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Mass change model info thread
Published 22/12/2014 @ 04:54:19, By eLMeR
As a reminder, Renault cars conceived between 1945 and 1980 had a R1xx code, not a Xxx one.
It is then technically impossible for any Renault 6 (unveiled at the 1968 Paris Motor Show) to be identified with the X18 internal code, as I already said some times ago when I was a really young Padawan in IMCDb (I hope now to be seen just as a young Padawan, without the "really") :smile:

So shouldn't we give the [R118] code to all "our" Renault 6?

Latest Edition: 22/12/2014 @ 04:55:52

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Mass change model info thread
Published 22/12/2014 @ 14:30:49, By eLMeR
By the way, this car and this one are the only R6 to be "codeless", whatever the code is (R118? :grin: )
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Mass change model info thread
Published 25/12/2014 @ 02:05:12, By DidierF
They are not anymore, eLMeR.
Joyeux Noël, mon gars.

(… Oh merde, j'aurais dû lire ton message précédent…)

Latest Edition: 25/12/2014 @ 02:08:39
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Mass change model info thread
Published 25/12/2014 @ 11:22:38, By antp
I'll batch-replace all X18 by R118 :wink:
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Mass change model info thread
Published 19/01/2015 @ 18:14:16, By JB007
Built in Slovakia for "Peugeot 207" only, not for "Peugeot 207 CC", "207 Passion", "207 RC", "207 Spider", "207 SW" and "207 SW Outdoor".
Built in Slovakia for "Peugeot 208" only, not for "208 GTi" and "208 T16".
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Mass change model info thread
Published 19/01/2015 @ 19:08:41, By eLMeR
I'll batch-replace all X18 by R118 :wink:

Written on 25 December. Yet I left cookies and milk for Santa Claus and carrots for his reindeer... :ddr555:
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Mass change model info thread
Published 19/01/2015 @ 21:02:23, By antp
It is on my to-do list (as well as the changed mentioned before), I didn't had much time back then and after that I more or less forgot :whistle:
I'll try to find some time in the next days :wink:
(I prefer doing all the changes at once, and not in a hurry quickly now, as it is the kind of thing that require to be very careful - a small mistake in a query can ruin the database and require to restore previous day's backup...)

Latest Edition: 19/01/2015 @ 21:03:11
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Mass change model info thread
Published 21/01/2015 @ 17:46:21, By antp
Built in Slovakia for "Peugeot 207"

Some were also made in France and Spain it seems
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Mass change model info thread
Published 22/01/2015 @ 02:04:36, By eLMeR
Some were also made in France and Spain it seems

Maybe JB007 was saying that "Peugeot 207 CC", "207 Passion", "207 RC", "207 Spider", "207 SW" and "207 SW Outdoor" should not have a Slovakia location?

For the "standard" 207, you're right: according to Wikipedia and (fr) (the Féline 207 forum (fr) has a blank page about it...), the 207 was made in:
- Poissy, France (2006 to end February 2012)
- Madrid, Spain
- Trnava, Slovakia
- Jakarta, Indonesia (by Gaya Motor (de). But I didn't find a lot of information about this location)

For the 207 Sedan, I think there is at least Brazil, Argentina, Malaysia and Iran, but this car is based on the 206...

(What follows is more or less off-topic, hence the "Spoiler" tag)

Seen in the, for people having a Peugeot (say, someone who has a Peugeot as avatar, for example??? :grin: ), whatever the model is, and valid at least in 2006:
Comment savoir où a été assemblé son véhicule ?
Consulter l'étiquette de pression des pneus, dans la partie inférieure il y a un numéro a une série de 7 caractères composés de lettres et de chiffres.
Dans cette série, il faut relever les 2 derniers caractères (chiffre ou lettre) :

How to know where one's vehicle was made?
See tire inflation pressure label: there is a reference with 7 characters (letters and numerals).
In this sequence, look at the 2 last characters (letter or digit):

88 : Mulhouse (France)
78 : Porto Real (Brazil)
81 : Poissy (France)
83 : Ryton (U.K.)
U5 : Pinin Farina (Turin)
U8 : Sevel Sud - Val di sangro (Italy)
U9 : Sevel Nord - Valenciennes (France)
89 : Sochaux (France)
85 : Vesoul (France)
82 : Villaverde (Spain)
FV : Vigo (Spain)
76 : Trnava (Slovakia)
?? : Kolin (Czech Republic)
?? : Rennes-la Janais (France)

