoln dealerships was monumental and continue to this day.
However commercial videos produced by Lincoln-Mercury are testaments to the nomenclature principles of the Lincoln and Continental automobiles. In the video-link I post below each car is introduced with its entire name, make and model. When introducing the Lincoln, we hear the speaker state ”Lincoln Continental Town Car”, when introducing the Marks we hear ”Continental Mark VI”. Furthermore the speaker continuously mention Lincoln when the Lincoln car is showing. When the Mark is showing the Lincoln name is never mentioned, only Continental. Referring to the different automobiles in this fashion is applicable to all by Mercury-Lincoln published advertisments. See Hans Tore Tangeruds website for a wealth of Lincoln-Mercury published advertisments. All Lincoln-Mercury brochures head the Marks as Continental Mark and the Lincoln Continentals and Lincoln Continental.
Realizing that pointing these facts out would raise some controversy with the members of this board and website I have been reluctant to posting this article however I feel that the facts do not deserve to be so blatantly overlooked and it is, in my opinion, high time to issue a reclassification of all cars classified as Lincoln Continental Marks (1969-1985) to Continental Marks and those classified as Lincoln Continental (1982-1985) to Continental..
From 1981 cars are designated a 17-character VIN-number. The third character is the Make Identification. Lincoln=N. Mercury=E .Continental=R. All Lincoln automobiles are marked N, all Continentals are marked R. Hence are all Mark automobiles (Mark VI 81-83, Mark VII 84-85) from 1981-1985 marked R. Continentals from 1982-1985 are marked R since they are Continentals.
From 1986 all Marks (by then VII) and Continentals are marked N since they are from 1986 by make Lincolns.
Pay attention to the third character in the example. R=Continental N=Lincoln
1982 Continental=1MRBP98F2CY627349
1983 Continental=1MRBP97F4DY678774
1984 Continental=1MRBP97F7EY671657
1985 Continental=1MRBP97FXFY758518
1986 Lincoln Continental=1LNBP97F5GY704124
1987 Lincoln Continental=1LNBM97F7HY711540
1981 Continental Mark VI=1MRBP96F4BY658149
1982 Continental Mark VI=1MRBP96F4CY683893
1983 Continental Mark VI=1MRBP98F4DY619450
1984 Continental Mark VII=1MRBP98F7EY637233
1985 Continental Mark VII=1MRBP98F8FY654205
1986 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNBP98M0GY671286
1987 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNBM91F9HY667713
1988 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNBM92E9JY815600
1989 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNBM92E9KY713313
1992 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNCM93EXNY640489
1981 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBP93F2BY639487
1985 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBP96F6FY735107
1986 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBP96F5GY685902
1987 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBM82F8HY682597
1988 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBM83F0JY708744
1989 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBM82F4KY792263
There is not only substantial but incontrovertible evidence to the fact that the 1969-1985 Marks were Continentals and not Lincolns as is there to the fact that the 1982-1985 Continental was a Continental and not a Lincoln.
To summarize, there have been Continental model designations and there have been Continental make designations. The 1969-1985 Marks were Continentals and not Lincolns. 1982-1985 Continental was a Continental and not a Lincoln. The Mark and the Continental Sedan became Lincoln makes with the 1986 year model.
