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Published 21/01/2017 @ 17:04:12, By Baube
Thanks guys :smile:

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Published 23/01/2017 @ 22:30:18, By Baube
Mixing of the brands

Buick Regal with S-10/Sonoma bed and Pontiac wheels... wondering what they took from Oldsmobile....
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Published 06/02/2017 @ 00:54:34, By night cub
It's soul.

Want to see something horrifying?? As found on e-Bay, the Eldorette!! A 1976 Corvette L-82 transformed into a luxury coupe. 2606165
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Published 06/02/2017 @ 01:04:35, By Baube

oh my.... with 1st gen Chevette tail lights.... and what seems to be Malibu headlights.... horrible way to scrap a Corvette.... :halalala:
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Published 06/02/2017 @ 03:27:49, By eLMeR
Same era as the Stutz Blackhawk, when Clenet and Excalibur were at their best, and when bell-bottomed pants and unbuttoned flowered shirts were the fashion norm (remember Starsky and Hutch or CHiPs?). That was the way to be visible :grin:
I'm not sure that 2017 "extreme" design (nor dress codes) will be more appreciated, in 2057 :wink:

Latest Edition: 06/02/2017 @ 03:31:49
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Published 06/02/2017 @ 04:37:39, By night cub
I actually like the Stutz. Maybe because I had the Hot Wheels version as a kid. The others, no. None are still as bad as that Corvette.
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Published 06/02/2017 @ 04:54:01, By Baube
just curious : after watching those ... things, is it normal that i feel a sudden liking & sympathy for the Pontiac Aztek ? :grin:
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Published 06/02/2017 @ 17:11:05, By dsl
I actually like the Stutz. Maybe because I had the Hot Wheels version as a kid.

So did I. And I still have a perverse/macabre and inexplicable liking for the car - I've got a couple of the recent 1:43 diecasts by Premium X - nice models and reasonably cheap after a bit of searching.
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Published 06/02/2017 @ 17:28:10, By antp
is it normal that i feel a sudden liking & sympathy for the Pontiac Aztek ? :grin:

I always liked that one, even long before watching Breaking Bad
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Published 15/02/2017 @ 02:23:38, By chicomarx
Not exactly funny but what is the car in this famous photograph?
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Published 15/02/2017 @ 18:45:18, By Lateef
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Published 15/02/2017 @ 19:01:21, By chicomarx
Indeed, thanks. Then brand new as well at the time of the stock crash.
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Published 16/02/2017 @ 23:41:09, By Baube
No matters where in the world you end up, you just can't deny your origins.. :grin:

Cars, winter edition

Latest Edition: 17/02/2017 @ 03:11:45
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Published 24/02/2017 @ 05:21:59, By Baube
Have a old Subaru in need for a paint job and don't want to search for it in the parking lots ? this could be an interesting option

Or if you want a little younger car and afraid dinosaurs might damage it , there is always this one
( tires still might come off if chewed by a T-Rex :grin: )

Latest Edition: 24/02/2017 @ 05:22:45
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Published 24/02/2017 @ 20:52:50, By Purzel89
If the green and yellow is not too bright its actually a very awesome looking paint scheme in my opinion. When done right like on the Subaru it turns out to be a cool car.

But to be honest: You need to use an american car for that.
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Published 24/02/2017 @ 21:31:07, By antp
On the Subaru it is nice indeed.
It looks good on SUVs & wagons, but not on any car
In the original Jurassic Park story (the book) cars were Toyota, not Ford :grin:

Latest Edition: 24/02/2017 @ 21:31:34
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Published 24/02/2017 @ 22:21:44, By Baube
Yep, Land Cruiser to be more specific
When it got published the Explorer was in the showrooms only since a few months
Still holds my personal record as i read it in less than 3 days... :grin:

Latest Edition: 24/02/2017 @ 22:22:47
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Published 25/02/2017 @ 17:43:48, By Baube
i never thought Wacky Races ( known to me as Les fous du volant ) were a real thing !
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Published 26/02/2017 @ 16:23:13, By Exiv96
No matters where in the world you end up, you just can't deny your origins.. :grin:

I'm not sure I understand it. Is it simply because it's a rebadged japanese car ?
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Published 26/02/2017 @ 17:20:28, By Baube
yep.. or more likely, because the name of the original is in the licence plate
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Published 27/02/2017 @ 10:18:42, By Exiv96
Aaah... RVR, of course !
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