Latest Edition: 22/01/2015 @ 02:07:57
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Mass change model info thread
Published 28/02/2015 @ 02:00:19, By eLMeR
The Renault Master II was first sold in September 1997(1). At this time, France still used the "old way" MY system, so I think all 1997 models should be set as 1998 ones.
1: Sources: Revue Technique, Renault brochures, Caradisiac.
All links in French.
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Mass change model info thread
Published 04/03/2015 @ 00:45:38, By eLMeR
[...] all 1997 models should be set as 1998 ones.

Thanks for the change.
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Mass change model info thread
Published 04/03/2015 @ 13:23:34, By antp
You're welcome (it seems I forgot to post here after doing it)
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Mass change model info thread
Published 06/03/2015 @ 00:08:16, By eLMeR
1969-73 Ford Mustangs Fastback were apparently named Sportsroof by Ford. I didn't find any reference for that name after 1973.
Not all concerned cars have a Fastback complement in the IMCDb, but it happens to at least 31 1969-73 Mustangs.
/!\ The 2 first cars are a "Ford Cobra" and a Galaxie. I don't know if these have to be changed /!\

For now, only 13 Mustangs have the Sportsroof complement (I dream of a AND WHERE search :smile: )

Sportsroof was apparently also used on other Ford fastback cars of that era (Torino, Fairlane?), but I didn't find (nor did search :wink: ) a lot about these.

Sources: (via Wikipedia) and
(Picture found in the CurbsideClassic article mentionned above. Click to see the 'Sportsroof' mention in the bottom left part of the ad)
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Mass change model info thread
Published 06/03/2015 @ 13:41:40, By rjluna2
If I recall correctly, Ford switched from Fastback to Sportsroof body style nomenclature between 1967, 1968 or 1969 model years :think:

Latest Edition: 06/03/2015 @ 13:42:14
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Mass change model info thread
Published 06/03/2015 @ 16:00:25, By eLMeR
That's what I said: I didn't search for other models. All I know is that 1969 is the first MY given for the Mustang change (see And look at the taillights, the ad above shows a 1970 model :wink:
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Mass change model info thread
Published 28/03/2015 @ 03:13:30, By eLMeR
International 4000 trucks should be renamed as 4000-Series.
With a 1989 default year, for pain in the hair splitting specialists like me? :grin:
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Mass change model info thread
Published 28/03/2015 @ 10:33:29, By antp
With 13 vehicles to change, that's the kind of task that could be done manually
(well sometimes I do it manually rather than doing a SQL query for changing, it with always the risk of making an error :D)
I can do it via SQL, but later, as now I'm not yet fully awake :whistle:

Latest Edition: 28/03/2015 @ 10:34:55
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Mass change model info thread
Published 29/03/2015 @ 19:28:57, By Gamer
Mercedes wagons should be listed as [T***], [S***] for coupes and [A***] for convertibles.
Oh, and Opel Corsa A sedans should be listed as TR, not TR

An idea that I proposed and unfortunately no one accepted was listing Class C motorhomes by their body builders.
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Mass change model info thread
Published 29/03/2015 @ 22:44:52, By antp
Only recent Mercedes use non-W codes (except the C107/R107)
For the Corsa, all those listed as sedan have TR in the model name, no? That was fixed long time ago.
Or else post links for the wrongly listed ones.

Latest Edition: 29/03/2015 @ 22:45:16
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Mass change model info thread
Published 31/03/2015 @ 03:50:33, By eLMeR
This is a question rather than a change request:
shouldn't "simple Mitsubishi" Canter trucks have the Mitsubishi Fuso make? Is there a reason to have them separate from the "Mitsubishi Fuso" Canter models, is there a real difference?

Latest Edition: 31/03/2015 @ 03:51:33
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Mass change model info thread
Published 31/03/2015 @ 13:44:35, By antp
I guess there is a reason, maybe not well followed/applied.
Maybe it depends on the markets?

Latest Edition: 31/03/2015 @ 13:44:46
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