Lincoln-Mercury Commercial Video:
Lincoln-Mercury advertisments:
Album of Continentals and Lincolns (note lack of Lincoln emblems on pre-1986 Continental Marks and on the 1982-1985 Continental):
Pictures from the 1987 Crestline Series Lincoln-Mercury Cars
Further commercials on Youtube only mentioning Marks as Continentals
1969 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure pictures (note how the cars are presented)
Lincoln Continental:
(heading is Lincoln since this car is a Lincoln) nental_Mark_III/1969 Lincoln Continental Mark III-08-09.jpg
Continental Mark III:
(note that the heading is Continental and not Lincoln since this is not a Lincoln) nental_Mark_III/1969 Lincoln Continental Mark III-02-03.jpg
Presenting the Lincoln Continental and the Continental Mark III:
(Continental not labeled Lincoln) nental_Mark_III/1969 Lincoln Continental Mark III-01.jpg
1971 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure pictures
(note how the cars are presented)
The Lincoln Continental:
(marked Lincoln since this car is a Lincoln) nental_Brochure/1971 Lincoln Continental-09 amp 10.jpg
The Continental Mark III:
(not marked Lincoln since this car is not a Lincoln) nental_Brochure/1971 Lincoln Continental-11 amp 12.jpg
1976 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure pictures
(note how the cars are presented)
The Continental Mark IV:
(not marked a Lincoln) nental_Mark_IV_Brochure/1976 Lincoln Continental Mark IV-01.jpg
The Lincoln Continental:
(marked Lincoln) Lincoln Continental Brochure/1976 Lincoln Continental-01.jpg
1984 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure picture
The Continental:
(not mentioned as a Lincoln as it is not yet a Lincoln) ure/1984 Lincoln-15.jpg
The Lincoln Town Car:
(mentioned as a Lincoln since it is a Lincoln. Compare with Continental above): ure/1984 Lincoln-23.jpg
Lincoln Town Car:
1986 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure picture
The Lincoln Mark VII:
(note that the Mark has now become a Lincoln and is now mentioned as such) nental_Mark_VII_Brochure/1986 Lincoln Mark VII-04.jpg
The Lincoln Continental:
(has now become a Lincoln and is mentioned as such) hure/1986 Lincolns-04-05.jpg
1981 Continental Mark VI with optional Touring Lamps Lincoln.jpg
An account of the Lincoln-Mercury heritage
Cars of Lincoln-Mercury
George H. Dammann; James K. Wagner
ISBN 10: 0912612266 / 0-912612-26-6
ISBN 13: 9780912612263
Publisher: Crestline Pub Co
Publication Date: 1987
Examples of available models for various years
1970 Lincoln
Lincoln Continental Sedan
Lincoln Continental Coupé
1970 Continental
Continental Mark III
1975 Lincoln
Lincoln Continental Sedan
Lincoln Continental Coupé
Lincoln Continental Town Car
Lincoln Continental Town Coupé
1975 Continental
Continental Mark IV
1979 Lincoln
Lincoln Continental 4-Door Sedan
Lincoln Continental 2-Door Coupé
Lincoln Continental Town Car
Lincoln Continental Town Coupé
1979 Continental
Continental Mark V
1980 Lincoln
Lincoln Continental
Lincoln Continental Coupé
Lincoln Continental Town Car
Lincoln Continental Town Coupé
1980 Continental
Continental Mark VI four-door
Continental Mark VI two-door
Continental Mark VI four-door Signature Series
Continental Mark VI two-door Signature Series
1981 Lincoln
Lincoln Town Car four-door
Lincoln Town Car two-door
Lincoln Town Car Signature Series four-door
Lincoln Town Car Signature Series two-door
1981 Continental
Continental Mark VI Luxury Group four-door
Continental Mark VI Luxury Group two-door
Continental Mark VI four-door Signature Series
Continental Mark VI two-door Signature Series
1982 Lincoln
Lincoln Town Car four-door
Lincoln Town Car two-door
Lincoln Town Car Signature Series four-door
Lincoln Town Car Signature Series two-door
1982 Continental
Continental (new for 1982)
Continental Mark VI Luxury Group four-door
Continental Mark VI Luxury Group two-door
Continental Mark VI four-door Signature Series
Continental Mark VI two-door Signature Series
1986 Lincoln (
Lincoln Town Car
Lincoln Mark VII
Lincoln Continental
1986 Continental (discontinued for 1986)
Excerpts from Cars of Lincoln-Mercury (1987)
Latest Edition: 08/11/2010 @ 16:02:47
By Richard Bergquist
On Reclassifying the 1969-1985 Continental Mark III/IV/V/VI/VII and 1982-1985 Continental.
