Cars & Movies » Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 01/07/2006 @ 16:40:52, By dwd4X4
I don't know if anybody has already started a topic on these very troublesome things on the forum, but I didn't see any.
I have a few questions concerning to Rocker BJ/Mr. Metalhead, the Western Star and other related topics. One is, isn't there any thing, anything at all, we can do about shuting Metalhead up and ending this horrorable topic once and for all? Isn't there anything that the administrators can do? Like blocking any comments made on the Maximum Overdrive Western Star page? Or block every account he makes as soon as he makes a post? And, Alexander recently asked for everyone to stop posting on the Western Star page (I am choosing to listen), he stated that Wrenchhead has left us because of this trash mouth member, is this true? No that is a VERY good reason to take action on the part of the administrators. Also, what is it in everyone elses opinion? What do you guys think it is? 81' or 74'? I don't know, it seems like a 79' or 74' or whatever. I don't even know what is being said in there! I don't even know what Metalhead thinks it is, he keeps changing his opinion. I forget what Alexander did and it would take days to find the useful information in there. It is so LONG! I posted my first comment there when I was still under the dwd4x4 name. We've seen members come and go in that topic (Freedom, Wrenchhead, Rocker BJ). It has been argued over whether it is an Autocar, Marmon, Kenworth, Western Star or even someone once mentioned GMC and Mack. We've gone through model, year and make. Look back at how incredibly long it is, even with Rocker and Metalhead's comments deleted. New members have first posted in there (Truckface, me, DeadLineAutoTheft, trucker, Freedom). And, I think I heard someone say it was one of the first movies listed.
Sorry for the long comment, but it has got to be said.
Latest Edition: 01/07/2006 @ 16:41:43
I have a few questions concerning to Rocker BJ/Mr. Metalhead, the Western Star and other related topics. One is, isn't there any thing, anything at all, we can do about shuting Metalhead up and ending this horrorable topic once and for all? Isn't there anything that the administrators can do? Like blocking any comments made on the Maximum Overdrive Western Star page? Or block every account he makes as soon as he makes a post? And, Alexander recently asked for everyone to stop posting on the Western Star page (I am choosing to listen), he stated that Wrenchhead has left us because of this trash mouth member, is this true? No that is a VERY good reason to take action on the part of the administrators. Also, what is it in everyone elses opinion? What do you guys think it is? 81' or 74'? I don't know, it seems like a 79' or 74' or whatever. I don't even know what is being said in there! I don't even know what Metalhead thinks it is, he keeps changing his opinion. I forget what Alexander did and it would take days to find the useful information in there. It is so LONG! I posted my first comment there when I was still under the dwd4x4 name. We've seen members come and go in that topic (Freedom, Wrenchhead, Rocker BJ). It has been argued over whether it is an Autocar, Marmon, Kenworth, Western Star or even someone once mentioned GMC and Mack. We've gone through model, year and make. Look back at how incredibly long it is, even with Rocker and Metalhead's comments deleted. New members have first posted in there (Truckface, me, DeadLineAutoTheft, trucker, Freedom). And, I think I heard someone say it was one of the first movies listed.
Sorry for the long comment, but it has got to be said.
Latest Edition: 01/07/2006 @ 16:41:43
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 01/07/2006 @ 21:55:27, By Alexander
Hi Conor,
I don't really want to go on about this rather uninspiring truck forever, but as it is you, let me explain:
When this image of the truck was placed six month ago it came with the name 'Marmon', an obvious mistake and I corrected it to 'Western Star'. That was the very first, by now famous, comment on that page. (Perhaps I better had not bothered!)
Since then we saw people coming and going, quite a few insisted that it is a Kenworth, until they eventually looked at the pictures. I think by now everyone has noticed the defining details, with the exception of the braindead child.
This cab shape started under the 'White Western Star' brand label in 1974. In 1981 'White' was sold to 'Volvo', but without the 'White Western Star' branch. Since then this part is known as 'Western Star' and kept producing the same trucks as before, only the badges changed.
For a number of reasons (please check them out in the thread) it is most likely that we have a 'Western Star'. They did use round headlight at first and changed them to square headlights in the early to mid eighties. (See here: )
Therefore this truck is correctly labelled 1981 Western Star.
Now about the spam-child:
It is rather difficult to shut him up. This should be the task of his parents, but sadly a lot of parents don't care. Technically Antoine could erase the user profile, but as we have an open community he could create a new user account again and again. It is a lot easier to simply ignore anything that is written by him. Don't reply or comment anything, don't even read his stuff. It is just spam, and like eMail spam this simply has to be removed -- that's all. If no one cares it will go away after a while. Getting engaged only gets on everybodies nerves. And giving in only once would be a wrong move altogether -- that would spread the virus to other cars, too.
One last piece of advice I may be allowed to give, as I am the elder of the two of us:
A quote says: 'If the wise give in, the stupid will rule the world.'
Important is to know if you are wise or just stubborn.
So, just lay back, relax and don't care about it any longer.
I don't really want to go on about this rather uninspiring truck forever, but as it is you, let me explain:
When this image of the truck was placed six month ago it came with the name 'Marmon', an obvious mistake and I corrected it to 'Western Star'. That was the very first, by now famous, comment on that page. (Perhaps I better had not bothered!)
Since then we saw people coming and going, quite a few insisted that it is a Kenworth, until they eventually looked at the pictures. I think by now everyone has noticed the defining details, with the exception of the braindead child.
