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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 26/02/2012 @ 21:06:04, By rjluna2
My Aunt emailed me several funny pictures.

Stop, let me know if you have seen those funny pictures :roll:

Enjoy :grin:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 26/02/2012 @ 21:15:58, By ingo
Huh, there are thousands...

Just one before I havt to go to bed:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 26/02/2012 @ 21:30:03, By Sandie
E-mail I received a few days ago.

And we thought TOYOTA had problems !

Don't buy BMW !!!!!

The air conditioning doesn't work.

These photos were taken from a bus window in France.

Looks like the airbags are OK though.....

Latest Edition: 26/02/2012 @ 21:32:08
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 26/02/2012 @ 21:31:25, By dsl
Excellent. I want to know what happened next for the quarry truck and for the bridge lorry. But the car on the lighthouse island, the Why is easy - to carry all the shopping from the boat to the lighthouse when it's raining. But the How is more difficult (a) there's no space to turn round at the jetty, so half of each journey always has to be done in reverse and (b) there's no petrol pump on the island - I suppose a full tank would last for several months or even years to-and-fro each day - but what then? Push it off the cliff and buy another with a full tank??
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 26/02/2012 @ 21:40:29, By atom
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 26/02/2012 @ 23:12:39, By antp
E-mail I received a few days ago.

After some time and efforts, it is possible to see another car behind; doesn't the plate of that car seem rather US than European?

I searched more info by putting the image into Google Images search
One of the "visually similar" pictures made me laugh :grin:
File: Untitled.jpg ( 100.5 KB - 3147 )

Latest Edition: 26/02/2012 @ 23:13:10
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 27/02/2012 @ 03:50:48, By owlman
atom's photo makes my brain hurt :alarmclock117:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 27/02/2012 @ 20:17:56, By G-MANN
"Looks like the airbags are OK though....."

Yeah, those are some pretty big airbags! :bave: She should be safe enough.

Makes me wonder what a Saudi Arab would make of that (women aren't even allowed to drive over there)

Latest Edition: 27/02/2012 @ 20:18:35
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 28/02/2012 @ 04:27:13, By Gomsel
Better pictures rather others

Latest Edition: 28/02/2012 @ 04:32:38
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 28/02/2012 @ 13:43:41, By rjluna2
I translated from Google Translate and I find it hilarious :lol:

Seems the Bus stop sign lettering were replaced from Ruta to Puta :tongue:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 28/02/2012 @ 14:39:45, By owlman
Puta nacional jaja :smile:
I don't get the Carrefrut and the last one, why are those funny?
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 28/02/2012 @ 16:53:55, By Gomsel
* Carrefrut = joke with Carrefour name... you can understand now?

* because the guy was in love with your toy car, indeed.
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 18/03/2012 @ 19:58:29, By rjluna2
Here are some more funny picture that my aunt sent me. It has to do with the Smart Car theme :tongue:

The Smorvette!

The Smaudi A3 AWD!

The Smamborghini!

The Smorsche!

The Smerrari!

And at last, but not least the Smustang
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 28/05/2012 @ 17:23:48, By rjluna2
More funny picture that my aunt sent to me :tongue:

First Annual Wal-Mart Car Show:
Something for ingo with his plate collection :grin:
Would you believe this? :think:
One of the thousand uses of the duct tape :grin:
Something for Ford_Guy to take a look at this :tongue:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 31/05/2012 @ 16:26:13, By toothe
I'm glad I bumped into these funny pics. They are funny alright!
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 16/06/2012 @ 18:18:16, By rjluna2
More funny picture found from my Aunt :grin:

Something for Plane lovers here :tongue:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 16/06/2012 @ 19:55:55, By Andre Malraux
This reminds me "Le Clan des Siciliens": .
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 16/06/2012 @ 20:20:40, By rjluna2
I forgot to add another one for Antoine (antp) :whistle:
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 16/06/2012 @ 22:54:09, By ingo
This is in Baarle, a village in B AND NL with a curious demarcation. Sorry, the Wiki-article is not available in English:
But the map of the boundary lines is very obvious:

In Europe there are a lot of curiosites like that, caused by the often confusing history. I still remember, what a teacher has told me in my school-times. There is only one single boundary line in Europe, which was made on the table with a foot rule: dividing the former Ostpreußen between Poland and the Oblast Kaliningrad (formerly USSR, no Russia):

Here lists of national exclaves and enclaves: and a bit different, the English version:

A lot of them were/still are in Europe. Oh, rjluna2's pic is used as decoration there :wink:

The straight demarcation in America causes a few funny sitiations, too.
Like this US-village without a connection to the US mainland:,_Washington There I've bought in 1988 the US rural postbox, which is still hanging at my parents' garden fence. We walked there on foot, because my Canadian friends are living only 200 meters from the border.
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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 16/06/2012 @ 23:02:48, By rjluna2
This is in Baarle, a village in B AND NL with a curious demarcation. Sorry, the Wiki-article is not available in English:
But the map of the boundary lines is very obvious:

Thanks, ingo :grinking:

Here is the same picture from wikipedia (German side for you :wink: )ère_café.jpg&filetimestamp=20070114154924
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