These cars are as of now classified as Lincolns, however their make is Continental. They shall therefor not be classified as Lincolns. There has been much confusion over time about this, in automotive litterature as well as among automotive enthusiasts in general. Indeed the confusion existed even at the get-go, something many non Lincoln-Mercury published advertisments bear testiment to. However it is clear in advertisments printed by Lincoln-Mercury that the 1968-1985 Mark automobile is not a Lincoln, nor is the 1982-1985 Continental. The Lincolnization of these cars came about with the 1986 year model.
Certainly most Lincoln-Mercury enthusiasts today will agree that the 1955-1957 Mark II was indeed by make a Continental. However many if not most will vehemently disagree that the Continental name as make reappeared in 1968, claiming that the Continental name as make disappeared with the end of the Continental Mark II in 1957 never to reappear again. This however is incorrect. The Continental division of Ford might, by all means, have closed in 1957, the name as make however did not seize to exist indefinitely. With the 1968 launch of the Mark III the Continental name as make reappeared and continued to be the make of the Mark automobiles until the 1986 Lincolnization of the by then, Mark VII and mid-sized sedan Continental. From 1986 the former Continental Mark VII became the Lincoln Mark VII and the Continental became the Lincoln Continental.
Ford Executive and Ford employee since 1963, automotive historian and automotive expert witness to the United States Government in the case of Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. Versus The United States, James K Wagner, will attest to this fact. His 1987 Crestline Series book The cars of Lincoln-Mercury is one of the most comprehensive, precise and respected accounts of Lincoln-Mercury history. In his book James K. Wagner speaks of this confusion between the Continentals as a model and as a make, Marks and the 1982 introduced Continental often being confused as Lincolns before they were branded as Lincolns in 1986.
The Continental Mark and the Continental were ”Lincolnized” for the 1986 year-model. It was not until 1986 when the Continental name as make was removed entirely from the Mark automobile and degraded to model status for the Continental that became the Lincoln Continental. The Mark became a Lincoln and so did the Continental.
Lincoln-Mercury felt that even though it would have been effective in relating the Marks with its past to include the Continental name as a model-name after the cars in 1986 had been Lincolnized they felt it would be a too long and too intricate name leaving the car as Lincoln Continental Mark VII, hence for 1986 it simply became the Lincoln Mark VII.
Advertisments published by Ford/Lincoln-Mercury never mention such a thing as a Lincoln Continental Mark. However, to further the confusion, the Continental name was for many model-years used as a model-name as well as a brand name. For instance the 1970s Lincoln Continental Sedan, the Lincoln Continental Town Car, the Lincoln Continental Coupé and Lincoln Continental Town Coupé. Even the 1980 all-new down-sized full-size Lincoln luxury sedan was a Continental-model. Marketed Lincoln Continental and Lincoln Continental Town Car. The 1980 Lincoln Continental changed name for 1981 when the Town Car moniker for the first time became a model and not just a package and so for 1981 it was marketed as the 1981 Lincoln Town Car and Lincoln Town Car Signature Series.
To further confuse the public the 1980 all-new Lincoln Continental was virtually identical to the all-new Continental, the Continental Mark VI, shy of interior and exterior details, ornamentation and for Mark special optional head lamps known as Touring Lamps. The 1980 Lincoln Continental and Lincoln Continental Town Car shared mold with the 1980 Continental Mark VI and the 1980 Continental Mark VI Signature Series. The confusion with the public and even with Mercury-Lincoln dealerships was monumental and continue to this day.
However commercial videos produced by Lincoln-Mercury are testaments to the nomenclature principles of the Lincoln and Continental automobiles. In the video-link I post below each car is introduced with its entire name, make and model. When introducing the Lincoln, we hear the speaker state ”Lincoln Continental Town Car”, when introducing the Marks we hear ”Continental Mark VI”. Furthermore the speaker continuously mention Lincoln when the Lincoln car is showing. When the Mark is showing the Lincoln name is never mentioned, only Continental. Referring to the different automobiles in this fashion is applicable to all by Mercury-Lincoln published advertisments. See Hans Tore Tangeruds website for a wealth of Lincoln-Mercury published advertisments. All Lincoln-Mercury brochures head the Marks as Continental Mark and the Lincoln Continentals and Lincoln Continental.