This cab shape started under the 'White Western Star' brand label in 1974. In 1981 'White' was sold to 'Volvo', but without the 'White Western Star' branch. Since then this part is known as 'Western Star' and kept producing the same trucks as before, only the badges changed.
For a number of reasons (please check them out in the thread) it is most likely that we have a 'Western Star'. They did use round headlight at first and changed them to square headlights in the early to mid eighties. (See here: )
Therefore this truck is correctly labelled 1981 Western Star.
Now about the spam-child:
It is rather difficult to shut him up. This should be the task of his parents, but sadly a lot of parents don't care. Technically Antoine could erase the user profile, but as we have an open community he could create a new user account again and again. It is a lot easier to simply ignore anything that is written by him. Don't reply or comment anything, don't even read his stuff. It is just spam, and like eMail spam this simply has to be removed -- that's all. If no one cares it will go away after a while. Getting engaged only gets on everybodies nerves. And giving in only once would be a wrong move altogether -- that would spread the virus to other cars, too.
One last piece of advice I may be allowed to give, as I am the elder of the two of us:
A quote says: 'If the wise give in, the stupid will rule the world.'
Important is to know if you are wise or just stubborn.
So, just lay back, relax and don't care about it any longer.
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 02/07/2006 @ 00:04:17, By dwd4X4
How old is he? I thought he was an adult? I will lay back, there is really no use in arguing with him. What about if he should start posting spam on other cars? Just ignore him there too?
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 02/07/2006 @ 00:27:16, By antp
If he starts to do that, I would have to add a function to allow to easily block user accounts (for the moment I have to edit that manually in the database), so all admins can easily block him.
Latest Edition: 02/07/2006 @ 00:27:27
Latest Edition: 02/07/2006 @ 00:27:27
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 03/07/2006 @ 19:09:49, By user-.html
But nobody has answered my questions to whether or not, Wrenchhead is really one?
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 03/07/2006 @ 22:02:00, By antp
"really one"? you mean "really gone"? I do not think so, he did not post for few weeks, but reposted in early/middle of June. Maybe that he had less time for IMCDb.
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 03/07/2006 @ 23:07:08, By user-.html
Oh, I meant "gone." Alexander claims he had left in his post in the Western Star page.
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 14/07/2006 @ 06:18:51, By firebird86
Antp: Mr Metalhead is back, his new name is Stranglehold, check out his entries on Maximum Overdrive movie page for the Chevrolet P-20 Step Van. Im going to edit the profanity. This pest needs to go away. Thanks
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 14/07/2006 @ 11:22:40, By antp
I deleted the username, but I can't do much more.
What I could add is to force to validate the registration by clicking on a link received by e-mail, so we could block an e-mail address (but even then he could easily create a free account on hotmail or another to register again).
What I could add is to force to validate the registration by clicking on a link received by e-mail, so we could block an e-mail address (but even then he could easily create a free account on hotmail or another to register again).
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 19/07/2006 @ 19:32:43, By wickey
since Alex adviced to stop reacting on his comments, I stopped
- when I will see something from him again (spam) I will delete it and report his new nick here
- after some time he will surely find another things to do
(I hope )

Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 19/07/2006 @ 19:51:07, By user-.html
What did "Stranglehold" say.
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 22/07/2006 @ 06:46:33, By Hecubus
Is it possible for this site to block IP adresses?
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 22/07/2006 @ 10:41:54, By antp
I could add that, but it is most of the time useless as IP are usually dynamic.
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 23/07/2006 @ 05:50:27, By qwerty_86
How about prescreened registration?
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 23/07/2006 @ 12:09:47, By antp
You mean that new registrations would have to be validated by an admin?
It will work with people that put same e-mail address, but if they do not, how will we recognize them?
It will work with people that put same e-mail address, but if they do not, how will we recognize them?
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 23/07/2006 @ 15:32:04, By wickey
by same stupid nicknames probably
- I know, it is impossible..

Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 23/07/2006 @ 18:32:30, By wrenchhead
Its summer time and old wrenchhead is busy painting his house and taking care of chores that cannot be done in the winter. Next I have to fix some rust holes in my MGB. Its raining today so I have some free time and wasted a lot of it reading the endless comments by Explorer4x4 and others relative to that stupid Ford and successfully avoiding adding my two cents worth. Seems I didn't miss much. Those discussions have so much misinformation that people should be ashamed to post it in public.
The best way to handle obnoxious people is just to ignore their comments and to simply delete comments with objectionable content.
The best way to handle obnoxious people is just to ignore their comments and to simply delete comments with objectionable content.
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 28/07/2006 @ 06:38:54, By firebird86
Antoine: Please delete the account for Spiderman, this is another one of MrMetalheads alter egos. I deleted his comments and he came back with an admission of who he is and a lot of name calling and profanity. I knew it was him when he went directly to the Green Goblin post,lol
Latest Edition: 28/07/2006 @ 06:39:32
Latest Edition: 28/07/2006 @ 06:39:32
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 28/07/2006 @ 14:41:45, By antp
I do not have the password for forum admin here, I'll do that this evening.
Maximum Overdrive, Rock BJ/Mr. Metalhead and the Western Star.
Published 28/07/2006 @ 17:03:09, By jplemoine
La chasse est ouverte: feu sur... Cela dit, on est entre gens d'un certain niveau d'humour et il faut que ça dure!
Merci Antoine encore pour ce site... (ceci dit sans ironie aucune!) (et en toute amitié: le maître-mot ici!)
Merci Antoine encore pour ce site... (ceci dit sans ironie aucune!) (et en toute amitié: le maître-mot ici!)