Realizing that pointing these facts out would raise some controversy with the members of this board and website I have been reluctant to posting this article however I feel that the facts do not deserve to be so blatantly overlooked and it is, in my opinion, high time to issue a reclassification of all cars classified as Lincoln Continental Marks (1969-1985) to Continental Marks and those classified as Lincoln Continental (1982-1985) to Continental..
From 1981 cars are designated a 17-character VIN-number. The third character is the Make Identification. Lincoln=N. Mercury=E .Continental=R. All Lincoln automobiles are marked N, all Continentals are marked R. Hence are all Mark automobiles (Mark VI 81-83, Mark VII 84-85) from 1981-1985 marked R. Continentals from 1982-1985 are marked R since they are Continentals.
From 1986 all Marks (by then VII) and Continentals are marked N since they are from 1986 by make Lincolns.
Pay attention to the third character in the example. R=Continental N=Lincoln
1982 Continental=1MRBP98F2CY627349
1983 Continental=1MRBP97F4DY678774
1984 Continental=1MRBP97F7EY671657
1985 Continental=1MRBP97FXFY758518
1986 Lincoln Continental=1LNBP97F5GY704124
1987 Lincoln Continental=1LNBM97F7HY711540
1981 Continental Mark VI=1MRBP96F4BY658149
1982 Continental Mark VI=1MRBP96F4CY683893
1983 Continental Mark VI=1MRBP98F4DY619450
1984 Continental Mark VII=1MRBP98F7EY637233
1985 Continental Mark VII=1MRBP98F8FY654205
1986 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNBP98M0GY671286
1987 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNBM91F9HY667713
1988 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNBM92E9JY815600
1989 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNBM92E9KY713313
1992 Lincoln Mark VII=1LNCM93EXNY640489
1981 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBP93F2BY639487
1985 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBP96F6FY735107
1986 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBP96F5GY685902
1987 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBM82F8HY682597
1988 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBM83F0JY708744
1989 Lincoln Town Car=1LNBM82F4KY792263
There is not only substantial but incontrovertible evidence to the fact that the 1969-1985 Marks were Continentals and not Lincolns as is there to the fact that the 1982-1985 Continental was a Continental and not a Lincoln.
To summarize, there have been Continental model designations and there have been Continental make designations. The 1969-1985 Marks were Continentals and not Lincolns. 1982-1985 Continental was a Continental and not a Lincoln. The Mark and the Continental Sedan became Lincoln makes with the 1986 year model.
Lincoln-Mercury Commercial Video:
Lincoln-Mercury advertisments:
Album of Continentals and Lincolns (note lack of Lincoln emblems on pre-1986 Continental Marks and on the 1982-1985 Continental):
Pictures from the 1987 Crestline Series Lincoln-Mercury Cars
Further commercials on Youtube only mentioning Marks as Continentals
1969 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure pictures (note how the cars are presented)
Lincoln Continental:
(heading is Lincoln since this car is a Lincoln) nental_Mark_III/1969 Lincoln Continental Mark III-08-09.jpg
Continental Mark III:
(note that the heading is Continental and not Lincoln since this is not a Lincoln) nental_Mark_III/1969 Lincoln Continental Mark III-02-03.jpg
Presenting the Lincoln Continental and the Continental Mark III:
(Continental not labeled Lincoln) nental_Mark_III/1969 Lincoln Continental Mark III-01.jpg
1971 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure pictures
(note how the cars are presented)
The Lincoln Continental:
(marked Lincoln since this car is a Lincoln) nental_Brochure/1971 Lincoln Continental-09 amp 10.jpg
The Continental Mark III:
(not marked Lincoln since this car is not a Lincoln) nental_Brochure/1971 Lincoln Continental-11 amp 12.jpg
1976 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure pictures
(note how the cars are presented)
The Continental Mark IV:
(not marked a Lincoln) nental_Mark_IV_Brochure/1976 Lincoln Continental Mark IV-01.jpg
The Lincoln Continental:
(marked Lincoln) Lincoln Continental Brochure/1976 Lincoln Continental-01.jpg
1984 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure picture
The Continental:
(not mentioned as a Lincoln as it is not yet a Lincoln) ure/1984 Lincoln-15.jpg
The Lincoln Town Car:
(mentioned as a Lincoln since it is a Lincoln. Compare with Continental above): ure/1984 Lincoln-23.jpg
Lincoln Town Car:
1986 Lincoln-Mercury Catalog brochure picture
The Lincoln Mark VII:
(note that the Mark has now become a Lincoln and is now mentioned as such) nental_Mark_VII_Brochure/1986 Lincoln Mark VII-04.jpg
The Lincoln Continental:
(has now become a Lincoln and is mentioned as such) hure/1986 Lincolns-04-05.jpg
1981 Continental Mark VI with optional Touring Lamps Lincoln.jpg
An account of the Lincoln-Mercury heritage
Cars of Lincoln-Mercury
George H. Dammann; James K. Wagner
ISBN 10: 0912612266 / 0-912612-26-6
ISBN 13: 9780912612263
Publisher: Crestline Pub Co
Publication Date: 1987
Examples of available models for various years
1970 Lincoln
Lincoln Continental Sedan
Lincoln Continental Coupé
1970 Continental
Continental Mark III
1975 Lincoln
Lincoln Continental Sedan
Lincoln Continental Coupé
Lincoln Continental Town Car
Lincoln Continental Town Coupé
1975 Continental
Continental Mark IV
1979 Lincoln
Lincoln Continental 4-Door Sedan
Lincoln Continental 2-Door Coupé
Lincoln Continental Town Car
Lincoln Continental Town Coupé
1979 Continental
Continental Mark V
1980 Lincoln
Lincoln Continental
Lincoln Continental Coupé
Lincoln Continental Town Car
Lincoln Continental Town Coupé
1980 Continental
Continental Mark VI four-door
Continental Mark VI two-door
Continental Mark VI four-door Signature Series
Continental Mark VI two-door Signature Series
1981 Lincoln
Lincoln Town Car four-door
Lincoln Town Car two-door
Lincoln Town Car Signature Series four-door
Lincoln Town Car Signature Series two-door
1981 Continental
Continental Mark VI Luxury Group four-door
Continental Mark VI Luxury Group two-door
Continental Mark VI four-door Signature Series
Continental Mark VI two-door Signature Series
1982 Lincoln
Lincoln Town Car four-door
Lincoln Town Car two-door
Lincoln Town Car Signature Series four-door
Lincoln Town Car Signature Series two-door
1982 Continental
Continental (new for 1982)
Continental Mark VI Luxury Group four-door
Continental Mark VI Luxury Group two-door
Continental Mark VI four-door Signature Series
Continental Mark VI two-door Signature Series
1986 Lincoln (
Lincoln Town Car
Lincoln Mark VII
Lincoln Continental
1986 Continental (discontinued for 1986)
Excerpts from Cars of Lincoln-Mercury (1987)
Latest Edition: 08/11/2010 @ 16:02:47
Published 04/11/2010 @ 03:54:52, By rmbb1981
Seems to be difficult to post links. Go to this site to get all links:
Published 04/11/2010 @ 10:13:23, By antp
Links are detected automatically, no need to do something to make them work. Here it is because you put wrongly the [url] tag in front of them that they did not work. I fixed them
About the name change, sources that we had vary. If other members agree (or do not say anything) I guess we could change. But as I do not know these cars I do not know what was is the truth
One should then fix the Wikipedia page which seems to only mention the Continental make for the mkII (and now mkIII, previously that wasn't the case if I remember well).

About the name change, sources that we had vary. If other members agree (or do not say anything) I guess we could change. But as I do not know these cars I do not know what was is the truth

One should then fix the Wikipedia page which seems to only mention the Continental make for the mkII (and now mkIII, previously that wasn't the case if I remember well).
Published 08/11/2010 @ 15:16:27, By rmbb1981
The wikipedia page is a total mess because people are so confused over these models. If they would know Continental was a Marque they would have an easier time to get it all together. Did you follow the discussion on the Lincoln Forum? I tried and tried to explain but it seems as no argument would bite. Trying to tell a troglodyte that what he knows he doesnt know is just a waste of time spent smashing ones forhead into a brick wall. I give up with them. what do you want to do here now? I would not be surprised if there were to be an outcry among members if we were to change to Continental. Certainly since most people just hastly browse the material Ive presented. I wonder, what other kind of proof would suffice? If I were to get a personal letter from James K Wagner agreeing with me? Would that be enough? Lee Iacocca?
Published 08/11/2010 @ 16:00:30, By antp
The difference between marque and model is sometimes not so easy.
For me we could change it, seeing all the info that you provided, but I just want to avoid to have to change back later, hence why I was hoping comments from other users... at least few of the main ones, to agree, and so future new (Lincoln) Continental would be properly listed.
For me we could change it, seeing all the info that you provided, but I just want to avoid to have to change back later, hence why I was hoping comments from other users... at least few of the main ones, to agree, and so future new (Lincoln) Continental would be properly listed.
Published 08/11/2010 @ 18:00:52, By rmbb1981
Yeah but they are all silent. Why? Are they too civil to tell me that I am a friggn idiot to make this suggestion?
Published 08/11/2010 @ 18:41:51, By owlman
I'm no expert, but you make a convincing argument, and googling around just now for other ads/flyers/manuals I've yet to find contradictory evidence.
Published 08/11/2010 @ 19:02:59, By ford_guy
Yeah but they are all silent. Why? Are they too civil to tell me that I am a friggn idiot to make this suggestion?
There's no need to get testy like that. Unfortunately, the forum isn't exactly the most active place here on the site and I think that there are some who haven't commented yet because they are not sure what to think. You definitely make a convincing argument and I would support antp if he made the changes. Perhaps if we give it a few more days and see what others say, if anything, then we can make the changes.
I say this as a non-expert on Lincolns/Continentals, so that's why I was reluctant to reply at first.
Published 08/11/2010 @ 19:38:07, By G-MANN
But Lincoln Continental Marks still carry the Lincoln logo, don't they?
Latest Edition: 08/11/2010 @ 19:38:23
Latest Edition: 08/11/2010 @ 19:38:23
Published 08/11/2010 @ 19:58:54, By antp
Indeed, I remember that it is what I said last time the subject was discussed

Published 08/11/2010 @ 20:09:42, By Sandie
I know that generally the models in the late fifties and early sixties were described as Continental as a stand alone make. Indeed, I'm not even sure those models bore the Lincoln badge. This was due to them wanting to separate the high class and expensive Continental from lesser Lincoln.
What I'm not sure of is if this lasted beyond this time.
At the end of the day people will search for a Lincoln Continental as most folk are laymen on the subject. So at the end of the day it might be the best of retaining the status quo in the interests of simplicity if not accuracy.
What I'm not sure of is if this lasted beyond this time.
At the end of the day people will search for a Lincoln Continental as most folk are laymen on the subject. So at the end of the day it might be the best of retaining the status quo in the interests of simplicity if not accuracy.
Published 08/11/2010 @ 20:48:41, By antp
Search might be one of the problems indeed. But we already have that with other makes/models whose name vary by country or year.
To solve that a feature that I have to add is ability to display messages & links above vehicles lists with info on how to find related vehicles.
e.g. if the list displays a list of Ford Capri, the visitor should be warned that some are listed also as just "Capri", etc.
Latest Edition: 08/11/2010 @ 20:49:07
To solve that a feature that I have to add is ability to display messages & links above vehicles lists with info on how to find related vehicles.
e.g. if the list displays a list of Ford Capri, the visitor should be warned that some are listed also as just "Capri", etc.
Latest Edition: 08/11/2010 @ 20:49:07
Published 08/11/2010 @ 21:04:39, By rmbb1981
The hood ornament and the emblem that we today connect with Lincoln was originally made for Continental. Lincoln cars had a similar but more square emblem. The Lincoln Town Car started using the Continental emblem for the 88 year model. Now for instance, if you go back to 1981 and take a look at a Lincoln Town and a Continental Mark VI, you will notice there is a difference in the emblems.
Published 08/11/2010 @ 21:25:30, By rmbb1981
Originally as in, used from 1969-1985 for Continental. I am not making any statements about the 56-60 Mark II-Mark V.
And I wasn't testy really. Just wondering, how that I was saying was being percieved. I am very well aware that Continental owners of the 56-57 model will become infuriated to hear anybody claim the Continental name as marque to anything else than to their blessed 56-57 Continental.
And I wasn't testy really. Just wondering, how that I was saying was being percieved. I am very well aware that Continental owners of the 56-57 model will become infuriated to hear anybody claim the Continental name as marque to anything else than to their blessed 56-57 Continental.
Published 08/11/2010 @ 23:18:26, By rmbb1981
This is 1980 model line-up
Published 09/11/2010 @ 01:30:10, By CougarTim
I have never heard of the Mark Series being sold under the Continental make. You do put forth a very convincing argument, but I'm concerned that they are always referred to as Lincolns and I'm hesitant to recommend listing them under the Continental make. I've only ever known them as Lincolns, and my instinctual reaction is to leave them as they are currently listed.
On the other hand, I know I get frustrated when people refer to "Chrysler Imperials" when talking about what is properly the Imperial make. Following that line of thought, I would support listing them as Continentals.
Ultimately, I think I could go either way.
On the other hand, I know I get frustrated when people refer to "Chrysler Imperials" when talking about what is properly the Imperial make. Following that line of thought, I would support listing them as Continentals.
Ultimately, I think I could go either way.
Published 09/11/2010 @ 03:34:59, By rjluna2
No wonder why it is so confusing to the casual viewer
As ingo says, only hyperfreak fan will tell the apart from one model to another.
Perhaps I should re-review some of the articles from the Collectible Automobile magazine that I have collected over these years
Latest Edition: 09/11/2010 @ 03:36:58

As ingo says, only hyperfreak fan will tell the apart from one model to another.
Perhaps I should re-review some of the articles from the Collectible Automobile magazine that I have collected over these years

Latest Edition: 09/11/2010 @ 03:36:58
Published 09/11/2010 @ 05:22:41, By Gomsel
interesting debate proposed. From what I know, maybe not contribute much to me should be listed as Continental. What I have understood is that it was one of the ephemeral brands, Ford's group during the twentieth century.
Could say the same thing happens sometimes with some cars here. Falcon modifications, Chevys, Dodge, Torino, which have a completely different name so origial is known.
To round, my opinion is that they use the Continental brand to list certain vehicles.
Could say the same thing happens sometimes with some cars here. Falcon modifications, Chevys, Dodge, Torino, which have a completely different name so origial is known.
To round, my opinion is that they use the Continental brand to list certain vehicles.
Published 09/11/2010 @ 05:44:20, By badlymad
I'm not very familiar with the Continentals, but you have lots of evidence to back your assertions, and I would support a renaming. This reminds me of the debate over whether Taunus should be a separate brand or a model, which as far as I know, still hasn't been resolved.
Published 09/11/2010 @ 10:58:54, By ford_guy
And I wasn't testy really. Just wondering, how that I was saying was being percieved.
Well right off the bat you assumed that we weren't replying back because we might have thought you were a "friggin idiot." It doesn't go too well over with some people who are trying to help. But anyhow, it's no big deal now. Let's not distract ourselves from the topic at hand.